Emotions that are too weak will eventually be hurt.

Relentless capital harvesting can protect one's own interests.

Lin Chuan understood this.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan stood up resolutely and said, "I feel much better when I talk to you. You can take good care of me, I'll go back first!"

Looking at Lin Chuan's back, Long Jiapeng shouted loudly, "Chuanzi, if you don't accept him, brother, I will always support you!"

Although Lin Chuan didn't even turn his head back, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately after, he came to the brick factory.

Bamboo burning in the brick kiln made a sound like firecrackers.

Continuous firing has accumulated several tons of bamboo charcoal.

Lin Chuan held a handful of bamboo charcoal and was very satisfied.

No one knows that this cheap thing that no one wants after throwing it away will become the raw material for all walks of life in the future.

To be precise, it has already started.

Lin Chuan wants to apply bamboo charcoal to various sanitary textiles, which can not only save a lot of cotton, but also play the role of anti-virus and anti-inflammatory, which is a particularly good raw material.

Bamboo charcoal can be used not only in textiles, but also in construction, medicine and other fields.

Moreover, the cost of bamboo charcoal is low, and the profit margin is also very large.

Lin Chuan immediately asked someone to pull all the bamboo charcoal back to the textile factory.

It is not so easy to make bamboo charcoal fibers. First, the fired dry bamboo charcoal must be powdered.

It is then dissolved through a series of technologies and synthesized into carbon fibers.

After that, a series of process technologies are required, such as stretching, strengthening hardness and so on.

Fortunately, the new textile equipment can process these.

The key technologies are handed over to technicians, who can guide workers to produce.

Busy until six o'clock in the evening, Lin Chuan washed his face and headed to the Southern Hotel.

At seven o'clock, Gao Huayuan didn't come until half past seven.

There were also two fashionably dressed and demonic women beside him.

Gao Huayuan is a womanizer himself, and he still has money in his hand, and many women are willing to lean on him.

After all, it's for the money.

When Gao Huayuan met Lin Chuan this time, he was not as polite as last time.

He was not ashamed at all for being late, but instead he smiled and said, "You came very early. I thought you weren't there. Did you order something?"

Lin Chuan wasn't angry either, just watched him pretend.

Gao Huayuan lit a cigarette and looked at Lin Chuan with a playful look.

"You know that this is Lin Chuan, the most famous boss in Hui City. Not only does the company do a good job, but the clothes are also well designed. Recently, they held a fashion show in country F, and they were all on TV!"

Both women looked at Lin Chuan in surprise, their eyes firing.

Lin Chuan didn't even look at them, and knew that Gao Huayuan was not praising him at all, but mocking him.

Gao Huayuan flicked the cigarette ash in a dashing manner, as if he was very remarkable, and said, "In the entire Hui City, there are not many people who can be invited to dinner by Boss Lin.

But he invited me to dinner, you know why not? "

The women shook their heads and looked at Gao Huayuan curiously.

He continued: "Because Boss Lin is in trouble now, only I can help him, so he has to listen to me, invite me to dinner, and also ask me to give him face,

If the business is doing well, it is better to be a good person. No matter how big the boss is, it is useless in the face of strength. "

Lin Chuan didn't say a word, it just depends on how long he can be arrogant.

However, Gao Huayuan thought that Lin Chuan had nothing to say. The more so, the more he enjoyed the feeling of riding on Lin Chuan's head.

After sneering, Gao Huayuan said bluntly: "Boss Lin, in fact, we could have discussed cooperation well, but you have to look at the strength of our Guardian company.

Now you know that I sit down and talk, you say you are cheap? "

However, Lin Chuan just twitched his eyebrows and continued to look at Gao Huayuan with a smile, just like a lake with still water, despite the rain and the wind, there was no ripple.

Instead, it reflected Gao Huayuan's face, which was so ugly and shameless.

But Gao Huayuan seemed to think that he was not shameless enough, and said even more shamelessly: "Boss Lin, you have turned over your cards, and you have no more cards to play.

It's very simple, cooperate with our Guardian Company, and our Guardian Company will take an exclusive 80% of the shares, giving you 20% is based on the fact that you have invested a lot in the early stage,

You have to agree now, and you have to agree if you don't agree, otherwise your project will not go on! "

Hearing this, Lin Chuan finally nodded slightly.

Then he said coldly: "Mr. Gao, you may be thinking too much, I asked you to meet today, just to tell you face to face,

If there was a little idea of ​​cooperating with you before, then there is no such thing now, and my Mengying company will never be able to cooperate with your Guardian company.

I'm really sorry to let you guys operate so many tricks. In the end, it's my card that wins! "

Gao Huayuan's facial features were gloomy, and he was shocked and angry in his heart.

What the hell was Lin Chuan thinking?

Could it be that he is playing with jade pieces rather than tiles?

Can't develop it yourself, and don't let others develop it?

"Boss Lin, I think you should think about it carefully. Only by cooperating with our Guardian Company can you continue to go on. Otherwise, your business path will soon be cut off, and you won't even have a chance to cry!"

Without speculating, Lin Chuan got up slowly, and the tall figure was firm and burly under the illumination of the light.

He smiled indifferently and said, "I won't order any more dishes. Northerners are not used to southern dishes, so let's say goodbye!"

Gao Huayuan also got up angrily and shouted viciously at Lin Chuan's back: "This is your last chance, do you really think you are our opponent? Lin Chuan, Lin Chuan..."

No matter what he said, Lin Chuan didn't even look back.

There is no need to waste time with him.

Guardian is a son of a bitch who can never get enough to feed, and still wants 80% of the shares.

Do they really think that this means can suppress him?

Simply ridiculous.

Back home, Lin Chuan patted his stomach and smiled, "Daughter-in-law, hurry up and get some food for my husband, I'm hungry!"

Qin Mengying quickly took out the vermicelli and canned food from the refrigerator, and said, "Didn't you go to dinner tonight? Why did you come back hungry?"

Lin Chuan said disdainfully, "I don't eat anything, and I don't want to eat with him, Gao Huayuan, I feel ashamed!"

It seems that there is still no result, Qin Mengying sighed slightly and said: "The head of the family, what about the cinema project?"

"I have my own tricks, as long as I want to do it, no one can stop me!"

Lin Chuan smiled confidently, having already made up his mind.

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