Shenggu Group also has investment projects in Hui City, including two major projects of pharmaceutical raw material production and metal exploration.

It has to be said that Shenggu Group is still very worthy of recognition in terms of operation.

Hui City itself is not a large plain industrial city. To be precise, it is an agricultural and manufacturing city.

Among all the cities in the province, there are the most villages and towns around Huihui.

Therefore, the planting industry can be regarded as a relatively important industrial project in Huizhou.

It's just that in this era, the planting industry is only limited to the scope of a few agricultural products, and herbal medicine planting is still a leading industry.

Shenggu Group has a very large herbal wholesale market in the provincial capital.

Therefore, they are also creating their own industrial chain and want to monopolize the herbal medicine market through large-scale herbal cultivation.

Everyone is playing capital, Lin Chuan knows what they are playing at a glance?

Lin Chuan looked at the schedule for the past two days. There was no important arrangement. He decided to go to Shangdian Town to see the situation in person.

And this trip to Shangdian Town must be kept secret, and no one can know about it.

So Lin Chuan decided to leave early in the morning, without taking anyone with him, he went alone.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan continued to read the information.

It turns out that Chang Yongchi has a very good lover here, a staff member of the Geological Resources Management Department, named Xuan Rongzhen.

According to the data, Chang Yongchi has a family in the provincial capital, but he and Xuan Rongzhen also have a family in Hui city.

Lin Chuan specially extracted Xuan Rongzhen's information.

Every woman has something to covet, and Xuan Rongzhen is no exception.

She covets not only vanity and money, but also a rich and colorful emotional life.

Therefore, Xuan Rongzhen actually has another lover, and she often has private meetings with this lover.

It's just that this woman's scheming is very cautious, and Chang Yongchi has never found anything.

Seeing this, the corners of Lin Chuan's mouth slightly curved into a disdainful smile.

Everyone has a fatal weakness, but this Chang Yongchi is much more special.

In addition to these, Chang Yongchi and Xuan Rongzhen actually like to speculate in foreign exchange.

This made Lin Chuan's eyes twinkle.

They still have this hobby, so it's easier to solve.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan burned all the information, leaving only two photos.

One is a photo of Chang Yongchi, and the other is a photo of Xuan Rongzhen dating her lover.

Just when Lin Chuan was thinking about the overall layout, the phone suddenly rang.

Lin Chuan picked up the receiver, and a very familiar and special voice sounded from the opposite side, with a hint of temptation in the hoarseness.

"Mr. Lin Chuan, I'm Catherine, and now I'm staying at your Mengying Hotel. This time I'm in Hui City, but no one knows about it. It's a private visit. I hope to meet you!"

Want to see him?

But Lin Chuan felt that this Catherine was trying to humiliate him once.

But Lin Chuan did not refuse, and agreed very happily. An hour later, they met at the coffee shop of Mengying Hotel.

See what she's up to.

After the phone was put down, Shang Jiaxiu pushed open the door, saying that there was a man named Li Guoqiang who wanted to see him.

In the reception room, this old seventh uncle, a typical old man from the countryside, came to the city, looked at the luxury of the room, and tsk tsk in admiration.

He also pressed the sofa hard with his hands, wondering why the sofa was so soft.

I smelled the fragrant tea leaves again, and I kept sighing in my heart, it's good to be rich.

Lin Chuan pushed in the door, and Li Guoqiang hurriedly got up.

"Uncle Seventh, you're welcome, sit down and talk!"

Helping Li Guoqiang sit on the sofa, Lin Chuan smiled and said, "Uncle Seventh, why didn't you call me in advance, so I can arrange to pick you up!"

Li Guoqiang also smiled and said: "I'm not a character, I still use it, but you are capable now, and you have built such a big family business.

No wonder the people in the town say that the current Lin Chuan is amazing, I see it as expected, yes, your kid is really good! "

Lin Chuan just smiled humbly: "Old Seventh Uncle, I'm just doing a little business. By the way, how are you arranging for the grain processing factory?"

Of course I'm here to speak the truth.

Li Guoqiang took out a crumpled notebook from his torn briefcase.

As if reporting to work, he started to read.

"Dear Boss Lin Chuan, first of all, on behalf of all the townspeople in Lingdong Town, I would like to thank you for investing in a grain processing plant in the town. At present, there are 170,000 mu of grain planting farmland in the town.

The annual output can reach 65 million kilograms of grain, which is absolutely suitable for the needs of grain processing plants, we…”

Lin Chuan couldn't help laughing bitterly, and then interrupted: "Old Seventh Uncle, you don't need to be so formal, just talk to me, you don't need to be like making a report,

Well, how much land can you grant me to build a factory, and how much labor can you give me, just tell me about it! "

Old Seventh Uncle simply threw the notebook back into the briefcase, and said directly: "Kuanzi, as much area as you want to build the factory, I will give you as much area as possible.

The most important thing right now is the labor force. We will give you as much as you want. We are absolutely unambiguous! "

It's probably not much use to ask.

Lin Chuan could only smile indifferently and said, "Well, Uncle Seventh, tomorrow I will arrange for someone to go to the town to evaluate the investment budget, as well as the location of the factory, etc.,

When I get the capital evaluation report, I will invest immediately. These are all fine. Now I also want to know how Qin Zhensheng is working these days. "

Li Guoqiang said with a cold face: "I stared at him in awe, I dared to gamble and drink, I broke his leg!"

It would be nice if Qin Zhensheng could really quit gambling.

As for quitting drinking, there is no need to force him, it's okay to drink a little at ordinary times.

Lin Chuan immediately asked Shang Jiaxiu to take Li Guoqiang to a restaurant for dinner, and then arranged a guest house for him to rest for the night.

Seeing that it was almost time, Lin Chuan came to the coffee shop of Mengying Hotel.

Although it is his own hotel, it is the first time that Lin Chuan has come to the cafe here.

In the past, when the hotel was Wang Kaizhe's property, there were no such dining and entertainment facilities at all.

After he took over, he added it later, and the effect was particularly good.

In such a high-end place, the people who come here are also rich people and foreigners.

Catherine's black and sexy bodybuilding outfit, with long golden hair scattered all over her head, was very eye-catching in the cafe.

In fact, Catherine has only been to the fitness center, and she didn't think about changing her clothes. She felt that this kind of dress was more sexy.

This also caused everyone present to stare at her figure from time to time.

I feel that foreigners are open, shameless, and can wear any clothes to show their eyes.

But in Lin Chuan's eyes, this is all outdated dress.

After sitting down, Lin Chuan asked indifferently, "Miss Catherine, I don't have much time here, so you should just say it directly!"

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