Lin Chuan said: "The next step is to start developing construction machinery, including excavation equipment, conveying equipment, concrete metal equipment, etc.,

In order to give you a more intuitive impression, you can go to overseas countries and see their mechanical equipment on the spot. With your ingenuity, you only need to see it once and you will have a deep impression! "

As long as there is research and development, Harrick is particularly excited.

"As long as I know how those devices work, I can use our existing technology and equipment to make them all!"

Lin Chuan has no doubts about Harrick's strength.

"Very good, then you can let go of your hands and feet. For the sales work on the road paver, you can leave it alone. Just give me the drawings of the core technology!"

Because you want to apply for a patent for invention.

He believed in Harrick, but he didn't fully trust the people around Harrick.

As the saying goes, the heart is separated from the belly and must be guarded against.

Back at the company, Lin Chuan immediately asked the people in the advertising department to start shooting the advertisement of the road paver.

Still advertised nationwide.

The machinery factory has also officially started production.

After that, Lin Chuan applied for invention and production patents, and named the paving machine Lilu.

As for the sales price of the paver, the manufacturing cost of a paver is about 6,000 yuan, and Lin Chuan directly priced it at 36,000 yuan.

Running a product to market is a complex process.

In terms of the ability of Zou Shumin of the sales department, it is still not enough.

But Zou Shumin didn't want Lin Chuan to think she was incompetent, so she formulated a series of sales strategies.

It's just that these strategies have no practical value in Lin Chuan's view, and they are all pretentious.

In order not to dispel Zou Shumin's enthusiasm, Lin Chuan didn't say anything.

People always have to be trained.

In the blink of an eye, in the evening, Xiang Shang actually called Lin Chuan.

"Kuanzi, Gao Huayuan arranged a dinner party in the evening, and specially invited you to have two drinks, put the work at hand first, and go to relax, and everyone's face will pass!"

Having said all that, Lin Chuan agreed to go to the meal.

Otherwise, the pressure on Xiang Shang's side is not small.

When they came to the restaurant, Gao Huayuan and Qi Wei had already ordered dishes and were waiting for him.

However, only Xiang Shang's shadow was missing, and it was estimated that he did not want to participate in their competition.

Gao Huayuan politely invited Lin Chuan to sit down, but his fake smile also betrayed his heart.

In this regard, Lin Chuan just laughed without saying a word, let's first listen to what this guy is thinking.

At the level of Qiwei, he can only be responsible for pouring wine, and he has no role in speaking.

But Gao Huayuan said with a smile on his face: "I think it is easier to go to the sky than to invite Mr. Lin to dinner. Now that Mr. Lin's industry is getting bigger and bigger, your strength will soon surpass our Guardian and Shenggu Group.

Our Guardian company, from the boss to me, especially appreciates talents like Mr. Lin, and we have always been seeking to cooperate with Mr. Lin in various fields.

I invited Mr. Lin to have dinner with him today, just to talk to Mr. Lin about our cooperation! "

This guy is kind of talking to himself.

Lin Chuan smiled a little inexplicably: "You wait for a while, our cooperation? Do we have any cooperation? It seems that there is no previous cooperation, and there will be no future!"

However, Gao Huayuan pretended to be happy and said: "President Lin is still a humorous person, I like people with a sense of humor the most, this can be the premise of our cooperation, right?

And our cooperation is more in line with our interests, isn't it? "

Lin Chuan could not see that their cooperation would have any benefits that he needed.

So he just smiled disdainfully.

However, Gao Huayuan was eloquent, as if he couldn't keep his mouth shut, and continued to analyze Lin Chuan.

"First of all, our cooperation and funds for the development of any project are not a problem. Second, if you find the backer of our Guardian Company, Guardian Company will be able to escort you in any aspect in the future.

I am talking about Shenggu Group. They are different from us. We are Confucian businessmen. They are a group of robbers, shameless and unscrupulous.

Only our Guardian company has the strength to contain Shenggu Group, and protect your industry and even the continued acquisition of wealth, and our condition is that Mr. Lin allows us to join the operation of the business circle by taking shares and holding shares! "

This is really overthinking it.

Still want to control, everything is up to them.

Unless Lin Chuan suddenly becomes stupid, it is absolutely impossible to agree.

Even Lin Chuan didn't bother to reply to him, just looked at Gao Huayuan like an idiot.

Really hope he wakes up a bit.

Gao Huayuan also saw from Lin Chuan's somewhat contemptuous eyes that he didn't care about the conditions of the cooperation at all.

So he also smiled coldly and continued: "Mr. Lin, if there is day, there will be night, if there is bad, there will be good, the survival of the fittest, this is the rule of nature,

If we can't cooperate, then we will definitely become competitors, then your talent will become the reason for your failure, and your self-confidence can only allow you to face Guardian and Shenggu, these two giant opponents,

You are also a smart person. As the saying goes, there are many friends, many roads, and many enemies, many walls. We Guardian does not necessarily have to cooperate with you, just because it is the best choice! "

Lin Chuan nodded slightly.

Followed with an indifferent smile: "I understand what Mr. Gao means, that is to say, if I do not agree to cooperate, Guardian will join forces with Shenggu Group to compete with me.

To be honest, I’m a little bit scared of you joining forces, but it’s not enough to make me so scared that I’ll get half of the benefits. The reason why I’m competing with you for movie theaters is that, in the final analysis, I’m still a little confident in my abilities.

Otherwise I can't compete in the cinema, can I? Cooperation is impossible. What I hate most is working with people to make money.

It's not that I'm afraid that I won't earn enough, but that my temper is a bit weird, and you must not accept it, so let's not talk about cooperation.

If Mr. Gao has any dissatisfaction, it can only be seen in the competition! "

Gao Huayuan's face couldn't be hung any longer, and he gave Lin Chuan a cold look and said, "Mr. Lin, you are a smart person, how could you make such a confused choice?

Just ask yourself, do you really have the strength to compete with our two companies at the same time? As far as I know, Shenggu Group has already started to move,

And because of your refusal, our Guardian company will immediately take action. You are talented and a genius in business, but you have no strength to fight us.

Or think about it, do you want multiple friends, or multiple enemies? "

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