One is amazing, the other is amazing.

Lin Chuan's reaction was not as fast as theirs.

When he heard the voice, five finger prints were clearly visible on Zou Shumin's angry face.

Xiao Wen wanted to hit her for a long time, the old and the new hated together, and this slap made her very angry.

Then he pointed at Zou Shumin's nose and scolded fiercely: "It's your turn to point fingers at things between our sisters? Do you really take yourself as a human being?

Chuanzi didn't say anything, what are you talking about here? To tell you the truth, we don't consider you as our own at all, and you have to show your face! "

Zou Shumin was beaten, her head was buzzing, she was speechless for a while, but just stared at Xiao Wen hatefully.

Lin Chuan hurriedly got up and pushed Xiao Wen away, and persuaded: "What are you doing, third sister, if you have something to say, why do you do it?"

Holding this down, Lin Chuan went to comfort Zou Shumin again.

"Fourth sister, it doesn't matter. Although we are not real sisters, I think emotionally speaking, we are more kissable than real sisters. I will help any of you who are in trouble. What you said is indeed wrong!"

In fact, Lin Chuan was also very embarrassed. Tang Jingyan was obviously standing with Xiao Wen, so she could not comfort Zou Shumin.

Meng Yuelin's mood was also fluctuating, her eyes were red and she bowed her head silently.

Zou Shumin's words really hurt her self-esteem.

He could only be the one to persuade him.

But Zou Shumin rubbed her slightly red and swollen cheeks, not only did not give in to Lin Chuan's persuasion, but said angrily, "Am I wrong?

Each of them just wants to take advantage of you, who will sincerely do it for you, such a smart person, can't you see it yourself? "

Lin Chuan was a little unhappy listening to this.

He immediately said coldly: "Can you stop talking, do you know how much Sister Yuelin has helped me? Do you know what Sister Yuelin has done for me?"

How could Zou Shumin not know?

But in order to provoke the relationship between Lin Chuan and them, she still said sneeringly: "She is for money, okay? If you are a poor man without money, you can see that she will help you,

And that Xiao Wen, before I knew you, she was nothing, now look at her, wearing gold and silver, you didn't give her, and Tang Jingyan,

Now that she is a manager, without you, she is probably just a worker who counts papers all day! "

To make Xiao Wen angry, if it wasn't for Tang Jingyan and Lin Chuan pulling her, they would have rushed over to beat her.

He even cursed: "Zou Shumin, don't think we don't know your thoughts, aren't you the woman who wants to be Chuanzi, aren't you the man who likes to rob others,

I think everything is cheap, but I'm too embarrassed to tell us, you work in Chuanzi's company, what are you thinking? Kawako, if you treat us as sisters, you should get her out of your company immediately! "

"Shut me all up!"

Lin Chuan roared angrily, making the room instantly quiet.

If I don't give these old ladies a little anger, I really can't control them.

"If you say that our head should not be knocked at the beginning, then we will cut off our robes and righteousness now. I treat you all as my own, and I want each of you to be well.

What's the mess? It's people who want my money and people. According to what you said, is everyone who works for me a person who wants my money and money?

Our sisters will be fine if they can get along, but if they can't, then go elsewhere! "

Seeing that Lin Chuan was really angry, Zou Shumin felt that her goal had been achieved, so she got up angrily and left without saying a word.

No one kept her, and everyone came to comfort Meng Yuelin.

Xiao Wen also complained: "Yuelin, what did I say at that time, don't let you come so close to her, you can hear everything she said, she is a white-eyed wolf, a vixen,

In the future, our sisters will be gone without her! "

Tang Jingyan also said: "I think Xiao Wen is right. How could Zou Shumin say such a thing casually? I can't justify it with reason. I think this Zou Shumin has ulterior motives!"

Meng Yuelin, who had never spoken, said slowly at this time, "Don't try to console me, I won't be angry with Shumin, Chuanzi is right, we are all our own people.

When I have a chance, I will talk to her alone to see if she has any dissatisfaction with me! "

Lin Chuan shook his head helplessly.

This Meng Yuelin is really kind, and Zou Shumin said those words to her obviously because of her envy, jealousy and hatred.

Even she felt that she shouldn't have said that, but Meng Yuelin actually thought she had difficulties.

Think about it or forget it, don't talk about those useless comforts.

The next morning, Lin Chuan came to the office, followed by Zou Shumin.

At this moment, Zou Shumin's face was still a little red and swollen.

Lin Chuan sighed and said, "You really shouldn't have said those words last night!"

But Zou Shumin said confidently: "What I said was not wrong, and I said that for your own good. You and Meng Yuelin didn't know each other for a long time, and I didn't know her at all.

In fact, Meng Yuelin is a very greedy woman. This time, her unit is engaged in personnel transfer. She desperately wants to climb up. If she is not greedy, how can she be so keen on promotion?

Kawako, only I am sincere towards you and will consider issues from your perspective. This is my feeling for you, don't you understand? "

The corner of Lin Chuan's eyes instantly swept a cold look.

He is very clear about the meaning of the words, but he is very disgusted and very resistant to these words.

So he said very coldly: "Okay, don't talk anymore, I'm very busy now, you can go back and calm down!"

Without giving Zou Shumin a chance to continue, Lin Chuan took the design drawings and looked at them.

Although Zou Shumin was unwilling, she knew more clearly that if she continued, it would only make Lin Chuan more disgusted.

So she quickly got up and left.

Lin Chuan shook his head in disgust. He couldn't even tell what kind of character Zou Shumin was.

At this moment, Qi Wenyao brought another stack of design drawings to show Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan felt a little interesting about this design.

Qi Wenyao combines traditional oriental embroidery, classical styles and fashion elements to create a set of one hundred sets of clothing materials.

Looking at it, Lin Chuan commented with satisfaction: "It's very good. It has both the graceful beauty of the East and the fashionable elements. The drawings this time are really good!"

To have such a high evaluation, Qi Wenyao was excited on the spot.

"I thought I designed it, and I couldn't satisfy you. I'm really happy that you can give my design such a high evaluation!"

However, Lin Chuan followed up: "If you add something else, it will be even better!"

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