My Death God Roommate

Chapter 103: Whose fate

Sang Tong saw Liu Hongde dodging his eyes and yawned: "It's already over twelve o'clock. Let's talk about it tomorrow. You go back and think about it. I need a rest, and the wounded need a rest. I have arranged your family. Safety."


"Someone will accompany you back."

Sang Tong glanced at Mu Rong, who nodded.

Seeing Liu Hongde's reluctance, Sang Yu took the initiative and said, "I'll send you back, Mr. Liu."

"Thank you so much!"

The words are divided into two parts, Mu Rong Sangyu and A Miao are a group, Sang Tong left with Su Sifang.

After getting in the taxi, Sang Tong reported the address of the hospital, leaned back tiredly, rubbing his eyebrows.

"Sister Tong, it doesn't matter to me, let's go back and rest."

"You were already dull enough. If you are stupid, I can't explain to your master. Anyway, some people pay for the medical expenses, and it's not my expense."

Su Sifang turned his head, looked at Sang Tong's profile, and did not object.

When Sang Tong turned his head, Su Sifang turned his head back again.

After taking a brain CT, the doctor did some basic examinations for Su Sifang, and the CT results will be available tomorrow.

The doctor instructed Sang Tong: If the patient is dizzy, he can consider ice treatment first. After 24 hours, the swelling has not subsided, then switch to hot compress.

Sang Tong repeatedly asked the doctor three times whether this stick injury would affect Su Sifang's IQ. The doctor said that this level would not be true, but the look in Su Sifang's eyes was different.

Before they walked out of the office, the doctor added: "I can't guarantee that it will be affected. The specifics depend on the results of the examination."

Sang Tong couldn't help but show his first knowing smile today.

Su Sifang also smiled, a faint smile, which contained helplessness and petting.

After leaving the hospital, Su Sifang looked up at the vast stars and said softly: "There are so many stars today, Sister Tong, let's go."

Sang Tong also looked up, and said with emotion: "Isn't it? After coming to the Northeast, the thing I am most uncomfortable with is that I can hardly see the stars at night. The heavy industry cities are really not covered, and the sky is covered. Lying on the roof at night in the bureau, I can see many stars."

"Xizang's stars are also very beautiful. Why doesn't Senior Sister Tong like it?"

"Unacceptable, altitude sickness!"

The two looked at each other with a smile, recalled the interesting things they had in common, and took a tacit step towards home.

"How do you think about Liu Hongde?"

Su Sifang lowered his head slightly and looked at the stone bricks under his feet: "I can't see anything."

"Can't you calculate the past?"

Su Sifang stopped slowly, his expression was neither sad nor happy, and calmly said: "The Dharma Eye has been lost, only a pair of Yin and Yang eyes are left."

Sang Tong was surprised: "How come?"

"Everything in the world has destiny, and if there is destiny, there is a cause, so it produces fruit, regenerates endlessly, loses calmly, gains calmly, and it is good if it happens."

"Don't say these silly things to me. My master said that you are a congenital eyesight. When the time comes, you will open it naturally. How could it be lost? What happened?"

Su Sifang clasped his hands together and looked down and pondered for a long while: "If Senior Sister Tong insists on asking to understand, maybe it's ‘the authorities are crazy, the bystanders are clear’."

Once she stayed out of the situation, she could see clearly, but since the last time: as an "inside person", she intervened in the cause and effect between Mu Rong and Sang Tong, and stepped into the red dust. Middle man.

But in Sang Tong's heart, it was another thought.

Her master once said that Su Sifang was born in Buddhism, otherwise Dazong would not make an exception to accept her as a closed disciple.

Su Sifang opened his eyes at a young age, which confirmed this statement.

The physical body became sacred, this great opportunity and great realm only in the legend, after knowing Su Sifang, Sang Tong felt that it was not vague.

If one of them can become holy in the flesh, that person would be Su Sifang.

Su Sifang usually doesn't talk much, but he is like a mirror of everything, playing a role in turning the tide at critical moments.

Although Sang Tong didn't want to admit it, as long as Su Sifang was by his side, even if he didn't say a word, Sang Tong would feel at ease.

On this trip to the Northeast, Sang Tong had already turned away.

According to past practice, the two areas of northeast and southwest are either safe and sound, as long as something goes wrong, it must be a major event.

During the last Southwest trip, there were so many people, only two people came back alive in the end, and her senior sister also went there soon.

I came to the Northeast for more than a year, without any instructions in the bureau, and every inquiry was a four-character reply: latent standby.

Sang Tong knew that under this brief calm, there must be a huge storm, and a little carelessness would be forever.

She was not sure before inviting Su Sifang, but now that Su Sifang has lost his magical eye, could this be her fate?

Since knowing that it is a calamity, do you have to drag Su Quartet into the water?

Sang Tong stopped and took a deep breath: "Su Sifang..."

"I do not go."

Sang Tong was stunned, staring blankly at the people close at hand, wondering if there was something wrong with his ears.

