My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 354 Layout The Future

Lin Chuan would like to hear his terms and see if he can really get the cotton for nothing.

Of course, Lin Chuan is also very clear that the conditions for giving away 340 million cotton for free cannot be simple.

Ridokson said immediately: "Your assessment of the rate cut and depreciation per dollar was very accurate. As a member of the Black Gold Capital Organization, I want to establish a special cooperation method with you.

I can give you everything you want for free, and you give me all the financial news alone, that's my condition! "

Lin Chuan just smiled calmly.

The tentacles of the Black Gold Capital Organization were longer than he thought.

Even Ridokson was a member of them.

It is no wonder that in the future, this organization can arbitrarily launch an economic crisis or manipulate a capital harvest.

Because of their members all over the world, it is very easy to do so.

But Ridokson seems to be a more selfish person. He just wants to make a fortune himself, and doesn't want to follow the collective.

However, Lin Chuan considered that he had to be cautious and must not fall into any traps.

So he simply told Ridokson what he thought.

"My invitation to the Black Gold Capital Organization has always been rejected, but for Mr. Ridoxson, I can consider unilateral cooperation with you,

But I'm just thinking about it, it's not that I have promised you, but if there is a chance, I can still give you some suggestions! "

What Ridokson wanted was Lin Chuan's words.

He also knew that Lin Chuan never wanted to join a capital organization to play with the world's economy, so this was also his chance.

At that time, he was quite shocked to know that Lin Chuan could accurately analyze the interest rate cut per yuan and the past.

While shocked, what he saw was also innumerable wealth.

So Ridoksson was amazed that Lin Chuan would buy so much cotton, and at that time he doubted whether Lin Chuan could afford the money.

But now, what he has to think about is how to make more money with Lin Chuan's help.

Ridoksson said very contentedly: "Mr. Lin Chuan, I am very happy to pay for the waiting time, and I will give you this 200,000 tons of cotton. I hope we can become partners in the future!"

Since he wants to give it so much, then take it.

Lin Chuan also smiled indifferently: "Since Mr. Ridoxson is so sincere, I will not refuse. I will accept the cotton. When the time is right, I will provide you with new capital advice!"

In any case, when dealing with these dead foreigners, you have to be careful at all times.

And you can't make any explicit promises casually.

At most, it can be a human relationship.

The phone hangs up, and Lin Chuan shoves Riddock's note into his planning notes.

And with these 200,000 tons of cotton, a big problem can be solved.

At this moment, Xi Xiaolei pushed in the door and said angrily, "Mr. Lin, Danshi Port called to prevent the freighter pulling cotton from docking.

The reason they gave was that the port could not handle so much cargo, and they asked the freighter to divert to the port, but our transportation cost would double.

And from a long-term perspective, we now have import and export cooperation with more than 20 countries. If this happens every time, our business will also be affected! "

Lin Chuan first looked at the time, then got up and said, "You can contact the freighter and let them wait. I'm going to Danshi Port in person. You can call Zhao Nianshun, Shang Jiaxiu and Wu Lei with me!"

Xi Xiaolei hurried to prepare, this was her first business trip with Lin Chuan, and she was still very excited.

After that, Lin Chuan said hello to Qin Mengying, and the group immediately set off for Dan City.

On the way to Dan City, Lin Chuan briefly held a small meeting for everyone.

"I have 20 square kilometers of land by the sea in Dan City, which I exchanged for 5 million tons of coal, and the current Dan City Port is not within my land,

Then we will create a port ourselves, because we do not have a branch in Dan City, so go to Dan City, and everyone will give some advice! "

Zhao Nianshun followed up and said, "You can do construction anytime, anywhere. You can eat and live in a work shed, you don't need a branch, and you can recruit local bricklayers. This is no problem!"

Xi Xiaolei followed up: "The main thing is management. After all, our main business is in Hui City. Although it is less than 200 kilometers away from Dan City, if the management can't keep up, the business will be chaotic!"

All these questions are valid.

But now the first thing to solve is the 200,000 tons of cotton on the freighter.

So Lin Chuan and his party went directly to the port.

Lin Chuan was indeed a little disappointed when he saw the port filled with containers of various colors.

The scale of this port is really too small, and the front and back areas can no longer be small.

There are only two berths for ships, and none of them exceed 1 million tons.

There are only two gantry frames, and one is broken. Now, only one gantry frame is used to unload the containers of a freighter.

Lin Chuan said to Zhao Nianshun who was beside him, "That's why I brought you here. What is it like for you to visit the port on the spot?

The port not only depends on the loading capacity of the goods, but also depends on how many cargo ships it can accept at one time, and how big the cargo ships are loaded and unloaded. The greater the weight of the cargo ships, the deeper the port's draft area.

The requirements for the construction of roadbeds and seabeds are particularly high. At the same time, the number of berths in the port should also be comprehensive. From 500,000 tons to 5 million tons, each berth must have at least two to three.

The port gantry must have at least two per berth to ensure that loading and unloading can be carried out at the same time. The scope of the cargo yard is even larger, because Dan City has a very advantageous geographical location and is surrounded by more than a dozen important cities.

Therefore, the port here is also an important hub project for the development of the city! "

Zhao Nianshun took a pen to record and read, and sometimes he even drew a few sketches.

As for the port in front of him, Lin Chuan could only express his helplessness.

After all, the import and export of this era is still very small. If it is not a large amount of goods, this port is enough for use.

And now the port will not have much business effect, because there are not so many freighters coming, and even ten days and a half can not see a ship.

But with the development of the times, the port will become busier and more profitable.

And the economic development around the port is also very profitable.

Therefore, Lin Chuan directly wants 20 square kilometers of land by the sea, that is, he is already planning the future.

At this time, under the inquiry and communication, Xi Xiaolei met the manager of the port.

But this person gave Lin Chuan the feeling that he deserved a beating.

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