My Death God Roommate

Chapter 117: Natal snake venom

The black shadow looked at Mu Rong who was fainted on the ground, and whispered in a low and hoarse voice: "The scriptures that have disappeared for a thousand years are on you. It's a pity that your instrument is too small to carry its energy, so let me send it. You have refined you with the Nine Nether Soul Devouring Banner."

The black shadow raised his hand, and a small flag was floating above his palm.

With a "hiss", a jet of green smoke spurted from the grass beside it, and the black shadow jumped up and the smoke followed, entangled with the black shadow.

He dodged a few times, and the smoke chased him like eyes with long eyes. The black shadow made an impatient "tsk" and summoned a ghost-faced shield that stood in front of him.

The green smoke pounced on the shield, making a sound of strong acid corrosion. The grimace on the shield was blurred, and the filthy unknown liquid flowed down the shield, and the green smoke dissipated.

The ghost image pinched a spot on the shield before retracting it, and turned to the grass beside it and said, "What a virgin snake venom, come out."

The grass was pushed aside, and behind it was a dark cave. A woman wearing a flower jacket twisted the waist of the water snake and walked out of the cave barefoot.

"Who disturbed my grandmother's dream?" Liu Er Niangzi said, yawning.

"It turns out to be a colorful snake. You and I have always been well-watered and not offending rivers, so don't worry about it."

Second Lady Liu pinched the orchid and slapped her nose in front of her nose: "It's a big tone, and I'm not afraid of my tongue flashing. You are not a human or a ghost. You ran outside your aunt's mansion to make a fortune. What else? This is not committed, where is it not committed?"

"The little snake demon doesn't know what it is, take it to death!"

When Sombra flipped his wrist, a black sword appeared in his hand. The sword was three feet and three inches long and four fingers wide. This sword was not a physical entity, but was made of an unknown , Composed of something similar to smoke.

Liu Er Niang looked at Hei Jian and squinted her eyes, then she realized her body.

A colorful snake hung in front of the black shadow. The water tank was as thick and dozens of meters long. Its aquamarine eyes were as big as an adult man's fist, and there was a bulge on the top of its head.

Empress Liu spit out her core, opened her mouth wide, and spewed a green snake venom. The black shadow swiftly avoided, letting the snake venom chase it, she carried her black sword and went straight to Empress Liu.

The second lady Liu straightened up the snake's body and flicked its tail angrily. Wherever she went, the ancient tree was cut off, the boulder was torn apart and the dust was flying.

At this time, another black shadow emerged from the grass. It was the black snake who had acted like a baby next to Liu Er Niang that day. In front of Liu Er Niangzi's body, this black snake looked a little petite and cute.

It crawled to Mu Rong's body next to Liu Er Niangzi's body, entangled Mu Rong's body in circles, and led her into the grass.

Mu Rong is a soul body. Under normal circumstances, living creatures in Yang can't touch her body, but this black snake also has some cultivation skills, so it can touch Mu Rong.

Liu Erniang raised the snake's head and slammed into the shadow. This trick seemed reckless but ingenious. The horns on her head had been cultivated for hundreds of years, and it was the hardest part of her body.

With a "bang", the black sword struck the snake's horns, and the black shadow's body bounced back, about to hit the snake venom chasing after him.

A gleam of light flashed in Liu Er Niangzi's eyes, waiting for the black shadow to be dissolved by her virgin snake venom, but an incredible scene happened.

Under Liu Er Niangzi's gaze, the black shadow disappeared like smoke.

This is beyond Liu Er's cognition. Before doing unspeakable things, some people will use magic techniques to hide their true identity, just like the black shadow in front of them.

But humans are humans, and their physical form is fixed, and no matter how they change, they are just blindfolds, but the shadowy figure is free from the limitations of the physical body!

The snake venom missed a single blow, so Niangzi Liu opened her mouth and sucked the snake venom back. This was her life's snake venom, and she could get one or two drops in ten years of hard work. If it weren't for saving people just now, she would not bear it.

With a "swish" sound, the scattered smoke and dust automatically gathered together and gathered in one place not far away, wriggling to form a dark shadow.

"Are you out of the physical body?"

"Hahahaha, physical body? It's just a stinky skin."

"Turn the cart before the horse, and abandon the most precious human body, stupid human beings in order to practice evil law."

"Huh, ignorance! Look at the top of your head."

Liu Er Niang was shocked. The horns on her head were her most precious thing. She could not tell the truth and immediately stared inwardly to check the situation above her head.

She was surprised at this sight. She had a gap in the corner of her 375 years of cultivation!

And the cracks are continuing to shatter at an almost undetectable rate.

"Damn humans, destroy my dragon horns! I will kill you!"