Such a decisive tone strongly conflicted with this person's Wen Tun character.

"My master taught me to do things well from the beginning and the end, and to give up halfway is to be punished."

Sang Tong frowned, raised his hand and pressed his heart, and quickly put it down.

There was a tingling, painful heart just now, she didn't like this feeling.

"Did I forget something?" Sang Tong murmured.

Su Sifang smiled slightly: "No one can remember all the things that happened in a lifetime. What is forgotten is not important."

In order to completely forget what was in the painting, Sang Tong even "deleted" the incident that he had performed the Sanqing ban on himself.

She forgot, completely forgot, and resumed her previous life, but one person still remembered it for her.


On the other side, Mu Rong Sangyu and Ah Miao sent Liu Hongde safely to their home. Before leaving, Sang Yu shivered suddenly.

He stretched out his hand to Liu Hongde: "Liu Gong...Mr., don't pass by."

Liu Hongde showed a modest smile and stretched out his hand to grasp Sang Yu's hand. Sang Yu suddenly increased his strength and squeezed Liu Hongde's hand, which lasted for five seconds before releasing it.

"Miss Sang?"

Sang Yu smiled: "Goodbye."

The three returned to Xinxin's home, waved goodbye on the fourth floor, and went back home.

Mu Rong returned to his body and just lay down after washing, the door was knocked.

Sang Yu was wearing pajamas, and Li Hua stood at the door with rain.

Looking at Mu Rong was startled, he quickly moved away to let Sang Yu in, and asked with concern: "What's the matter?"

Sang Yu pulled on the door, threw his head into Mu Rong's arms, and cried bitterly while hugging Mu Rong's slender waist.

Mu Rong was at a loss, and Ah Miao floated over: "What's wrong with Sang Yu, who makes you unhappy, don't cry, tell me I'll go and clean him!"

Sang Yu buried his face in Mu Rong's arms and shook his head, his crying continued.

Mu Rong came up with words to comfort him, but he couldn't help but to hold Sang Yu's body with his backhand and caress her back.

Sang Yu cried for more than ten minutes, and a piece of Mu Rong's pajamas was wet before weeping and leaving Mu Rong's embrace.

Mu Rong looked at Sang Yu's red eyes, took her hand and led her to her room, settled down, she sat down and twisted the cold towel and handed it to her: "I put it on ice, otherwise my eyes will swell tomorrow."


"Did Luo Ruyan watch Liu Hongde's past?"

Mu Rong did not miss the five-second handshake. She thought it was Sang Yu's instruction, but now it seems that Luo Ruyan is making her own decision.

Mu Rong sighed lightly: "If you want to, just tell me, let's share the burden together, if you don't want to mention it, let Luo Ruyan come out and tell me by yourself."

Sang Yu shook his head: "This place is too close to my home, Yanyan didn't dare to show up. She saw Liu Hongde's past and showed it to me when she returned home. After seeing it, I was very uncomfortable and couldn't tell Sister Tong Tong. It's here for you."

"Don't cry, what did Luo Ruyan see? Tell me."

Ah Miao stepped in and asked, "Wait, who is Luo Ruyan? I'm familiar."

Mu Rong explained: "The painting soul I told you last time was secretly rescued by Sang Yu. Now he is living in Sang Yu's body. Sang Tong doesn't know about this. We promised Luo Ruyan to keep it secret. , Now you know too, don’t say anything."

Ah Miao rubbed her hands: "Don't worry, Lord Mu Rong, I will never betray Sang Yu, where is the soul of painting? Let me see you soon."

Sang Yu sniffed, and said apologetically: "I will introduce you to you another day. Tobacco is a big secret. Don't let Sister Tong Tong know."

"Do not worry."

Sang Yu slowed down for a while, telling about Liu Hongde's past...

As Liu Hongde said, he was born in a remote rural area, that village was closed and backward, with violent folk customs and very poor.

Liu Hongde's parents have a very strong concept of "incense". They think that their daughter is losing money. No matter how poor the family is, even if a few people wear a pair of pants, they have to give birth to a son.

Liu Hongde has two older sisters. Sister Liu is the eldest daughter.

It's impossible to just study, and it is inevitable to be a cow or a horse. She works in the fields, picking pig grass, and boiling water and chopping wood.

A few years later, there was a second child, still a daughter, and the treatment of the second sister was even more miserable.

After another three years, the Liu family finally looked forward to a male.

When Liu Hongde was eight years old, her eldest sister was seventeen. In order to send Liu Hongde to the best elementary school in the town and buy some clothes from the city people, Liu Hongde’s parents gave her seventeen-year-old sister Liu “marry "To an old widower in his forties.

This widower is lame, likes to smoke, drink, and gamble. He has a bad temper. The only advantage is that he is "rich".

There is a pig farm in his family, he is a pig killer, a big pig can be sold in the city for a lot of money, the widower drank and likes to beat others, his first wife was "injured" by his drinking and died. He died, but the widower had money and went to the town government, and the incident was taken over.

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