Rowell, standing in the same place, heard Jane boyao's words and stopped abruptly. His face was full of disbelief.

The next second, he quickly ran to Jian boyao, hugged him excitedly, and almost cried with joy, "is it true? I'm not dreaming! Thank you, boyao, thank you!"

Jian boyao quietly pushed him away. He never liked anyone's closeness.

"I'm sorry, I'm really excited! Do you really want to go?" Rowell confirmed excitedly, wiping the corners of his eyes.

"HMM." Jane boyao frowned, looked at Lowell crying and laughing, and whispered.

Rowell was moved. He devoted all his energy and time to his students over the years. He was a famous good teacher in a university. Now he couldn't help crying with joy because he invited Jian boyao, who he had worshipped for many years.

"Thank you, boyao, thank you!" finally, Lowell thanked Jane boyao again and again. When he left his office, he was still wiping his tears.

Jane boyao was a little embarrassed. Looking at such a perceptual and pure Rowell, his thin lips slowly showed a kind smile.

A big, afternoon.

"Mr. Shu, it's up to you to welcome the guests of the lecture. You are the teacher's favorite student and a talented woman in our architecture department. You must do it well!"

After class, Rowell stopped Shu Weiyi and specifically told her about the guest lecture of the architecture department two days later.

Shu Weiyi smiled and said curiously, "OK, Professor Luo, who is the person you invited this time?"

"It's the college classmate whom the teacher mentioned to you many times before. His English name is Bob. Due to the small agreement I made with him, I can't disclose his information for the time being, in case the reporters know it and block our school at that time."

"Is it the designer of 'wing'? Have you really invited him?" Shu Weiyi immediately became excited. She has always been one of Rowell's proud students. Rowell once showed her an architectural design drawing called 'wing', and the designer was Jane boyao.

Shu Weiyi admired and worshipped the design drawing very much. Since then, she also looked forward to meeting the owner of the design drawing.

"Yes, it's the designer of 'wing'! You'll see him soon!" Rowell was happy.

"Professor, you're so awesome! You can invite such a genius! I'm looking forward to it! Don't worry. I promise to finish the reception work well and won't humiliate the professor!" Shu Weiyi said with bright eyes and a very determined and confident tone.

"The teacher believes you! Then you and senior Ouye will meet together." Rowell nodded with satisfaction.

"OK! I'll start to make preparations!" Shu Weiyi replied with a smile.

After finishing today's course, Shu Weiyi returned to Jian boyao's apartment.

Today, she was in a great mood because she learned that Bob was going to give a lecture at school.

Back in the apartment, she got into her bedroom and began to sit at her desk, changing the banner that greeted Bob that day.

As time passed by, Shu Weiyi was completely immersed in his own design. He didn't know when Jian boyao stood behind her.

"Done!" after finishing the last stroke, Shu Weiyi stretched a big stretch.

When her little hand accidentally touched the person behind her, she immediately turned her head and was surprised, "brother, when did you come in?"

"When you spend this," Jian boyao gently hooked his lips and pointed to a pattern on the banner.

Shu Weiyi looked embarrassed. "Why don't you call me when you come in?"

"I didn't bother you because you're so serious. It's good. What's the use of it?" Jian boyao asked quietly.

"Well, our school will invite a genius to give a lecture in the architecture department in two days. The professor asked me to do the reception work. This banner welcomes him." Shu Weiyi said with bright eyes and excitement.

"Oh? What kind of genius? You look forward to it?"

"Of course! This man is Bob, a former alumni of our professor. I was lucky to have seen his design drawings, and since then I have been uncontrollably involved in his worship. Genius, what a genius!" Shu Weiyi is in a particularly good mood tonight, and his words are full of playful meaning.

"Do you admire him? Have you seen him?" Jian boyao's mood became happier when he heard Shu Weiyi's wantonly talking about his worship. He pretended not to know anything and continued to ask her.

"No, we are just like seeing people!" Shu Weiyi turned his small face and replied in righteous words.

Jian boyao almost couldn't help laughing. Shu Weiyi is really cute sometimes.

"So brother, I may be a little busy these two days. Can we not suddenly have some difficult things, such as going back to Jane's house and socializing?" Shu Weiyi blinked his star eyes and begged Jane boyao.

"OK." Jian boyao promised her very readily.

In the face of Jian boyao's rare understanding, Shu Weiyi was very happy. She didn't forget to flatter the dog leg, "brother, it's very kind of you! Thank you."

"Shu Weiyi, thank you. I have to show your sincerity and talk without doing anything. Do you know what kind of behavior it is?" Jian boyao looked at her lovely face and suddenly approached her with a low voice, especially sexy.

"Ah? What?" Shu Weiyi put his hands on the back desk and looked confused.

Jian boyao leaned over gently, put his hands on both sides of her and locked her in his arms.

Their posture is intimate and ambiguous. Now it's Shu Weiyi's turn to be silly. Did she say something wrong?

"Big brother and big brother, don't get so close to me. Have you forgotten the agreement between us?" she looked away and her face turned red.

"Did I touch you? Did I touch your body? Or were you deliberately reminding me that I wanted to touch you? Hmm?" the man deliberately changed his concept evil, and the thick masculine atmosphere shrouded Shu Weiyi.

"But you're playing * * *!" Shu Weiyi stared at him. She was darker than his belly. She was not his opponent. She said angrily.

"You were just playing * * *."

"Where do I have?"

"You said thank me and didn't show your sincerity to thank me. What's not playing * * *?"


"And last time you owed me an apology, remember?" Jian boyao looked at Shu Weiyi's increasingly red face and smiled happily at the corners of his mouth.

He really enjoyed the process of teasing Shu Weiyi. It was fun and fun.

"... what do you want?" Shu Weiyi was forced hard on her face. Who made her mouth owe.

"I want you." while Jian boyao said this sentence, his body approached Shu Weiyi again.

Shu Weiyi's heart beat faster. She opened her eyes and looked at Jian boyao in disbelief. What was he talking about?

He wants her. Is he crazy?

Before Shu Weiyi spoke, Jian boyao added again. "I want you to accompany me to a ball next week."

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