My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

362 Satisfaction With Each Other

Zhao Dongyan smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, what you said, it really doesn't matter whether you agree or not, even if Triumph Company uses your land, according to the current land use price,

Let them give you money, it's really no big deal, after all, it's all for the development of Hui City! "

What do you mean by all for the development of Hui City?

Could it be that he is running a business and doing business just to serve them?

Having nothing more to say to him, Lin Chuan hung up the phone directly.

Xi Xiaolei had been listening all the time, and said angrily, "So I'm very angry that it is so shameless that they have built their house in our yard and are so confident!"

It's useless to talk about these now, the most important thing is to solve the problem.

Lin Chuan followed up: "You give Sheng Ye a call and ask him to come out and meet!"

In the evening, in the cafe of Mengying Hotel, Sheng Ye came to Lin Chuan on time.

"Mr. Lin, what are your orders this time?"

After taking a sip of coffee, Lin Chuan smiled indifferently: "This time I'm not asking you to collect data, but I need you to do something else for me!"

From Lin Chuan's esoteric gaze, Sheng Ye could feel that this time it must be another big money-making job.

Half an hour later, Sheng Ye got up before leaving, and Meng Yuelin also came to the cafe.

"Come on sister, have you eaten yet?"

"Where's the meal? You call me and I'll come over. What's the matter? Are you in such a hurry?"

Lin Chuan got up and said, "Let's go, go to the restaurant, let's eat and talk!"

In the restaurant, Lin Chuan ordered several good dishes, two bottles of beer, and ate with Meng Yuelin.

Looking at the table full of good dishes, Meng Yuelin said, "Let's just eat something simple. Why order so many dishes?"

Lin Chuan poured Meng Yuelin a glass of beer, and said with a cold expression, "We can order whatever we want, that's because we have the final say.

We have money in our hands, and many people want to serve us, but some people don’t care about you at all, and they do everything right with you. The reason is very simple, that is, what you say doesn’t count! "

Meng Yuelin was not a fool either, she immediately understood what Lin Chuan meant.

It was absolutely impossible for him to just tell him what he had in his heart just because he was angry.

But what do you want her to do?

So Meng Yuelin took a sip of beer and said softly, "Kuanzi, I feel like you are very angry, what do you want me to do?"

Lin Chuan's eyes gradually became cold, and he said in a deep voice, "Mr. Xiang is getting along well with others now, which has nothing to do with me.

But he cooperated with my competitors to suppress my interests and hinder my business development. It is impossible for anyone to accept it. If this is the case, then I have to get my own people who really think about me to decide! "

Meng Yuelin was shocked.

"Kawako, do you want me to replace him?"

"You're right, because you're one of the few people in this world that I rarely trust. You don't have to help me, but at least you won't come to cheat me with your competitors!"

His tone was particularly firm, even with a hint of anger.

But Meng Yuelin's breath was a little short.

It never occurred to her that she would continue to climb to the top of the stairs.

And the higher you climb, the greater the pressure.

Even like Xiang Shang, he will become a victim of competition among interest groups.

But she had an inescapable reason.

That's for Lin Chuan, she should do it.

Because this is what she owes Lin Chuan.

"Kuanzi, I have no problem, but this seems to be difficult to achieve. After all, there are too many departments in the management department, and human relationships are very complicated!"

Lin Chuan nodded slightly and said, "Fortunately, I also have some strength behind me. As long as you have the courage to do it, I will start working here immediately!"

Meng Yuelin smiled indifferently and said, "Kuanzi, you didn't know me on the first day, in fact, I'm still alive because of the life you gave me.

When I was in the most difficult and most difficult time, you always supported me and helped me. Although we are not brothers and sisters, we are closer than relatives. As long as you are good, let me do anything! "

Lin Chuan was moved by Meng Yuelin's candid words and sincere eyes, and her heart was filled with warmth.

As Meng Yuelin said, the operation of this plan is particularly complicated.

But there is no plan in this world that doesn't work.

"Sister, with your words, my mood is really much better, and I will handle the rest of the work. You don't need to worry about anything else!"

The two chatted while eating, and talked about Xiao Wen and Zou Shumin.

