Shao Hongyi said slowly: "Everyone feels that they have a reason to do this, and your competition is reasonable, but now the right to speak is not with you and me,

I can help you carry some, but I can’t turn a blind eye to higher-level orders. I won’t interfere in your competition, but you must resolve this conflict as soon as possible while I can still carry it.

Now the Guardian Company can be said to have given all the pressure it can give. Now many of their industries are waiting for this coal, and your knife will hurt them very much.

If they can't stand it, the pressure on your side will be very great! "

Lin Chuan understood what Shao Hongyi meant.

Now several major engineering projects in Hui City are in the hands of Lin Chuan, and Shao Hongyi will not intervene under pressure after weighing the pros and cons.

Guardian Company is used to bullying people, and if they are a little dissatisfied, they will start to play tricks like a rambling child.

Shao Hongyi has long been tired of these, so this is why he decided to touch those pressures.

It is impossible to give all the benefits to Guardian.

Lin Chuan immediately smiled and said, "My grievances with Guardian can only be resolved through capital. If you can keep your hands off, I will thank you. I will ask someone to bring you some good tea.

When you're stressed out, drink some tea and relax! "

Shao Hongyi sighed slightly and continued: "In half a year, I will retire, I don't think about anything else, I just want to leave a good development for everyone,

Forget about the tea, you still have to think about how to deal with the suppression of Guardian Company! "

The phone hung up, and the office returned to silence, silence.

But Lin Chuan kept squinting his eyes coldly.

It is unreasonable for Shao Hongyi to do so.

With his understanding of Shao Hongyi, no matter who has a conflict with whom, Shao Hongyi can benefit.

But this time, he went for the first time without interfering, which was not his style.

There must be a deeper pit behind this.

Just then, the phone rang again.

It was the call from Jia Shengrui at the airport.

In a very flustered tone, he said: "Mr. Lin, those relatives of Tao Jinsong resigned collectively, and they also took away the key technical personnel of the airport, including the ground staff and the control tower.

Now the work at the airport has been completely disorganized, and several flights have not been able to land! "

Lin Chuan not only did not have any panic, but calmly commanded: "It's nothing, you first find some people who have a little understanding of ground handling and tower work among the existing personnel.

Let them direct those flights to land first, and I'll call someone to take their place right after! "

Jia Shengrui immediately agreed: "I understand Mr. Lin, I will arrange it now!"

Although Lin Chuan said it calmly, he was still somewhat anxious.

It's no joke that the flight can't land, the pressure is no less than that on Guardian's side.

But it is not impossible to solve it completely.

In this era, although there are not many talents in aviation, it is not useless.

Lin Chuan called Nong Xiangren directly.

For some human feelings, you have to use it when you need it, and leave it alone.

On the airport side, those who resigned did not actually leave, but were all watching the excitement in the lobby.

Especially Tao Chunli, who looked at the flight circling in the sky proudly, said boldly: "I don't believe it, leaving us, this airport can play around?

Still want to fire us, let's see who fires whom this time? Everyone, watch it, soon Lin Chuan will have to ask us to go back to work, and he will have to make sacrifices for us like our ancestors.

This kind of person is cheap, if you don't teach him a lesson, he will never know how much he is worth! "

Everyone followed suit.

"Vice President Tao said it well. Now the flight can't land. Who is in a hurry?"

"I think it's not only Lin Chuan, but also Jia Shengrui and Ju Yangui who are anxious now. Are they not the management of the airport now, so let them manage it well!"

"No one is doing it, they are still managing a fart, let them go to the tower and command the landing!"

At this time, Wu Lei brought a large number of airport security guards and blocked all the entrances and exits of the airport.

Ordinary people can go in and out at will, only Tao Chunli and others can't leave, not even the bathroom.

Tao Chunli also found Wu Lei angrily and asked arrogantly: "What do you want to do? Why don't you let us leave? Now we are not from the airport!"

Wu Lei stared at him coldly, and said sternly: "If you are from the airport, you can leave, but now you are not from the airport, but gathered here,

I now suspect that you are going to disrupt the normal operation of the airport. Therefore, none of you can leave until Mr. Lin's order is issued. Keep watching the fun! "

Tao Chunli snorted coldly and said disdainfully, "Okay, then let's watch the plane fall from the sky together, the scene must be spectacular!"

He was full of pride, and Tao Jinsong in the general manager's office was even more proud.

Looking at the plane hovering in the sky, Tao Jinsong smiled coldly.

"You think that if you put power in the air, the airport is yours. If you don't have power, you can also prevent the plane from landing. How long can you hold on?"

At this moment, Lin Chuan has arrived at the airport.

And go directly to the tower.

Instead, Jia Shengrui found a few people who had previously maintained tower equipment and was unwilling to join forces with Tao Jinsong, trying to direct the flight to land.

When Lin Chuan arrived, Jia Shengrui, who was covered in cold sweat, wanted to get up, and Lin Chuan signaled, "Everyone, go ahead and make sure all flights land safely!"

And Jia Shengrui said worriedly: "Today's fog is relatively thick, visibility is very low, the runway lights have been turned on, and now the technicians are doing radar and altitude calculations,

One minute later, one plane will try to land first, and the remaining three planes will land one after another! "

Lin Chuan looked at the time, and then looked at the technicians who were in a hurry. He absolutely couldn't take the risk of letting the plane make an attempted landing.

So he immediately asked: "How long can the minimum fuel for the flight last?"

A technician in charge of the radio said: "It's still 20 minutes!"

Lin Chuan ordered decisively: "Notify all the planes immediately, keep circling, don't try to land, ten minutes later, the tower will fully recover and land!"

Jia Shengrui looked at Lin Chuan in shock.

With just these few people, how could the tower recover?

Lin Chuan took advantage of this time to come to the lobby. At this time, Meng Yuelin also brought dozens of people to the airport.

Most of these people are from security agencies.

Seeing these people, even the president of the management department came in person, Tao Chunli was a little confused.

Lin Chuan also came to the crowd at this time.

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