My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 371 Unlimited Toughness

In the office, Lin Chuan's expression was very serious, which made Qin Mengying, Xi Xiaolei and others feel a burst of depression.

"Starting from tomorrow, we will organize manpower, and within a radius of 70 square kilometers with the cinema as the center point, the land use fees of all shops and houses that trade with Shenggu Group will directly increase by 5,000 times.

If there is no transaction, keep it unchanged. As far as I know, the Shenggu Group branch is also within the scope of my land. I will call them tomorrow to inform them that the land use fee will be increased by 50,000 times! "

Several people looked at Lin Chuan in surprise.

Qin Mengying said solemnly, "Can they accept the rise so much?"

Lin Chuan said coldly: "If you can't accept it, then you can't use my land. Either move or go outside the scope of my land.

They desperately bought those shops and houses just to make my money, but I can't give them this chance, they have to take out the money and talk about it! "

Xi Xiaolei nodded and said: "I think this is very good, Shenggu Group has no good intentions, so they should take care of them.

If they don't accept it, it won't work. We can directly ask the security department to seal their door. This is our land, and it has a hundred years of use rights, so it makes sense to go anywhere! "

Lin Chuan said with satisfaction: "Xiao Lei, you're right, I'll leave this to you. The means can be infinitely tough, and there's nothing polite with them!"

This is not what Qin Mengying thought, because she suddenly noticed that Xi Xiaolei looked at Lin Chuan in a wrong way.

The woman's intuition told her that Xi Xiaolei's feelings for Lin Chuan were definitely not right.

After leaving the office, Qin Mengying walked to her office in a thoughtless way, but Zou Shumin stopped her from behind.

"Director Qin, have you eaten yet? Let's go to the cafeteria together!"

Qin Mengying didn't want to pay attention to her at first, but now she is not in a good mood, so the two came to the cafeteria.

While eating, Zou Shumin began to provoke.

"Mengying, when I saw Xi Xiaolei, I seemed very happy. Isn't she managing the hotel now? Why does she always go back to the company?"

Speaking of this, Qin Mengying's heart was even more disturbed.

She said impatiently: "The company's business is busy now, and she often comes back to help with other projects!"

But Zou Shumin smiled disdainfully and said, "I don't think that's the case. Now our company is not short of manpower, and new senior management enters the company every day.

I think Xi Xiaolei always goes back to the company, not to help. She spends most of the time in the company with Kawako, didn't you notice? "

The more she said this, the more upset Qin Mengying became. She shoved her spoon into the rice in the lunch box so hard that she even lost her appetite.

Zou Shumin saw the opportunity, looked left and right, and said in a low voice, "Meng Ying, there are rumors in the company that it was the night when Chuanzi went to Dan City on business last time.

I live with Xi Xiaolei. I thought it was impossible, but everyone said that she has nose and eyes, and recently Xi Xiaolei always went to Chuanzi's office, so even I believed it.

But these are all rumors. Don't take it to heart. After all, no one has seen it. I'm full. I'll go back to work first. You eat slowly, don't think too much! "

So why don't you think about it.

Qin Mengying's mind was originally heavier. Thinking about Lin Chuan's return from Dan City, she always felt absent-minded to her.

"Could it be that he and Xi Xiaolei really..."

Thinking of this, Qin Mengying couldn't take it anymore, so she picked up the lunch box and walked out of the cafeteria angrily.

The breath of anger made the other workers who were eating were startled for a while.

Qin Mengying went directly to the secretary department to meet Shang Jiaxiu, and asked straight to the point, "Jiaxiu, did Mr. Lin feel any different the night you went to Dan City?"

Shang Jiaxiu saw that Qin Mengying's eyes were full of coldly anger, and she didn't know what happened, so she couldn't talk nonsense.

Then he said softly: "What happened? Everyone rested well that night!"

"You see that Lin always sleeps in the room by himself?"

"No, no, we each have a room..."

"Then how do you know that President Lin is also resting well? Did you go to his room to see it?"

Facing Qin Mengying's anger, Shang Jiaxiu's mind was in a mess, nodding and shaking his head, not knowing what to say.

"Director Qin, although I didn't go to Boss Lin's room to see, but our rooms are next to each other, and I didn't hear any sound, you must have misunderstood Boss Lin?"

Qin Mengying knew that Shang Jiaxiu wouldn't tell her even if she knew anything.

So she said coldly: "If you still want to work in the company, you can tell me, did President Lin sleep with Xi Xiaolei that night?"

"Ah? With Manager Xi?" Shang Jiaxiu opened his mouth in surprise.

"That's impossible. Boss Lin is not that kind of person at all. Don't you believe him? He's your husband!"

But Qin Mengying was burning with rage now, how could she hear these words.

With a chill in his eyes, he turned around and walked towards the construction department.

Shang Jiaxiu hurriedly reported these words to Lin Chuan in the office.

Even Lin Chuan laughed angrily.

How could this little girl be so good, why did she suddenly go crazy?

"It's nothing, go get busy!"

Lin Chuan hadn't done anything, so naturally he wouldn't be nervous, he didn't even take it seriously, and continued busy with his work.

In Zhao Nianshun's office, Qin Mengying first suppressed her temper and asked as if chatting, "Manager Zhao, Mr. Lin asked me to tell you that the movie theater will start work in the next few days.

He makes you ready to start work, and when the budget is made, start work immediately! "

Zhao Nianshun had no other intentions at first, so he smiled and said, "I have already prepared it here!"

Qin Mengying followed up: "By the way, Manager Zhao, the engineering manager in Dan City also said that after the exploration is completed, the construction will start. When you went to Dan City, did you all go to see it on the spot?"

"Look, the place is very nice and the environment is also very good. Lin always likes that place very much!"

Hearing this, Qin Mengying sighed and said, "Mr. Lin can't sleep well after changing the bed. The night you went to live in Dan City, I was afraid that he would not sleep well and someone would disturb him again!"

Zhao Nianshun smiled and said, "You think too much. No one bothers President Lin. That night, President Lin and Manager Xi changed rooms to sleep!"

"Change room to sleep? Why change room to sleep?" Qin Mengying suddenly widened her eyes.

"I don't know either. I saw Mr. Lin come out of Manager Xi's room the next morning. He was supposed to live next door to me. Maybe he couldn't sleep in that room, but you..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Mengying got up and came to Lin Chuan's office angrily.

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