My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 282 Waste Of Saliva

Lin Chuan hung up the phone and rushed to the hospital immediately.

When they arrived at the hospital's surgery, the bodyguards immediately stepped aside and let Lin Chuan walk straight into the ward.

The doctor has bandaged the wound on the injured Wu Lei's arm.

At this time, Lin Chuan also pushed in the door with a cold face and asked directly, "How is it, doctor?"

The doctor explained: "Although the wound is deep, it doesn't hurt the muscles and bones. It can be regarded as a skin injury. Take good care of it, don't drink alcohol, eat less spicy food, it will be fine in a few days!"

Wu Lei was both moved and guilty.

When Lin Chuan came, he asked about his injury, which showed that Lin Chuan cared about him as a bodyguard.

truly be your own.

The guilt is that, as Lin Chuan's bodyguard, he can be hurt, and it feels particularly humiliating.

Even though he knew there was nothing serious, Lin Chuan's expression was still very serious.

"Who hurt you?"

Wu Lei said deeply: "It's a master!"

At that time, Wu Lei was berating those hooligans outside the cinema. At this time, a man in black wearing sunglasses came silently behind him and attacked him directly.

Wu Lei's reaction was very fast, and he felt a murderous aura rising behind him, which was a series of dodging movements.

But the man in black's shot was as fast as lightning, and his attack was very ruthless.

After a few encounters, Wu Lei could see that the man in black was definitely not inferior to him.

Even with all-out efforts, the man in black scratched his arm with a dagger.

The whole set took less than twenty seconds.

When the other bodyguards rushed over to support, the man in black just sneered contemptuously, turned around and ran away, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Having said that, Wu Lei looked at the wound on his arm and continued: "That guy is very strong, and I almost missed it several times. It seems to me that he is deliberately showing mercy.

And I also saw this person at the bidding meeting. At that time, he was sitting behind Chang Yongchi, as if he was his bodyguard! "

Lin Chuan squinted the corners of his eyes slightly, and said clearly: "He is indeed showing mercy, because Chang Yongchi is hitting me in the face, and he reminded me that he is absolutely capable of hitting my face,

Now it's getting more and more interesting, let's go, go back to the company first! "

Everyone walked out of the hospital, but the man in black was standing at the gate of the hospital, looking at Lin Chuan and the others with contempt.

When Wu Lei saw this guy, his eyes were red, and he clenched his fists and was about to start.

But the man in black sneered, and said gloomily: "You are not my opponent at all, and you can only fight the hooligans, and now I am not here to fight you!"

After that, the eyes of the man in black fell on Lin Chuan's face.

"Lin now, my boss wants to have dinner with you. It's in the restaurant opposite. I hope Boss Lin can appreciate it!"

It's just so arrogant.

An angry Wu Lei was going to grit his teeth, and the other bodyguards were full of resentment.

Only Lin Chuan was still calm, without any mood swings at all.

Even his eyes seemed to be looking at a naive child, playing the house in front of him.

Instead, he smiled indifferently and said, "Since Mr. Chang is so kind, if I don't agree, it will be a bit unreasonable, so I will give him this face!"

In fact, Lin Chuan knew very well that when Chang Yongchi asked the man in black to hurt Wu Lei, he clearly told him that if he didn't give this face, he would continue to attack Wu Lei and others.

Because Wu Lei is the best among these people, Wu Lei can be injured, not to mention the others.

So this meal, I still have to eat it reluctantly, and let's take a look at what Chang Yongchi wants to do.

In the dining room's box, Chang Yongchi just raised his head slightly, and said indifferently, "Come on, sit down!"

The tone was as if he was reluctantly eating this meal with Lin Chuan.

His eyes and expressions were full of disdain and contempt for Lin Chuan.

It was as if he was now a god above and above, and Lin Chuan was just a pariah who bowed and looked up to him.

Lin Chuan ignored it.

There's no need to be angry with him in this regard, it would also appear that he was not very deep.

After being seated, Lin Chuan still kept a calm smile.

On the contrary, Chang Yongchi felt arrogant and childish in front of Lin Chuan.

He didn't want his momentum to be suppressed by Lin Chuan.

So he crossed his hands and said coldly: "It's really not easy to see Mr. Lin, I feel that you are bigger than our CEO of Shenggu Group,

It is estimated that I can see you in this way, except for me, Chang Yongchi. You really surprised me in this movie theater bid.

During the entire acquisition process, I took everything into consideration, but I didn't take you into consideration, so I gave you the opportunity to cut off the beard. You are just the owner of a garment factory.

I still have a coal mine in my hand, but it can run the whole acquisition so well, it really makes me a little impressed, so you can sit across from me and have this dinner with me,

This is an opportunity that countless people have been dreaming of. Sitting across from me, I think that the opportunity for wealth and development, Mr. Lin, now I will give you this wealth and opportunity,

I am willing to pay 1.5 million to buy the movie theater from you. In just a few days, you can earn 500,000. This opportunity is not for everyone! "

Listening to him quietly, Lin Chuan's eyebrows are always as light as still water.

For people like Chang Yongchi who like to pretend to be forceful, there is basically no need to waste too much saliva.

So Lin Chuan smiled calmly and said: "It's really good, but 1.5 million is not enough for my company's expenses for a month, would you take it seriously?

It's impossible to sell a movie theater, there's nothing to say about that! "

Chang Yongchi's face became more and more ugly.

There was a strong murderous look in his eyes.

"Mr. Lin, if I can invite you here today, I can take down the movie theater with full confidence. My temper is that what I want is in the sky, and I want to take it down, too.

I don't care about the lives of others at all, just like your bodyguard, or even other people around you, if I were you, it would be better to sell the movie theater immediately,

The province will lose more and pay more unnecessary costs because of the movie theater. This is not a threat to you. The last thing I do is to threaten others.

This is just my opinion to you, and I also want to give you other opinions, such as your daughter Lin Wanyu, your wife Qin Mengying, and your son Lin Xiaozhou,

Their security is very unsatisfactory. Those bodyguards are no different from decorations. You still need to protect them more carefully! "

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