The man shouted angrily: "Sun Xiuzhi, have you done your job? Just chatting with people here, you have some eyesight to be lazy, I think you don't want to do it, right?"

Sun Xiuzhi glared at the man who approached with disgust and helplessness, and said in a low voice, "He is the management director of our cleaners, He Jiagong, and he is nothing but cursing.

I have to go to work, or I'll be fined for wages! "

Before she could pick up the mop, He Jiagong approached with an angry face, as if he was reprimanding a disobedient dog, and reprimanded sharply: "Sun Xiuzhi, I think you just don't want to do it anymore,

The fart is bigger, you haven't done a good job yet. Don't you know that an important person is coming to the airport today? What would he think if he saw you dragging the ground like this?

If you can do this work, you can do it. If you can't do it, get out of here immediately. Do you know how many people want to come here to mop the floor? Everyone else is working, only you are talking, do you still need to show your face? "

Even the cleaners are people who want face.

Although there are not many people in the airport of this era, there are always people looking here.

Besides, Lin Chuan was standing next to Sun Xiuzhi.

So Sun Xiuzhi, who was scolded with blushing and angry eyes, replied: "Don't speak so badly, okay? Why didn't you see it when I was working, I just said a few words to the guests, why are you scolding people like this? ?"

He Jiagong didn't care about this at all, and said arrogantly: "You should work, you can't do it if you don't work, I'm the one watching you work,

Now I see that you don't work, and I have to fine you half a month's salary! "

Say anything else, but Sun Xiuzhi can't do it when it comes to a half-month salary penalty.

She said angrily: "Why do you punish my salary? Don't people take a breath from work? You are more ruthless than the capitalists!"

He Jiagong sneered and said contemptuously: "I say punished, you can quit if you are not satisfied. I also told you that at the airport, this is one-third of an acre, and what I say is what I say.

Now you drag this land out to me immediately, or I will punish you with all your wages and starve you to death! "

Even Lin Chuan couldn't listen to this.

He glared at He Jiagong coldly and said, "What right do you have to say that if you punish others' wages, you will punish others' wages. Are you the manager or the boss of the airport? It's too much, isn't it?"

He Jiagong looked Lin Chuan up and down, and said with disdain in his eyes: "I educate my workers, what does it have to do with you?"

"Your rude and arrogant behavior has something to do with me. You not only discriminate against workers, but also punish workers casually. Is this how your airport executives manage?"

Under Lin Chuan's stern questioning, He Jiagong laughed nonchalantly and said, "I don't know if the executives are not executives, anyway, that's how I manage,

Let me tell you the truth, the managers of the airport are my relatives. In this airport, apart from the manager, I am the biggest, and what I say is what I say! "

So it is, no wonder he is so arrogant, it is Tao Jinsong who supports him to dare to do so.

Lin Chuan also sneered, there is no need to talk to him.

Because he will get out of this airport soon.

He turned around and smiled at Sun Xiuzhi indifferently: "You don't have to be afraid of him, no one can punish you for your salary, that's what I said!"

Sun Xiuzhi was also full of doubts, and she was also asking who this young man was. It was a bit too big.

It may also be because of this, I have to say that, I can save some face anyway.

After all, he was speaking for her, so he couldn't watch him choke on it.

So Sun Xiuzhi pulled Lin Chuan aside and persuaded very frankly: "This gentleman, you don't have to argue with him because of me, the manager of the airport is indeed his relative.

Usually we are used to it. In order to keep this job, we have to recognize our fines. If you catch a plane, go quickly, I don't care! "

Lin Chuan smiled indifferently and said, "If I leave like this, this guy will be even more arrogant, and he must be taught a lesson!"

He Jiagong said with great contempt: "Teach me a lesson, who do you think you are, and if you provoke me, you will never be able to fly in your life!"

Lin Chuan wanted to laugh a little.

"You are just a relative of the airport manager. Could it be that your power is so great that the airports all over the world will listen to you? Maybe you are almost running out of power at this airport!"

Before He Jiagong could speak, Shang Jiaxiu brought the vice president of the airport and the director of the operation department to the front.

Vice President Jia Shengrui stared fiercely at He Jiagong with a pair of cold eyes under his thick eyebrows.

"Why are you talking nonsense to President Lin here?"

"President Lin, who is President Lin?"

He Jiagong was shocked.

He knew that Mr. Lin Chuan from Mengying Company would come to the airport for work reception today, but who is Mr. Lin?

His eyes suddenly fell on Lin Chuan's face.

I was shocked.

No, he is President Lin, right?

Ju Yangui next to him looked at Lin Chuan, and said to He Jiagong coldly, "This is the president of Mengying Group and the boss of our airport, Lin Chuan!"

He Jiagong felt the biting coolness from his forehead to his knees instantly, and immediately took away all the support from his legs, almost kneeling in front of Lin Chuan.

Playing with guns every day, but today he stuffed himself into the barrel of the gun.

He is also outspoken and shamelessly pretending to be forced by Lin Chuan.

Not only him, but even Sun Xiuzhi behind him opened his mouth in surprise.

She's just a humble cleaner, and it's like a dream to be able to talk to the real big boss today.

And Lin Chuan just looked at He Jiagong with a sneer.

"Isn't it that I can't take a plane in my life? Didn't you say that the airport is what you say? Then I'll be your boss too!"

He Jiagong was frightened into a cold sweat, as if he had taken a shower, his clothes were soaked instantly.

The expression is more like a certain part of the god's body is in severe pain, and even the facial features are distorted.

Even more humble and cowardly, he said: "Mr. Lin, I have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, and I'm talking nonsense. You can treat me as a lunatic, a fool, don't have the same knowledge as me!"

This was given to Jia Shengrui, and Ju Yangui looked at each other in dismay.

Jia Shengrui immediately asked politely, "Mr. Lin, what happened?"

Lin Chuan elaborated on how He Jiagong found fault and punished workers' wages.

After listening, Jia Shengrui directly looked at He Jiagong with a sneer, and laughed with contempt: "Do you still think that the relative of your family covers the sky with only one hand at the airport?

You still think that you have someone here to support you, how can you still do something wrong? Don't say anything, pack up your things, get out, people like you are no longer needed here! "

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