After Wang Kaizhe listened to the videotape, the whole person was a little confused.

Even Lu Hanqin, this idiot, hated him to death.

How could he talk nonsense with Lin Chuan, and was recorded by Lin Chuan, making him extremely passive.

But after calming down a bit, Wang Kaizhe also thought that Lin Chuan had the conditions to talk to him, otherwise it would be impossible to bring the recording to him, wouldn't it be better to send it directly to the security management department.

Wu Lei said with a blank expression that he should call Lin Chuan now.

After a moment of silence, Wang Kaizhe still picked up the phone.

In fact, Lin Chuan had been waiting for his call for a long time. Hearing Wang Kaizhe's voice, Lin Chuan didn't want to talk to him.

He said bluntly: "I'm not talking nonsense with you, give me all the photos you have, and the tape will disappear with those photos!"

"I can give you the photo, but how can you guarantee that the tape won't appear!"

In response, Lin Chuan just laughed and said, "Do you think everyone is as shameless as you? My people are by your side, you can choose for yourself!"

Does he have a choice?

Now Lin Chuan is holding his handle, as if holding his lifeline.

Wang Kaizhe could only choose to compromise, he took out an envelope from the drawer and threw it on the table.

"It's all here, take it away!"

Wu Lei said coldly: "My boss said, make sure all the photos are here, and the tapes will disappear at the same time!"

"Get out of here!"

Wang Kaizhe was furious, and the anger in his heart made his scalp go numb.

This tone can only be spread on Lu Hanqin.

If it wasn't for this guy being self-righteous, how could Lin Chuan play them like a dog?

So Wang Kaizhe immediately called his friends in the society and clearly asked them to abolish Lu Hanqin.

At this moment, Lin Chuan also got the photo.

He didn't bother to look at the content of those photos at all, otherwise it would be blasphemy for Meiling.

Just leave the photo to Yu Meiling and let her solve it by herself.

But Wang Kaizhe, he couldn't let him go.

At this moment, Manman pushed open the door and entered.

The girl seemed to have just woken up, sat listlessly on the sofa, and said weakly, "Brother, my money is spent, you have to give me some money!"

Lin Chuan shook his head helplessly, but he also knew that Manman really worked hard these days.

I go to the library to read books every day, and I also bought a lot of books to read at home.

But Lin Chuan suddenly thought of something else, and then asked, "I remember you still have a master, how is the old man now?"

Manman was still silenced for a moment by this topic, and his eyes were slightly red.

"He died, it was Yoko who stole his life-saving medicine, so my master was killed by them!"

It can be seen that Manman still has a lot of affection for her master.

So he followed up and asked, "Your master must have been very powerful when he was young. He taught you all his abilities, didn't he?"

Manman nodded and said slowly, "Yes, I am his only apprentice, and he has always regarded me as his daughter!"

Following Manman's narration, a past that happened in the imperial capital also clearly emerged in front of Lin Chuan's eyes.

At that time, Manman was only twelve years old. Because of his rebellious character, he truanted from school all day and hung out in the cinema or in crowded places.

Because she is hungry, she often steals to eat.

Later, a bully near the movie theater put her in the door, but forced her to steal money all day long.

She is young, and even if she is discovered, she will not be treated like that.

But she doesn't steal money either, and gets beaten and scolded by bullies every day.

One day, Manman found a rich old man eating at a food stall. The old man's wallet was thrown on the table, and it seemed to contain a lot of money.

Manman thought for a moment, then pretended to fall at the feet of the old man.

The old man had a good heart, so he hurriedly helped her up and invited her to eat snacks.

Seeing the opportunity, Manman hid the old man's wallet in his cuff, got up and ran.

When he was looking at the money in the alley, the old man also caught up with him, and said with an admiring smile: "You can actually steal my things, little girl, you are good!"

At that time, Manman was so frightened that she knelt down and begged the old man to let her go.

The old man didn't embarrass her either, just took her for a walk around the cinema twice.

After returning to the alley, the old man actually had more than a dozen wallets in his hand.

Manman didn't even see how the old man moved his hands, so he stole so many wallets without knowing it.

She also knew that the old man was really skilled, so she knelt down on the spot and worshipped him as her teacher.

The old man felt that this child Manman was very talented in this area, so he passed on all his life's learning to her.

Hearing this, Lin Chuan nodded slightly and said with a sigh: "Your master is a good person, it's a pity to die, this topic seems a little heavy,

Let's talk about something else, now I want you to help me steal something, you don't have to, if you don't, forget it! "

This is not a question of whether she wants to or not, but she will definitely do it, and there is no need to think about it.

"You helped me and my mother so much, didn't you just steal something for you? Just tell me what you want to steal!"

The little girl is really happy.

Of course, Lin Chuan didn't want to take advantage of her. After all, letting her steal something was contrary to his usual requirements for her, but this time, she was really the only one who could do it.

Therefore, Lin Chuan also intends to be selfish for a while.

"I want you to go to a company and steal their financial data and tax data from me. These things are basically kept in the finance department and the boss's office!"

In the dead of night, Manman, dressed in black and covering his face, quietly turned into Wang Kaizhe's company through the window.

According to the information Lin Chuan gave her, the finance department was on the third floor of the company, the innermost room.

Manman's movements were light and quick, and he soon came to the door of the finance department.

Finding that the door was just a simple dark lock, Manman smiled disdainfully. She just used the special lock-picking tool she made, and simply poked it twice, and the lock was opened with a click.

When Manman entered the room, he turned on a small flashlight, and quickly found the company's financial data in the drawer in the cabinet.

At the same time, Manman found another locker.

The most important things are usually placed here.

So Manman gently put her ear on the door of the code cabinet, and began to slowly turn the code disc using the method taught by her master.

With a few clicks, the password door was successfully opened by her.

Sure enough, in addition to a large amount of cash, there are several financial data in the cabinet.

The cash didn't move at all, Manman just put all the folders into his backpack, closed the door of the locker, and touched Wang Kaizhe's office again.

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