My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 295 I Want To Do Business Too

Shao Hongyi's impression of Lin Chuan is no longer the same as before, he just regards him as a businessman who can order him to do something at any time.

After this time, Shao Hongyi suddenly discovered that Lin Chuan is actually very smart, even extremely smart.

He has never fought unsure battles, and he is particularly clear about what he wants to get and how he can get it safely.

Such people are the most terrifying.

Because he can always make you compromise, and can always hold the conditions for you to compromise.

So Shao Hongyi can be very sure that with the progress of society, Lin Chuan's strength will become stronger and stronger.

It is even possible to become one of the world's richest people.

When the social economy develops to the stage of capital control, Lin Chuan can do more.

Compared with a museum building project worth only 700,000 yuan, these are just a drop of the sea.

Lin Chuan signed all the two contract agreements, one for each with Shao Hongyi.

The terms of the agreement stipulate that the project funds will not be given to the project party until the project is delivered for use.

That is, you need to pay upfront yourself.

In this regard, Lin Chuan has no different thoughts, it has always been the case.

After being able to get the agreement, he also cheated on Wang Kaizhe by the way. Lin Chuan is very satisfied now.

He left on the front foot, and Wang Kaizhe came to the guest house on the back foot.

Less than five minutes after meeting Shao Hongyi, he was scolded for being completely wrecked and drenched in blood.

Shao Hongyi scolded extremely angrily: "Wang Kaizhe, how can you do this? How difficult it is for us now, we can't wait to break two flowers for a penny,

Now there are some poor people who can't even eat. An ordinary worker's salary is less than 500 yuan a year. There is a shortage of materials, resources, and funds. We are all tightening our waists to live.

As for you, you are still evading taxes, and you are still eating the resources of the management department recklessly. You are too much, too outrageous! "

In front of Shao Hongyi, Wang Kaizhe had to hold back his farts.

And he didn't blame Shao Hongyi, he greeted Lin Chuan's whole family in his heart.

He thought that it would be enough to pay the tax, but who knew that Lin Chuan gave the information directly to Shao Hongyi.

It makes him speechless now, and the one being scolded is bloody.

He was going to hate Lin Chuan to death.

Shao Hongyi said coldly: "You should pay the taxes and fines immediately. If it weren't for the fact that you need to manage the airport expansion project now, I would have to rip you off!"

Wang Kaizhe was covered in cold sweat, and nodded hurriedly: "I understand Mr. Shao, I will go and pay the tax in the afternoon!"

"I only give you this chance, if there is another chance, I will never spare you, get out of here!"

Lest Shao Hongyi get angry, Wang Kaizhe hurriedly got up and exited the room, and then went to pay the tax.

And Lin Chuan also invited Liao Qingyang and Xiao Wen to the restaurant.

When Liao Qingyang saw the project agreement, he was shocked on the spot.

The construction of the museum is also a huge project in Hui City.

It is also a project run by the provincial management department, and Lin Chuan can actually get it.

Lin Chuan's achievements are definitely not accidental. The strength of this person is unfathomable.

He said in astonishment: "Chuanzi, brother is trying to convince you, really convince you, such a big project, even if I kneel down, I can't ask for it,

We are all in business. Compared with you, I feel like a child who is still playing in kindergarten! "

It felt like he was flattering, but what Liao Qingyang said was really from his heart.

Xiao Wen said very proudly: "I told you earlier that my younger brother is very capable, and he will do what he says. If they say they give you the project, they will give you the project. This time you have to thank me well. Brother!"

Before and after, Liao Qingyang did not lose a penny. He sold the non-staple food market for 350 yuan and made a lot of money. Now he has given him a construction project worth 700,000 yuan.

Liao Qingyang felt a little embarrassed.

Even his smile was a little out of control and said: "It goes without saying, I must be thankful, I have to rely on Kawako to take care of me in the future for building materials,

I didn't bring anything with me today, but I don't mean to say that I was too embarrassed to drink this wine. It happened that my relatives came to see me a few days ago and gave me a bunch of beeswax.

I borrowed flowers to offer Buddha, and gave this string of beeswax to Chuanzi! "

After that, Liao Qingyang took out a large string of golden beeswax from his briefcase and placed his hands respectfully in front of Lin Chuan.

Others don't know, Lin Chuan knows the value of this thing too well.

And judging from the color, feel, etc. of this string of beeswax, it is the best of the best.

These 18 beeswax beads are worth tens of thousands of yuan now, but after a few decades, the value of this string of beeswax will easily exceed 100 million yuan.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan smiled a little embarrassedly: "It seems that if I don't accept it, Qingyang won't be able to eat, so I'll be more respectful than to obey!"

Seeing Lin Chuan accept the beeswax, Liao Qingyang was very happy.

As long as Lin Chuan is willing to accept it, he does not treat Liao Qingyang as an outsider, and he will definitely think of him for any good projects in the future.

But Lin Chuan also said: "Qingyang, I have to remind you that this museum project is a landmark project in Hui City.

You don’t need me to tell you about the quality of the project, you can’t be sloppy at all, otherwise, I will follow it with difficulty, followed by project funding,

When the museum is put into use, when will the management department call you the project money, you know all these, I won't say more about it! "

Liao Qingyang nodded again and again: "I understand, I understand, you said something nice to me. This is also the first project of my construction company. I will definitely do it with my heart, and I will never embarrass you!"

This meal was also full of joy. On the way back, Xiao Wen said a little unwillingly: "Brother, I also want to go into business, and I don't want to do this job anymore!"

This surprised Lin Chuan a bit.

"This is your job in the management department. How many people dream of it, but you don't want to do it. Doing business? Do you think doing business is so easy?"

Xiao Wen said stubbornly: "I know that it's not easy to do business, I've been intriguing with people all day long, you're fighting for me, but do you think I'm very happy with my current job?

The Ministry of Health Management was originally a department with no development, and there were some benefits. Hundreds of people fought unscrupulously. The most unbearable thing for me was,

You also know that I am a carefree person, but in my work unit, I have to be cautious in my words and deeds. I don't know which words will provoke people, which makes me feel too depressed! "

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