My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 95 Give Her A Chance

At this time, Lin Chuan just looked at Yuan Meiqing coldly.

Although it was only a desk less than one meter apart, it suddenly felt distant and unfamiliar.

He didn't want to tell her those high-sounding nonsense anymore.

He just said coldly: "You ruined this factory!"

Yuan Meiqing gritted her teeth, she never believed that she was the one who destroyed the factory.

Now that you have taken this step, you have to keep going.

Fu Xinan is right, people always have to grow up.

And Lin Chuan also picked up the phone and called several people.

Qin Mengying, Xi Xiaolei, Yu Meiling, and Meng Yuelin.

Soon, all these people came to the factory, and Meng Yuelin also brought several people from the business management department.

When these people came to the office, they all looked at Yuan Meiqing with contempt.

Especially Qin Mengying, who gave her a cold look and said, "Yuan Meiqing, you are so worthy of Lin Chuan!"

Yu Meiling said sneeringly: "You are not worth the pity of others. Without Lin Chuan, your textile factory would have closed down long ago.

Now you feel your wings are hard? Still think you can do it? To tell you the truth, compared with our Lin Chuan, you are far worse! "

Yuan Meiqing just gritted her teeth and stared at the table without saying a word.

She just wanted to let these people leave immediately, and didn't want to hear their anger and abuse.

Xi Xiaolei said, "Don't talk about this, we are here to evaluate the company, not to scold her, and everyone from the Business Management Department is here, let's evaluate it right now!"

This is also what Lin Chuan meant.

It's useless to say this now, it's what it should be.

Immediately, everyone started a comprehensive evaluation of the textile mill's equipment, inventory, raw materials, finances, workers, and Lin Chuan's investment funds, etc., witnessed by people from the business management department.

Meanwhile, at Yuan Hedong's house.

Fu Xinan took the tea that Yuan Hedong poured for him himself, and said with a complacent face, "Then Yuan Meiqing has no IQ at all, just a few words, and I will fool you into not knowing about the south, east, north and west!"

Song Hua also smiled and said, "Mr. Yuan, Xi Nan has done a good job this time. Not only have we discontinued Lin Chuan's production of fabrics, but now Lin Chuan is looking for someone to evaluate the textile factory and is about to withdraw its shares.

Your move is truly amazing, and I, Song Hua, are convinced! "

Yuan Hedong smiled, his face full of excitement.

"Both Lin Chuan and Yuan Meiqing, they are still too tender, and they can't resist if they use a little tricks. I thought he Lin Chuan could be so capable, but that's not the case now!"

Fu Xinan immediately slapped her ass.

"Mr. Yuan's strategy is still good, hold both Lin Chuan and Yuan Meiqing in their hands. You can do whatever you want. Soon the textile factory will be yours. Then, I hope that Mr. Yuan will be yours. How much can you support!"

Yuan Hedong took a sip of tea with a calm expression, and said indifferently, "You have to keep up with the next plan. This time Lin Chuan withdraws from the textile factory, Yuan Meiqing's funds are definitely not enough.

Give her as much money as she needs, and with her IQ, she will have to lose as much money as she wants, and then the textile factory will be mine! "

Song Hua and Fu Xinan laughed at the same time: "Mr. Yuan, amazing!"

At this moment, the textile factory.

All assessments are done.

The inside and outside of the textile factory, that is, the little things, it is not difficult to evaluate at all.

Fabrics, raw materials, including financial funds, and yesterday's 50,000 yuan are all Lin Chuan's, and these have to be taken away.

The overall assessed price of the textile factory is 2.7 million yuan, which includes machinery and equipment, land area, workshop and so on.

Previously, Lin Chuan invested a total of 350,000 in the factory, including wages, daily expenses, and taxes.

Because Yuan Meiqing unilaterally tore up the agreement, calculated by 5 times the liquidated damages, it is 1.75 million.

The person from the business management department also said: "In addition, the signing of the agreement and the subscription of shares are Mr. Lin Chuan, who holds 20% of the shares of the textile factory, that is, 540,000 actual shares, and the total is 2.29 million!"

Yuan Meiqing was stunned on the spot.

How come there are so many?

2.29 million.

She always thought it was only a few hundred thousand at most.

The total value of the entire factory is only 2.7 million.

At this time, Meng Yuelin also said: "Also, the dip-dyeing technology provided to you by Lin Chuan is protected by patent rights, you and your textile factory are not allowed to continue to use this technology.

And not to transfer, or use this technology by others! "

The Business Management Department immediately sent the assessment report to Lin Chuan and Yuan Meiqing for review.

Lin Chuan signed without hesitation.

But Yuan Meiqing hesitated.

"I can't get 2.29 million now!"

Yu Meiling glanced at her in disgust, and scolded: "If you can't get it, then we'll take all the equipment from the factory!"

Shao Jiayang of the Commercial Management Department still sought Lin Chuan's opinion first.

In fact, Lin Chuan didn't want to kill them all.

When he signed the agreement, he never thought that Yuan Meiqing would betray and betray his interests.

But now he has to start from a practical point of view and consider a series of issues.

Clothing factories must not cut off the supply of fabrics.

If you invest in a textile factory yourself, the funds, time and energy are not allowed.

There are only two options now.

Either give Yuan Meiqing 410,000 and buy the textile factory directly, but Yuan Meiqing will definitely not agree.

And it's a waste of time.

The second option is to move all the equipment away, so that we can continue to produce fabrics. It may take some effort for the venue, but this is not too much of a problem.

So Lin Chuan said coldly: "Meng Ying, what is the estimated price of those devices?"

"It's 1.57 million!"

"Then take away all the textile equipment, and the remaining 720,000..."

Lin Chuan's tone paused, he really didn't want to kill them all.

Thinking about the withdrawal of shares this time, the damage to Yuan Meiqing is almost fatal, so let's give her a chance.

He followed up and said, "The 720,000 is just fine!"

However, Yuan Meiqing not only showed no gratitude, but stood up suddenly, full of disdain and sneer: "Don't think that I will thank you, and don't think that my factory will not work if you leave,

Since I was able to make this decision, I have already taken these into consideration. You can take those machines. I don't want them anymore. I will definitely make this textile factory the largest textile factory in Hui City! "

Lin Chuan smiled helplessly.

She sees business as too simple, too easy.

So Lin Chuan got up immediately and said indifferently: "You better calm down and look at the family business that your father worked so hard to create, it has been riddled with holes by you.

Although I don't know who said what to you, but you better think about it carefully, what will he get if you do this? You also remember one thing, I will still leave you a chance,

There is only one chance, I hope you cherish it! "

However, Yuan Meiqing said with a cold face: "Thank you, but I don't need it!"

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