My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 418 She's Lazy

After Wu Mo listened to the whole process, there was a hint of deepness on his face.

"Mr. Lin, the production process of textiles must be inspected by the quality inspection team. This is one of them. After that, when workers are in production, they also lack management, which will lead to products with defective quality.

This is not only the fault of a certain department, but also the whole system link has problems! "

Lin Chuan agreed with him, but Tao Ying didn't know what to say.

She is the factory manager, and the entire management system has problems, but she doesn't know anything.

But Lin Chuan didn't say anything, but got up and said, "Let's go, go to the factory and see!"

Everyone quickly came to the textile factory, and the quality inspector brought by Wu Mo immediately went to the factory to conduct a careful inspection of the textiles that were being produced and put into storage.

During this process, Tao Ying also called the top management of the factory, especially the people from the quality inspection department, to the factory.

When these people saw that Lin Chuan had come in person, they were all muttering in their hearts.

In particular, Song Peiqi, the director of the quality inspection department, had a nervous look on his pitted and dark face.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Song Peiqi approached Tao Ying and asked in a low voice, "Director, why is the president here today?"

From the corner of Tao Ying's eyes, a gaze that was as cold as an icicle flew out, and stabbed Song Peiqi's face hatefully.

He said coldly: "How do you usually do quality inspection? We have nearly 500,000 textiles, and there are serious quality defects.

Now Mr. Lin personally brings people from the quality inspection department of the head office to conduct quality inspection. If it is your problem, then don't do it! "

Song Peiqi's face became bitter at that time.

It was even more serious in his heart that it must be his fault that the textiles with defective quality leave the factory.

Usually he was too lazy to personally check the work of his subordinates. They handed him the documents that passed the inspection and signed them.

Looking back at the quality inspectors under him, I really hate him to death.

At this moment, Wu Mo came back with a quality inspection, and he still had many defective products in his hands.

"Mr. Lin, I've read it all over again. There are a lot of questions. Maybe I can't understand a word!"

Lin Chuan also heard what he meant, which means that the factory is full of problems.

Moreover, Wu Mo also saved Tao Ying's face, and didn't want to speak badly in front of so many people.

Work is work, it's not human.

Now the factory is undermining his interests, and no one can.

So Lin Chuan said coldly: "You say it one by one!"

Wu Mo also frowned. For a person with more than ten years of textile work experience, he also felt particularly indignant about the problems he saw.

"The first is management. The team leaders here are just a status symbol. They don't guide the production of the workers at all. Besides, the job of these team leaders is how to deal with the inspection of the factory manager.

Secondly, when the factory manager asked them to speed up production, in order to cope with the performance, he urged the workers to produce quickly, resulting in quality defects in a large number of products.

This is a typical case of seeking quantity rather than quality. The production speed of the second factory has always been more than double that of the first factory. This is the result of the factory manager's madness in pursuit of quantity! "

Tao Ying listened to her ears, ashamed on her face.

She also just wanted Lin Chuan to impress her, not to let Lin Chuan be disappointed in her work, let alone let the second factory fall behind the first.

In the final analysis, it is still her character, and she wants to be the first to win. Every time she went to check on her work, those team leaders said better than they sang, but they were fooling her like that.

But Lin Chuan let Wu Mo continue.

"After that, people from the quality inspection department have never seen them go to the production line to inspect products. I asked the warehouse manager, and the people in the quality inspection department only check points every time they go to the inspection department, they don't care about the quality at all.

After ordering the number and leaving, the product will be qualified and shipped out. The warehouse management also said that in two months, the factory manager has never been to the warehouse, and they do not know who the director of the quality inspection department is! "

Tao Ying's heart was about to jump to her throat.

On this issue, she is really lazy, because she spends most of her mind on the welfare of the workers.

What she wanted was to allow workers to enjoy benefits that other factories did not have, and not be as harsh on workers as the factory manager in the past.

And when Lin Chuan heard this, he still didn't say anything to Tao Ying.

But his heart was already the volcano before the eruption, and he was accumulating a very violent anger.

Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of people, Lin Chuan just nodded slightly and walked towards the staff canteen.

Tao Ying and others hurriedly followed behind, not knowing what Lin Chuan was doing.

Came to the cafeteria and happened to see them making lunch.

Lin Chuan counted, and found that there were more than 30 kinds of dishes, including chicken, duck, and fish, which were better than the canteen in the headquarters.

The staff cafeteria, which usually makes Tao Ying feel very proud, now becomes very ashamed under Lin Chuan's cold eyes.

The food is so good, but the food is so bad, do they still have the face to eat these things?

However, Lin Chuan still didn't speak, turned around and walked towards the office building again.

Lin Chuan walked into the office alone, and asked Tao Ying and the others to wait outside. No one was allowed to leave.

Lin Chuan called Qin Mengying, who wanted to know the cost of the second factory for the past two months.

Qin Mengying quickly found the data and said softly: "From the start of the second factory to the present, their total financial expenditure is 370,000 yuan, which is the cost of the cafeteria, medical care, and office supplies, water and electricity, etc.

The salary and various subsidies are 340,000 yuan, a total of 710,000 yuan! "

"Do you think this expenditure is high or low?" Lin Chuan asked.

"It's a little high. Our cafeteria with nearly 15,000 people costs less than 300,000, and their 1,500 people are already 270,000.

I told their finance department before, but the factory director Tao Ying couldn't tolerate any grievances for her workers, and she even asked for leave with pay! "

After hanging up, Lin Chuan was silent for several minutes.

He's not angry about this, but thinks why the people he believes always do this?

Is it not enough for them, or does it make them feel that he is easy to bully?

In the conference room, Lin Chuan finally spoke.

"Several decisions have been announced, the second textile factory of Mengying Group will stop production from now on, all raw materials will be moved back to the headquarters, and all office supplies will be removed.

All the management above the team leader, including the factory manager, will be dismissed immediately. The skilled workers of the factory will go to work in the third factory from tomorrow, and all the unskilled workers will be dismissed! "

Lin Chuan's words struck everyone's mind like thunder in a clear sky.

They knew that Lin Chuan was very angry, but they never thought that he would close the factory and fire all the senior management.

Everyone grimaced.

But Lin Chuan didn't want to see their regretful expressions at all, so he got up and left.

Tao Ying also got up and chased after him.

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