My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 30 Interest Exchange

Lin Chuan then smiled and asked, "What is the current price of gold?"

The boss is a very real middle-aged man. He is also very lucky. He has a round face and big ears. He squinted and smiled when he spoke.

"Now it is based on the international gold price, 32 yuan per gram, and sometimes it fluctuates slightly, but it is not big, and the gold price this year is also very stable!"

Lin Chuan nodded slightly, and said with great air: "How much gold do you have here?"

Seeing Lin Chuan's tone so generous, the boss was happy.

It seems that today is a big buyer.

So the boss smiled proudly: "I have about 10 pounds and 5,000 grams here. How much do you plan to buy?"

Lin Chuan blurted out, "I want it all!"


The boss was so shocked that he couldn't even laugh.

Thinking of this extraordinary young man, the most he can buy is ten grams or eight grams, which is all to the ceiling.

Even a million-dollar household, a big boss, can only buy a dozen grams.

In this day and age, not everyone can afford gold.

But this young man just buys it all, is he here to make him happy?

The boss licked his nervous lips and said, "Young man, we're not joking, you can't sell my gold shop at once, so be honest.

Don't be kidding, how much to buy, I can still give you a cheaper price! "

Lin Chuan put away his smile, and said sternly: "I'm not kidding you, I bought all 5,000 grams, you can give me the lowest price!"

The boss's nervous heart is about to jump out of his mouth.

But he still said suspiciously: "Young man, you won't be a peer, will you? Otherwise, why do you buy so much gold?"

It's normal for him to think this way.

After all, if you buy 5,000 grams of gold at a time, everyone has to ask.

Lin Chuan said indifferently: "I also bought it for others. They want to open a factory and need to use gold raw materials. Don't ask too much, just give me a real price!"

The boss thinks that gold can indeed be used as a raw material for electrical appliances.

It seems that today's big client has really brought him a big business.

So he picked up the abacus, dialed it carefully, and then said, "Well, I'll sell it to you for 28 yuan a gram, 5,000 grams, that's 140,000!"

When he said this, the boss was in a cold sweat.

He was afraid that the person in front of him would find the price unacceptable and lose the business.

But Lin Chuan's face was indifferent, like an extremely calm lake, without the slightest ripple.

Just because of this calmness, the bosses who read countless people think that Lin Chuan is a person.

Lin Chuan immediately took out the 3,000 yuan and slapped it on the table.

He followed indifferently and said, "I don't have that much money with me now. I have to go to the bank to get it first. This 3000 will be used as a deposit. Let's write a contract, and then I will take 50 grams of samples first. After two hours, we will be trading!"

The boss is no problem at all.

The deposit has been paid, even if the business has become more than half.

The contract was quickly written, and the main content was to sell 5,000 grams of gold to Lin Chuan at a price of 28 yuan per gram, and charge a deposit of 3,000 yuan and a 50-gram sample.

Violation of the terms of the contract, pay liquidated damages of 50,000 yuan.

Then the two signed and sealed the contract and the contract came into effect.

Lin Chuan left the gold shop with one of the contracts and 50 grams of gold.

Immediately after, we went to the only western restaurant in Hui City.

Because he didn't even have a watch, Lin Chuan could only speed up.

It is better to be early than to be late.

The opportunity is only for a moment, and he must seize it.

When he came to the western restaurant, he first looked at the time on the wall, but fortunately it was 10 minutes earlier.

The waiter of the western restaurant said politely, "Good noon, sir, do you have a reservation?"

"I'm waiting for someone, just find me a spot and give me a free cup of boiling water first!"

The waiter immediately took Lin Chuan to a window seat.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and it was exactly ten o'clock in the morning when two people walked in outside the door.

One is a foreign man and the other is a female translator.

In this era, foreigners are rare, and they turn heads wherever they go.

Fortunately, this is a western restaurant, and many foreigners usually come to eat.

The waiter treats you how you want to be treated.

In Lin Chuan's memory of his previous life, the foreigner's name was Brooke, and he was the overseas representative of an overseas investment company in the United States.

Today, he will use the time difference to make some money from this foreigner.

Brook took a seat and took a sip of coffee. Lin Chuan saw the opportunity and got up and walked directly to Brook.

The sudden appearance of the stranger made Brook a little wary.

But he also smiled and nodded to Lin Chuan.

I thought that Lin Chuan had never seen foreigners, so he came to visit.

The female translator just wanted to speak, and Lin Chuan smiled in a very fluent foreign language: "Hello, Mr. Brooke, my name is Lin Chuan, can I borrow your two minutes to talk about a business with you?"

The voice fell, and the heavily made-up face of the female translator was instantly overwhelmed by shock.

Lin Chuan's spoken language is better than her serious translator.

And Brook thinks that people who speak foreign languages ​​so well must also have status.

In those days, there were not many people who could speak foreign languages ​​and who could speak such a good thing.

So this sentence made Brooke's first impression of Lin Chuan very good.

Brook nodded with a smile: "I don't know what business can be negotiated in two minutes, but I really want to hear it, please sit down!"

Lin Chuan then sat down in a courteous manner. In order to save time, he tried to compress what he wanted to say to the simplest and clearest.

So he said bluntly: "An hour ago, you should have received a message that the international gold price has risen sharply for some reason, from 32 yuan per gram of gold to 56 yuan,

And your company asks you to fully acquire the city's gold before we know this news. I have 5,000 grams of gold in my hand, and I will sell it to you at a price of 50 yuan per gram.

After that, you can continue to buy the gold here at the price of 32 yuan. This business is beneficial to you! "

Brooke was shocked, and even the hand holding the coffee trembled.

The freckled face was full of disbelief.

An hour ago, he did receive a cross-ocean call from the company asking him to buy gold.

He immediately frowned and asked softly, "Mr. Lin Chuan, how did you know that I received this order? And how did you know that I was going to buy gold,

And why do you think that I will buy your gold at this price? "

Lin Chuan smiled indifferently and said: "Because you have no choice, if you don't buy it, I will use my influence to make the gold price of the whole Hui City rise by 56 yuan in an instant.

You may not buy it, but I think you are not willing to give up this interest. You only need to meet my requirements, and I will also let you make money. This is the exchange of interests! "

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