Lin Chuan found that this girl seemed to be going crazy, and it was very unpleasant to see everyone.

It made him smile wryly.

"You are the boss of a business now. How do you manage the business like this? I will torture you like this at the slightest difficulty. If you have a problem, you just want to solve it. What's so great?"

Yuan Meiqing pouted and said, "I've had enough of being a boss. I used to be good at university, but now I have to face so many problems. I'm just a girl!"

Lin Chuan laughed.

"Okay, you can buy a ticket to go back now, but only if you think about being worthy of your father, and your grandfather? Do you think it was so easy for them to create this textile factory?

Figure out whether you want to continue, I won't force you! "

After saying that, Lin Chuan turned around and walked leisurely.

Yuan Meiqing also calmed down a lot, thinking that Lin Chuan was right.

How can I give up now, how can I live up to my father's expectations.

So she wiped her tears and quickly followed Lin Chuan again.

"But now that hooligan has put forward such harsh conditions, everything is what he says, and if you don't agree, you won't get the cotton. What should we do?"

Lin Chuan said very indifferently: "Then let him say nothing, and let us say it!"

Yuan Meiqing felt that what Lin Chuan said was like a fantasy.

Everyone has said that Qiu Xueming's backstage is very tough, otherwise how could he be so fearless?

Lin Chuan smiled without saying a word, and took her to a dilapidated yard.

The yard is very dilapidated and looks old.

But it is very lively here, and people come in and out from time to time.

Lin Chuan turned around and smiled at Yuan Meiqing: "You go to the store across the street to buy popsicles first, and I'll take a look in the yard!"

Yuan Meiqing looked up at the yard with tattered windows, and said contemptuously, "What's so beautiful here, even the house is about to collapse, you really have a leisurely mood,

Then I'll go see it with you too, no popsicles! "

Lin Chuan shook his head helplessly, and said in a low voice, "This place is quite special, women can't enter, you are obedient, go buy popsicles to eat!"

Angrily, Yuan Meiqing stomped her feet and walked towards the store pouting.

Lin Chuan's mouth curved into a knowing smile.

Don't look at the broken courtyard, some rooms don't even have doors, but here lives a respected wise man.

In the memory of Lin Chuan's previous life, the wise man was on TV.

He was originally a farmer, but he often helped the poor with food and drink, so he didn't even have the money to repair the house.

Therefore, he is very respected in the city, and even the people in the management department have to be respectful in front of him.

Walking into the courtyard, a man with a long beard, about fifty years old, wearing a robe and smiling greeted Lin Chuan.

"Hello my friend!"

Lin Chuan also hurriedly replied: "Hello, I am a tourist from afar, thank you for your hospitality!"

There was a trace of fraternal kindness in the man's wise eyes.

"I saw confusion in your eyes. Did you lose the direction of your feet?"

Lin Chuan immediately said: "Yes, I hope to get guidance and help!"

The man admired Lin Chuan's frankness and invited him to his room.

Sitting on the whitened blanket, Adili poured Lin Chuan a cup of hot tea.

Lin Chuan expressed his gratitude, and Adili smiled softly: "You are a wise person. When your life is confused, your heart will point you in the right direction!"

Lin Chuan slowly raised his head and said sincerely: "That's why I came here, even if it is a moment of precipitation and pursuit, suffering and pain!"

Adili nodded with a smile, this person who came from afar has a deep understanding of life.

He immediately smiled and said, "My friend, suffering and pain are the experience of life. As long as we have pursuit, there will be pain, unless we give up pursuit!"

However, Lin Chuan said slowly: "People have many pursuits, including wealth, education, love, and enjoyment. In the end, pursuits are nothing but two things.

Darkness and light, right and wrong, good and bad, we say wealth, some people rely on their hands to create wealth, and will bring wealth to others,

However, some people use shady means to obtain wealth. They easily take the wealth created by others' hard work in their own hands.

Therefore, those who create wealth end up pursuing pain, and those who prey on other people's wealth get happiness, but these are not contradictory, because this is human nature and different ways of pursuing interests! "

Adili very much agrees with Lin Chuan's point of view.

There are only a handful of people like Lin Chuan who can clearly see human nature.

So Adiri laughed again: "Then what are you after?"

Lin Chuan said directly: "With your help, and I will also help those who need help, that's what I said, I create wealth, and I will also bring wealth to others!"

Adiri nodded with a smile, it was already remarkable that he could share his wealth.

Helping him is also helping more people to be happy, which is worth it.

While speaking, Lin Chuan took out 50,000 yuan in cash from his backpack and put it respectfully in front of Adili.

50,000 yuan.

In Panshi, a pound of mutton is only 0.75 yuan, and a pound of fine noodles is only 5 cents.

An ordinary farm worker's monthly salary is only 15 yuan.

The concept of 50,000 yuan can make many poor people eat for a long time.

Adili smiled and said nothing, because he, like Lin Chuan, has a very weak concept of money.

Otherwise, he wouldn't use all his wealth to help others.

Lin Chuan said slowly: "Mr. Adili, I respect you very much, because you are a real wise man and a philanthropist,

I am very touched that you can share your wealth with everyone in need. If you can help me gain more wealth, I will also help more people!

Because you are a true fighter against suffering, you have a brave and pure heart, and you are also my mentor in Lin Chuan's life! "

The corners of Adili's eyes were wet, and he was the one who was really moved.

Not only because of the 50,000 yuan, but also because of Lin Chuan's affirmation and respect for him, as well as his sincerity and kindness.

No amount of money can buy that.

So Adiri also smiled and said, "Lin Chuan, you are my true friend, I am willing to help you!"

Lin Chuan was waiting for his words. The closeness of heart to heart made the two clasped their hands and smiled at each other.

In the evening, more than 20 old men from all over the city came to the dilapidated yard and sat respectfully around Adili.

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