Lin Chuan asked the driver to wait in the restaurant. He went to the nearby canteen, bought two Ashima cigarettes and two bottles of fine wine, and then knocked on the door of the village chief's house.

It was Jin Deshun, the village chief of Jinjia Village who opened the door.

He was in his fifties, and above his slightly curved spine was a dark cheek with fine wrinkles.

The Sichuan character pattern between the eyebrows seems to be worrying about something all the time.

The red vest that was all whitened on his body could still vaguely see the word "big production".

"Who are you looking for?"

Jin Deshun had never seen Lin Chuan before, so he asked suspiciously.

"You are the head of Jin Village. I'm from the city. My name is Lin Chuan. I want to contract a few hills and create an economic ditch!"

Seeing that Lin Chuan was still carrying something, Jin De invited Lin Chuan to the yard by the way.

The yard was not big, but it was clean. A 16- or 17-year-old boy seemed to be still sulking. When he saw Lin Chuan, he got up and went back to the house.

When seated, Lin Chuan also saw the shredded admission letter thrown on the ground.

Looking at Jin Deshun's angry and helpless eyes, Lin Chuan immediately understood what was going on.

Lin Chuan put the purchased items on the table, and smiled indifferently: "It's the first time we meet, a little heart, no respect!"

Jin Deshun politely squeezed out a slight smile and said, "Come here, what are you doing with things, and you don't get paid for nothing, I can't have this!"

Lin Chuan wiped the sweat from his cheeks, immediately opened an Ashima, took out one and handed it to Jin Deshun.

He said no, but Jin Deshun still took the cigarette and took a strong puff.

As if he had never smoked such a good cigarette, Jin Deshun's eyes were filled with a hint of enjoyment.

In this era, smoke is a stepping stone, and it is easy to talk when there is smoke.

Jin Deshun took a few puffs of cigarettes and started talking more.

"What are you going to do with Baoshantou?"

"Raise some forest frogs, grow some under-forest ginseng or something!"

Jin Deshun took two more puffs, and a cigarette has already reached the root.

Lin Chuan immediately gave him another cigarette, this time Jin Deshun refused to let him even give up, and took it naturally. The two cigarettes were paired with each other.

"You can pack if you want. There are many hills around Jinjia Village. It stretches for more than 20 miles to the south. They are all mountains.

But now this mountain is a barren mountain, and there are not even a few trees. If you make an economic ditch, that's fine, and if you want to wrap the mountain, you can't pick the bag, and you have to pack it next to each other! "

The abacus in Jin Deshun's heart rattled.

Make it clear first, and then mention the conditions.

But this is exactly what Lin Chuan wants.

I came here to contract all the hills here. The coal mine is in the middle of the mountains and stretches for more than ten miles.

Not if he doesn't cover it all for himself.

But Lin Chuan didn't put his happiness on his face, and asked: "If the price is right, I can consider wrapping it all up!"

When Jin Deshun obeyed Lin Chuan and said he wanted Baoshan, he had already thought about the price.

Several generations of people in Jinjia Village are farmers who face the loess and back to the sky.

Nowadays, many people can't even claim their daughter-in-law, and they can't even pay for his son's college tuition. Otherwise, how could his son tear up the admission notice?

Finally someone came to contract those barren mountains, and this is the God of Wealth who came to Jinjia Village.

Therefore, Jin Deshun said very simply: "The price of a barren mountain within a radius of 25 miles is 500 yuan a year, and the contract must be contracted for at least 10 years. If you think this price is acceptable, I will show you now.

If not, then we don't have to talk about it! "

The old man is still very simple, but the price is indeed a bit high.

But Lin Chuan wouldn't waste his time for those few bucks.

"500 yuan, the price is a bit high, but it's acceptable. Let's go and see the mountain first!"

Jin Deshun didn't grumble, he immediately changed into a pair of rubber shoes, took Lin Chuan into the mountain with a sickle in his hand.

In fact, you don't need to look at every hill, just look at the closest hill.

In the memory of his previous life, it was a farmer from Jinjia Village who went into the mountains to collect herbs, and accidentally found a fox hole in a place called Waikou Ao in front of him.

The peasants dug this hole, and as a result, the coal was dug out.

And that crooked mouth is just behind a few hills.

Lin Chuan, who was standing on the top of the mountain, looked at the surrounding scenery and felt the arrogance of the small mountains, and his mood was suddenly bright.

He nodded again and again and said, "Yes, very good, I am very satisfied, we can go back!"

Jin Deshun is still curious, why only look at a mountain?

Thinking that Lin Chuan came from the city, he must have been lacking in exercise. He was probably too tired to watch it.

So Jin Deshun didn't ask anything, and took Lin Chuan down the mountain.

Along the way, Lin Chuan looked at the surrounding environment and calmly considered several issues.

First of all, if you want to transport things out here, you have to build roads.

And if you want to build a road, it will be more difficult.

Because it is surrounded by mountains, one is connected to the other.

If you want to repair the road into the mountains, it is a very big project, and it will definitely not be repaired within a few months.

And it also requires a small amount of money.

Second, the farmers of Jinjia Village are not good men and women.

In the memory of my previous life, when I was reading the news, I also said that the farmers of Jinjia Village wanted to take advantage of the coal mines that had been developed in the mountains.

Don't look at Jin Deshun's promise now, but he will be the first to come back and regret it.

So before that, you have to think out the plan to get the villagers.

Back at Jin Deshun's house, Lin Chuan immediately took out 25,000 yuan and patted it in front of Jin Deshun.

"Uncle Jin, I'm very satisfied, let's contract for 50 years first!"

"Then why not, no problem!"

When Jin Deshun saw the stacks of banknotes, he took a deep breath.

There are more than 100 households in Jinjia Village, and each household is divided into more than 200 yuan, which is the income of several years.

My son's tuition is also covered.

Lin Chuan immediately showed the contract written in advance to Jin Deshun.

Determined that there was nothing wrong, Jin Deshun immediately signed and stamped, picked up the money, spit and counted.

Lin Chuan took the contract and smiled indifferently: "Uncle Jin, from now on to the next 50 years, those hills will be mine, but it's agreed in the contract,

In 50 years, every grass and tree on the top of the mountain, whether it is on the ground or underground, is mine too! "

Jin Deshun just thought about splitting the money, where else would he consider anything else.

Besides, even if I consider it, I can't take into account what the terms of the contract say.

He nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, isn't the contract written down, it's all yours!"

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