My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 301 No Explanation Needed

Not only Nong Xiangren, but Shao Hongyi's face was very serious.

He has never said so deeply and solemnly: "You just want to do everything possible to produce this batch of medical products, because there are many people waiting to use them now, don't you understand?"

In Lin Chuan's shocked heart, he would rather not understand, but he did.

It turned out that Shao Hongyi and Nong Xiangren were importing this batch of medical supplies for the front.

No wonder their expressions and voices were so anxious.

But he is also lacking in energy.

"Mr. Shao, Mr. Nong, I understand what you mean very well. I can't wait to produce everything you want right away. This is also my responsibility and obligation.

But right now I really can't produce this batch of materials in the shortest time. I can only tell you, try to produce as much as possible, and produce as much as you can.

Every time a batch is produced, I will ship a batch to you, do you think this will work? "

This is already very good, as long as Lin Chuan can agree to the production, they are not in vain.

But Nong Xiangren followed up: "Mr. Lin, there is one more thing that I really find it hard to say, this time the materials are relatively tight, so they can only be donated to us.

You may not be able to get a penny of 50 million materials, so are you still producing? "

This is a joke, they have already agreed to help them produce materials, but in the end they can't get the money.

It is to ask him to contribute money, effort, and materials.

Seeing that Lin Chuan hesitated, Shao Hongyi followed: "Lin Chuan, take a long-term view. Everyone who uses this batch of supplies will never forget your name!"

Needless to say, Lin Chuan also understood in his heart.

He immediately shook his head and said simply: "Money is not the main issue at all, everyone should do this, but production materials need raw materials,

Especially cotton. Now my cotton stock is not enough for production materials. If you can transfer me more cotton, I can invest in a factory dedicated to producing materials for you.

I am very candid about this issue with you! "

Nong Xiangren thought for a moment, and then said, "Well, I will go back and contact some cotton planting bases and try to get you more raw materials, but there may not be many!"

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Chuan said, "Can you get moso bamboo and old bamboo that are more than 3 years old? And can you get hemp material?"

Shao Hongyi and Nong Xiangren looked at each other in dismay.

They have heard of hemp.

But what does he need so much bamboo for?

Unable to understand why, Shao Hongyi asked suspiciously: "Lin Chuan, if you want bamboo, you can get as much as you want, but what use can bamboo be used for?"

"Don't ask about this. I naturally have my use. You can do as much as you can. The more the better, I will come up with other ideas. In short, we have to produce this batch of materials!"

Also felt that Lin Chuan was very confident, Nong Xiangren nodded and said, "Okay, since that's the case, I'll call Southwest when I go back and ask them to deliver the bamboo you want as soon as possible!"

Now that an agreement had been reached, Nong Xiangren was in a hurry to mobilize supplies, and immediately got up to leave and return to the imperial capital.

Shao Hongyi was not in a hurry to go back, but had a light meal with Lin Chuan in the cafeteria.

"Chuanzi, don't look at the loss this time, but I still say that, you must look farther, Nong Xiangren will not forget the help you helped today,

If you have any difficulties in the future, he will go all out to help you, this is a rare opportunity, you must seize it! "

If it wasn't for this, Lin Chuan would never have agreed.

That is 50 million materials, and even if it is calculated at the lowest cost, it needs 15 million.

With this money, Lin Chuan is regarded as an investor network.

If you can really rely on the big tree of Nong Xiangren, 15 million is worth it.

So Lin Chuan smiled indifferently and said, "I really didn't think about it that much, I just wanted to make a little contribution to my motherland, and others would do the same!"

The implication is that he Lin Chuan is absolutely unambiguous in every aspect.

Shao Hongyi finally smiled and nodded again and again: "That's very good, Chuanzi, your mentality is worth learning from everyone, but this awareness is not something ordinary people can do.

Everyone should take you as a role model for everyone to see. As a young entrepreneur, what kind of feelings should you have? Nong Xiangren told me that you are a good person.

You Lin Chuan are really good, like your business, it should be specially protected, and this is what we should do! "

It sounds like a compliment, but it's actually a promise.

He had already clearly told him that Nong Xiangren would be his backer in the future, and he would always cover him no matter what.

How could Lin Chuan not hear this.

It's important enough to him too.

But some words are good, there is no need to continue to surround them.

Lin Chuan poured a cup of tea for Shao Hongyi and smiled indifferently: "There is a question that I really don't understand, and I didn't ask Mr. Nong at that time.

Aren't some of those urgently needed medical supplies, including medicines, imported? "

Shao Hongyi shook his head helplessly and said: "For many reasons, overseas suddenly stopped exporting these things, and now we can only rely on ourselves!"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan suddenly felt that something was wrong.

How can those overseas exporters put a lot of money and not make them?

Even if there are other levels, it is not to say that nothing is exported.

Shao Hongyi followed up: "Not only medical supplies, but many of the better imported healing drugs are no longer exported to us. Fortunately, our own drug production capacity can barely handle it!"

Lin Chuan just moved his eyes and didn't speak again.

When he went back to the office alone, and thought about it quietly, he always felt that something was wrong.

Seeing that it was still early, Lin Chuan immediately called Brooke.

"Dude, it's time for bed, and it's my own time, you can't just fight!"

Lin Chuan smiled indifferently and said, "I just miss you, I just want to talk to you. By the way, I heard that overseas export companies seem to have cut off the export of many medical supplies and medicines recently.

What is this for? Could it be that all of you who have fallen into the eyes of money can bear not to make money? "

Brooke, who was on the other side of the phone, smiled contemptuously, and continued: "I really don't know this, because our company doesn't export these, but I can ask for you!"

"Then thank you Mr. Brooke!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chuan's eyes instantly turned cold.

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