My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 62 It's Not Easy

Lin Chuan patted her hand off in pain.

"Are you afraid of heights or what? Is the reaction so big?"

Yuan Meiqing, who was terrified, said intermittently, "It's my first time on a plane!"

Lin Chuan smiled indifferently and said disdainfully, "You will do it often in the future, so let's get used to it slowly!"

"Then why aren't you afraid?"

Lin Chuan who asked this question thought it was ridiculous.

In his previous life, he had his own airline, and he flew around the world with private jets, and he had long been used to it.

In this day and age, flying is more luxurious and expensive, but it is safe enough, so why be afraid?

Lin Chuan didn't bother to explain to her, so he closed his eyes and thought about the next plan.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, in Yuan Meiqing's expectation, the plane finally landed at Qishi Airport.

The two found a restaurant, simply ate something, and then took a long ride through the 270-kilometer desert bumpy road, and finally arrived at Panshi at 8 o'clock in the evening.

The first time I saw Fanshi, apart from being broken, it was backward, as if it was a dirt city.

Although there are some modern buildings, they still reveal the traditional style of the Western Regions.

Even so, some slogans on the wall to promote production have added some vitality to this backward city.

Lin Chuan looked at the time and could only find a hotel to stay first.

Yuan Meiqing looked at the dirty room, and even the sheets had a stench.

Not even a separate toilet.

At this moment, Lin Chuan knocked on the door, and walked into the room while eating with a large amount of meat skewers and Panshi's special big naan.

"Eat it, we can't eat this thing in our place!"

Yuan Meiqing had no appetite at all, and complained, "This room is too dirty, how can I sleep, and it's not convenient to go to the bathroom, can we change hotels?"

Lin Chuan said helplessly: "This is a business trip, not for enjoyment. This kind of room is considered good in Panshi. Let's deal with it. Order the cotton as soon as possible, and we can go back!"

How else can I choose? Yuan Meiqing could only take the meat skewers and eat them.

Lin Chuan continued: "It's not very safe here at night. When you sleep, lock the door and use a stool to close the door. I'm right next door. If anything happens, call me loudly.

It's getting dark, you should go to bed early! "

Yuan Meiqing looked back at the sunset outside the window, feeling depressed for a while.

In Hui City, she was already sitting at home watching TV. In Pan City, it was still daytime, and she still had to eat this meat skewer and big naan, which had a good taste.

The more I think about it, the more I feel wronged, and I regret coming here with Lin Chuan.

Instead, it was Lin Chuan who went back to the room, lying down and going to sleep.

He has to keep his spirits up, because ordering cotton this time won't be so easy.

At ten o'clock in the morning the next day, Lin Chuan left Yuan Meiqing's suitcase in the hotel, and after some inquiries, he came to the largest cotton plantation in Panshi, Maemaiti Farm.

The farm has a special management department and a sales department.

As soon as they entered the farm, the two were almost pushed out by a flock of sheep.

Yuan Meiqing was so frightened that she jumped and jumped, pulling Lin Chuan's arm tightly, almost crying.

The sales department is actually a relatively large earthen house.

Even so, it was still crowded with buyers from all over the world who came to order cotton.

The person in charge of the sales department was a man of about fifty years old with prominent cheekbones and pointed cheeks.

He had work clothes draped over his shoulders, and in his hand he was holding a teapot that seemed to be bigger than his head and had the honor of production printed on it. No one paid any attention to his arrogant expression.

As soon as he appeared, dozens of purchasers surrounded him, as if he had seen his own father.

There was a middle-aged purchaser who was about his age. When he approached, he immediately handed over a filter cigarette and smiled humbly: "Manager Qiu, you smoke!"

Qiu Xueming glanced at the purchaser with drooping eyelids, but still took the cigarette and put it between his dry lips.

This is enough to give that purchase face.

So the purchaser quickly took out a match for him to light the cigarette, and then smiled: "Manager Qiu, I've been here for two months, and now the factory can't even get a tael of cotton, and can't produce anything.

Just waiting for this bit of cotton, you can think about it, let me take it away first! "

However, Qiu Xueming blew the heat from the tea jar with a blank face, took a sip of tea, and then said slowly: "The new cotton has not been collected yet,

The cotton in stock is the cotton in the plan, and I can't give you one or two. You are all waiting! "

Leaving the sentence, Qiu Xueming pushed the crowd away and was about to leave.

When passing by Yuan Meiqing, Qiu Xueming's slightly frivolous eyes looked up and down at this coquettish little beauty.

"Are you from a big city?" Qiu Xue Ming asked abruptly, causing Yuan Meiqing to be startled for a moment, and unconsciously grabbed Lin Chuan's arm.

Lin Chuan smiled indifferently and said, "We are from Hui City in the north and want to order a piece of cotton!"

When Qiu Xue Ming saw Yuan Meiqing holding Lin Chuan's arm, he felt an unnamed fire in his heart.

The frivolous eyes immediately turned cold again.

"I know you're here to order cotton. Who doesn't want cotton here? Go to the number line first, and come back in a few months!"

Wait a few months?

Could it be that they traveled more than 2,000 kilometers to come here, just for this sentence to come back in a few months?

Lin Chuan was a little angry.

But it can't be said beyond words now, after all, cotton is a scarce commodity, and the right to sell is in this guy's hands.

The sales of this era, especially the sales of these in-demand items, are really like a father.

But Lin Chuan still smiled patiently: "It's not easy for us to come here, can we get a few numbers earlier?"

Qiu Xue Ming sneered, and his skeleton-like face showed disdain.

"It's not easy for you, and it's not easy for anyone who came here. They're all waiting. Why should I give you money? You have more brains than others? In my one-acre and three-point land, what I say is what I say.

You can either wait or go, my cotton will not worry about selling! "

After that, Qiu Xueming's thief eyes swept Yuan Meiqing's proud heart again, sneered meaningfully, and walked out of the earthen house.

That smile made Yuan Meiqing feel sick for a while.

Lin Chuan is even more disgusting, but Lin Chuan is also calm.

There was always a smile on his face as if he was looking at a child.

He has seen a lot of pretense, and this Qiu Xueming is just normal.

At this time, other purchases also came around.

Helpless and anxious, let them understand each other very well.

The purchaser who handed over the cigarettes sighed and said to Lin Chuan, "Brother, bear with it, there's no way, I've been waiting for more than two months, and now I haven't taken a tael of cotton!"

At this time, a man with a briefcase next to him suddenly said coldly: "What are you, do you know how I do it?"

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