Lin Chuan sent Meng Yuelin home in person after a meal was eaten at eight o'clock in the evening.

When Lin Chuan returned to his home, he went straight into the study and closed the door.

Qin Mengying also whispered to the children: "Dad is busy with work today, you go play in the room and don't make too much noise!"

Lin Chuan first called Shao Hongyi in the study.

After listening to the whole process, Shao Hongyi also said with a little helplessness: "Kuanzi, I never thought that your competition would be so fierce,

Shenggu Group is really doing everything they can. They are obviously targeting you, but they used the right tricks. Now what is missing in Huishi, what are they giving?

Even I can't refuse their so-called good intentions, I can only persuade you to accept it as a friend! "

The words are very clear, on this issue, don't take him as the president of the management department, otherwise he will not be able to speak.

Just be friends, just talk, comfort, sympathize and sympathize.

Lin Chuan called him, not to comfort him.

Therefore, he smiled indifferently and said, "Mr. Shao treats me as a friend, I'm still a little flattered, in fact, it's nothing to set up a cultural and sports center or something.

Even if it is me, I will do it, all for the development of Hui City, everyone will do their best, and if they build gyms, football fields, libraries, etc., I have to continue to support,

Who told people to develop projects that are down-to-earth, unlike me, who only know how to make money, everyone thinks that I only have money in my eyes,

In fact, I can do all these projects, and they can also meet my own plans. Why should I leave them to outsiders? Mr. Shao, you serve everyone wholeheartedly, and I have to support your work, right? "

Shao Hongyi was immediately shocked.

Lin Chuan's meaning is very simple. If you stop the cultural and sports center, there will be more construction projects. Otherwise, the commercial development of Hui City will be chaotic due to competition.

Intriguing and threatening, Lin Chuan's remarks, neither humble nor arrogant, made Shao Hongyi's chin tremble.

It also made him have to say: "Chuanzi, stable development is what we need. Market chaos is not good for everyone, and it will also affect the development of your business!"

Lin Chuan said disdainfully: "Is it good for me now? Every time I make concessions, but in exchange for them to intensify,

Since they don't want me to continue the business well, then I still care about who's development, let's have fun together, it's great, I won't play in Huishi anymore, I'll go to the southern open city to play,

The investment environment of other people, the urban environment is not a hundred times stronger than that of Hui City? I stayed in Hui City because Hui City is my hometown, my home, but what have you all done to me?

Mr. Shao, I treat you as a friend, and I only tell you that when I am an elder. Otherwise, I will do it directly. You can also measure it. Anyway, my company can do it anywhere! "

Shao Hongyi frowned and said with a sigh, "It's true that Shenggu Group did something wrong this time, but this is also a normal business competition. I can't stop them, you know what I mean!"

Lin Chuan on the phone side narrowed his eyes immediately.

He smiled in his heart: "This Shao Hongyi is really an old fox!"

Lin Chuan immediately smiled and said, "How can I not understand what Mr. Shao means? It's just that I'm weak now, so why do I have to find someone to speak for me?"

Shao Hongyi felt that Lin Chuan's request was not excessive. After all, what Xiang Shang did was really wrong.

He had to join forces with Shenggu Group and Guardian Company to get Lin Chuan.

Instead, everyone should be angry.

So Shao Hongyi also said indifferently: "You don't have to worry about this, even if you don't say it, I'm also considering replacing Xiang Shang, you can just do your part, don't let the market development of Hui City be I'll just mess it up!"

This can be regarded as the default of Lin Chuan's request, which makes Lin Chuan very satisfied.

"You don't need to worry about it. I, Shenggu Group and Guardian Company, are just for fun. I have never thought about any excessive competition with them.

Everyone is in business, all for the sake of making money, and everyone depends on their ability! "

In this case, Shao Hongyi is also very satisfied with Lin Chuan's statement, and it's finally not in vain to talk for so long.

Just the moment the phone hung up, Lin Chuan smiled coldly: "I really don't want to compete with them, because they won't have the strength to compete with me soon!"

He couldn't let someone else poop on his head, and he didn't care.

Let them hurt again this time.

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