Seeing that Lin Chuan was so confident, Moulton wanted to say a higher price to see if he could accept it?

"Mr. Lin, since you insist on inviting Jennifer Alfonie, unless you are willing to pay 5 million FL, you will not need to talk about it, and this 5 million is just the price of a song,

If it is calculated according to the time of the performance, that is, the price of 10 minutes of performance, and the time of the performance has to be determined by us. If you can accept it, we will continue to talk! "

Lin Chuan didn't show too much expression, instead he took a sip of coffee very elegantly.

Since Moulton made things so difficult and offered such a high price, there was no need for him to be angry with others.

On the contrary, he smiled very casually: "5 million is actually not expensive. I can accept this price, but the premise is that if you want to make this money, you must first listen to my conditions.

Although Jennifer Alfanne is a popular singer, as far as I know, she seems to have not released a new song for a long time, at least in the past six months, she has not performed any activities,

Secondly, I asked Jennifer Alfonne not for her music, to be precise, I wanted her to be my ambassador for this fashion show,

And to speak for my clothing brand, so for someone struggling with music, isn't 5 million a bit too much? "

Moulton's forehead was clearly wrinkled.

It turned out that before Lin Chuan came, he had also done a very careful and serious understanding of Jennifer Alfanne.

And Lin Chuan followed up: "Actually, what we are talking about here is business, interests, not art or friendship, so I also talk about my conditions,

I can only give you up to 500,000 FL to show, but I'll give Jennifer Alfanne a song that will hit the world,

But Jennifer Alfonne is going to speak for my show, and through your influence, get the Sky Garden Hotel to allow us to do a show with them,

At the same time, I will invite reporters from all over the world. This is not only propaganda for my clothing brand, but also for Jennifer Alfonne. This is the exchange of our interests, what do you think? "

Moulton's expression was like the statue of the fountain in the square outside the glass window, and there was a little excitement in his deepness.

"You said you could give us a song?"

In contrast, that's what matters.

If this is really a good song, it can make more than 500,000.

Lin Chuan also generously hummed a few sentences, the piece of the song that was popular all over the world decades later.

Although it was only a few words, Moulton said without hesitation: "We agree to all your conditions, as long as you can give us this song!"

"You help me get the Sky Garden Hotel first, and I'll give you the song!"

A song is worthless at all, if he wants, he can give him dozens of good songs.

As long as they can get the sky garden for themselves, it's worth the money.

After Moulton went back, he immediately put pressure on Sky Garden in the name of the company.

He said to them very clearly: "Jennifer Alfonie is now the image ambassador of Mengying clothing brand show, and the fashion show that was originally planned to be held in your sky garden,

If you say cancel, cancel it. Jennifer Alfonne is very angry. Her new song conference was originally planned to be held in your hotel, but now she has no mood at all.

Before we hold a press conference to the world and say your rudeness, I want to ask you again, can the Mengying fashion show be held in your sky garden? "

The top management of Sky Garden is really a bit confused.

They are not afraid of others, but Jennifer Alfonne is a well-known poisonous tongue in the entertainment industry.

The places she had scolded, the people she had scolded, seemed to be cursed.

And Jennifer Alfonie's influence is very big.

If the world knows that the Sky Garden Hotel is reneging on its promises, it is estimated that their reputation will also plummet.

In desperation, they could only reluctantly agree that Mengying's fashion show could continue to be held at the Sky Garden Hotel.

Lin Chuan also did what he said. He went to the studio in person, hummed the song, and gave it to Jennifer Alfanne in exchange for benefits.

Until then, Alice was convinced of Lin Chuan's public relations ability.

In front of him, it seemed that there was no problem that could stumped him.

No matter how desperate the problem is, he will solve it with ease.

Such a powerful man, no wonder he succeeded.

The lighting, stage effects, etc. of the fashion show also began to be arranged on time.

Originally, it was good to use it for three days, use one day to set up the runway, and one day to let the models familiarize themselves with the venue.

The fashion show officially started at 8pm on the third day.

Before that, Lin Chuan asked Alice to invite fashion journalists from all over the world, as well as celebrities and aristocrats in Barry, including fashion critics and many fashion designers, to participate in this fashion show.

Of course, many people are also here to get familiar, as well as those exquisite pastries and red wine.

As for who ran the fashion show, they didn't even want to ask.

In addition to journalists and designers who really care about fashion, there are also commentators.

The front is full of anticipation, while the backstage is busy.

Dozens of makeup artists put makeup on the models, and Qi Wenyao and others checked each piece of clothing to make sure that there would be no mistakes.

Other staff, lighting engineer, sound engineer, are carefully debugging the equipment.

Especially the sound engineer, because Jennifer Alfonne will be on stage to sing her new song before the fashion show begins.

And Lin Chuan was interviewed for a moment in the dressing room.

The reporter first asked a very sharp question.

"Mr. Lin, according to the fashion week organizing committee, they did not approve you to participate in this fashion week, so when the fashion week is held, you hold a fashion show yourself. Does this mean a provocation to the organizing committee?"

Lin Chuan smiled lightly and said calmly: "This fashion show and fashion week are two completely different concepts. What I want to show you is art and fashion.

This is not provocation, but mutual understanding! "

Another reporter asked: "Mr. Lin, the Sky Garden Hotel charges by the hour. The cost of this three-day package is over 10 million yuan, which has basically exceeded the budget of the entire fashion week.

So will we be presented with a wonderful fashion show tonight? "

Lin Chuan laughed: "You don't have to doubt this, this fashion show is absolutely wonderful!"

When the reporters asked questions, a few people from the Fashion Week Organizing Committee also came.

Including that Joklein also came.

They didn't come to stop Lin Chuan from holding a fashion show, but to watch the fun.

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