Ying Jiade believed in his female secretary very much. He always called her Sister Nan affectionately.

Ai Nan has given Ying Jiade many useful suggestions, and Ying Jiade has also praised Ai Nan as his life compass in many public occasions.

In the office, Ai Nan, as always, pays great attention to some details of the office.

For example, whether the soil in the flower pot is kept moist, and whether there is residual dust and hair in the cracks of the sofa.

At her request, Ying Jiade's office is always spotless and the air is fresh.

Only by working in such a comfortable environment can we calm down and think carefully about more issues.

When Ai Nan pinched the corner of her skirt and sat on the chair, her sexy calves overlapped gracefully.

In the big watery eyes, there is always a strong woman-like firmness and a woman's unique wisdom.

She always believed that showing her best side to her boss was the foundation of a good secretary.

Therefore, Ying Jiade could never find any flaws in Ai Nan.

He smiled and said, "Sister Nan, do you think Lin Chuan's cooperation with us this time will open up more exchanges?"

Ai Nan's thinking reaction is very fast.

She nodded slightly and said slowly: "As long as there is cooperation, there will be communication, but there will also be communication in competition. I don't think this is the main thing.

Lin Chuan is a very successful businessman, and he is also a particularly powerful businessman. The information passed on to me from my master, as well as my own analysis of him,

I don't think he has a position to cooperate with us at all, or I think he is planning! "

Ying Jiade listened very seriously to these words.

Ai Nan followed up: "Judging from the previous fights with Lin Chuan, the surface is his loss, but every time he can gain great benefits,

Not only with our Guardian Company, but also with Shenggu Group and other competitors, he is very good at it, and this time we just poached his technical team,

He just cut off the sales of coal. He seemed very angry, but in fact, he still focused on profit and took us away from his technical team as an opportunity for him to gain benefits.

Ying, think about it, with such a powerful character, do you think he can compromise and cooperate with us just because of a little pressure? "

I have to say that Ai Nan's analysis is extremely reasonable, and his thinking is very clear.

Ying Jiade nodded slightly and said slowly: "If Lin Chuan wants to make a layout, then we have to cooperate with him and give him the illusion of entering the game, so that he thinks that we are always developing according to his ideas.

When the time comes, we will naturally break his game. At that time, we will not only gain more benefits, but also gain more right to speak! "

Ai Nan nodded and smiled: "Yes, Mr. Ying, your idea is absolutely correct, and this time Lin Chuan reduced the price of coal by 2 yuan per ton,

This is deliberately courting you, and it is also confusing your thinking. We don't need to be fooled by him, nor do we care about his benefits, and he is also deliberately testing our sincerity! "

Ying Jiade said with a smile: "You still thought of going with me. Since that's the case, let's give him this sincerity and make him feel that we have entered his game!"

An hour later, in the machinery factory of Guardian Industrial Company, Harrick and others, who were waiting for work arrangements, had a very satisfactory impression after visiting the machinery factory.

This machinery factory is several times larger than Mengying Machinery Factory in both scale and productivity.

The people in the R&D team are full of admiration.

"Look at the development of this machinery factory. I used to think that Mengying Machinery Factory was very good. Now I think Mengying Machinery Factory is really nothing!"

"You don't even look at the economic environment in the south. The economy has been open for so many years. What's not advanced? Look at their cities, how prosperous and lively?"

"Thanks to Harrick for working in a place like this, otherwise how could we see so many good things?"

Harrick's expression was indifferent, and he didn't feel the slightest feeling of everyone's enthusiasm.

Instead, he said proudly and gorgeously: "I am not here for the city, nor to enjoy life, I am here to realize my dream,

Since you have followed me, let go of your impetuous hearts, as long as I realize my dream, then I will naturally have the capital that you enjoy! "

Everyone nodded.

"We will do our best to help you realize your dream. We cherish the opportunity so well now. In Huishi Machinery Factory, in addition to giving us some R&D funds, Lin Chuan,

Then there are some high wages. We have to strictly listen to his words, as if everything is what he says. What I can't stand at the most is the face of such a capitalist! "

While he was talking, the director of the machinery factory came to the crowd.

He shook hands with Harrick first, followed by a cold expression, and said directly: "Mr. Harrick, I just received a notice from the headquarters. After high-level analysis and market research,

I feel that the market for agricultural machinery is still immature, and it is difficult to quickly recover the cost of R&D investment, so we cannot provide you with R&D funds! "

Harrick was taken aback for a moment.

"But your old master said that he will definitely provide me with funds. Are you saying not to provide it now?"

The factory manager sneered with disdain: "Just talk about it, you are serious, you can only blame yourself for being stupid and trusting others so easily. By the way, the factory will not entertain you from now on.

I suggest that you go around and play. A bastard like you has never seen anything in the world, so you should just come here to travel! "

Leaving the sentence, the factory manager glared at Harrick with contempt and left with a sneer.

And everyone looked at Harrick with amazed and uncomfortable eyes.

At this time, Harrick felt that his heart and soul had been pulled away from his body, and he was stunned.

At the same time, Hui City Mengying Company.

Lin Chuan is meeting with Song Xuenong from the Imperial Road and Bridge Design Institute.

Song Xuenong is a particularly pragmatic middle-aged man with many years of road design experience in the Road and Bridge Design Institute.

And recently, he is also studying the design and construction of expressways.

Many aspects coincide with Lin Chuan's ideas.

Lin Chuan also appreciates some of Song Xuenong's ideas.

After all, in his previous life, highways were already quite popular, but in this era, highways are still a new thing.

So Lin Chuan said with a smile: "Mr. Song's idea is very good, I am looking for talents like Mr. Song, and this time I also very much hope to be able to cooperate with Mr. Song,

I just don't know, does Teacher Song have any requirements here? "

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