"Dragon Horn? It's just a pile of dead flesh!"

The second lady Liu was furious, the snake's tail flicked wildly, the trembling gravel splashed, and the ground shook the mountains!

She tasted the means of the dark shadow, and did not dare to resist, her virgin snake venom sprayed out like a lifeless, and in a short while, a few miles of green aura surrounded.

However, this mountain is blessed by the Liu family, and the plants inside are also highly resistant to toxicity, but the snake venom of Liu Er Niangzi is extraordinary. Although these plants did not die immediately, they also appeared to be wilting.

The black shadow was still a little afraid of Liu Er Niangzi's natural snake venom, and summoned a magic weapon to protect him, but unswervingly moved slowly in the direction of Liu Er Niangzi.

A small soil bag quickly rushed in the direction of Liu Er Niangzi, a puff of green smoke emerged from the ground, and the third grandma Hui stood in front of Liu Er Niangzi's body with a cane.

This scene looks quite funny. A stubborn little old lady, holding a plain crutches, stands in front of a flower snake that is dozens of times larger than her, in the posture of a protector.

A nest of snakes and rats, at the level of Granny Hui San, she is no longer afraid of snake venom. She patted the snake's body and said soothingly: "Second girl, don’t waste your life’s poison. Put it away quickly, otherwise this mountain will also If the meeting is ruined, Sangu will give you the shot."

Second Lady Liu flicked her tail again angrily, opened her mouth and sucked most of the snake venom back into her female form.

It just looked quite embarrassed, the meticulous hair that had been combed before was scattered, a stream of blood ran down the forehead to the face, the bright flower coat was dirty, and the white jade feet were bruised.

Liu Er's eyes were red, and she stared at the shadow: "Sangu! He destroyed my dragon horn!"

"Look at Sangu up to you!"

When the words fell, the third grandmother Hui moved her crutches to the ground a little bit, used her ability to shrink to an inch, rushed to the black shadow in one step, lifted the small walking stick and knocked towards the black shadow.

The black shadow laughed, and simply opened her arms and accepted the move generously. The third gray grandmother's fluttering blow contained a thousand pounds of power. With a muffled sound, the black shadow was poked in the chest. Big hole in the bowl.

The black shadow widened the two holes on his face, lowered his head and looked at the wound on his chest in disbelief: "You cane...?"

"If you have eyesight, the old woman had a great opportunity in her early years. This cane is the hairpin of the old man, the golden flower leader, who left her in the mortal world!"

"Well, what a five big families in the Northeast, really have two sons, even if the bad luck is bad today, we will have a period later!"

The black shadow's body dissipated again, turned into a black wind and fled.

Liu Er ran over, grabbed the arm of Hui San's grandma, and cried out sadly: "San Gu, my dragon horn is gone, my dragon horn was destroyed by that person!"

Grandma Hui San stood on tiptoe and patted Niang Liu on the shoulder, and said with earnest words: "You girl has cultivated the fastest speed among her peers. You have developed arrogance in the past ten years. Now, do you know that the arrogant soldier must be defeated? "

Liu Er Niang Chu Chu looked at Granny Hui San's pitifully: "San Gu, Tian Jiao knows that he is wrong, please help me."

"The leader of your affairs had already expected it. He asked me to tell you two words."

"What are the instructions of the ancestors?"

"First break and then stand."

Liu Erniang's face collapsed, and she said with a cry of tears, "Isn't he going to care about it?"

The third grandma Hui did not speak, and patted the slender hands of the second lady Liu: "What about the badass?"

"Little Black!"

The **** snake sprang out of the grass, came to the two of them, let go of Mu Rong.

Grandma Hui San looked down and saw Mu Rong's face purplish blue and her lips were purple, and she sighed quietly, "Girl, she is poisoned by your life."

Early the next morning, the people in the hotel were awakened by the sound of gongs and drums. Mu Rong did not return all night, and Sang Yu barely slept. She was the first to ran to the lobby. The one-eyed boss looked panicked and was limping. The bench blocked the door.

There were only a few guests in this hotel. Sang Tong walked down second with sleepy eyes, and Zeng Tianhan was the last.

"What happened?"

The boss's face paled in shock: "It's not good, it's a disaster! There are so many snakes and mice in the yard!"

Sang Tong glanced at Zeng Tianhan, who nodded, and walked up to the second floor in two or three steps, and soon returned to the hall with a donkey drum.

"Open the door, let me see."

"You are crazy! There are hundreds of snakes, colorful and poisonous!"

"If you are afraid, you can hide, and I will be responsible for the loss."

"Crazy!" The boss limped and hid behind, Zeng Tianhan and Sang Tong took down the tables and chairs on the door and opened the door of the hotel.

There were countless mice and snakes of different colors lying in the yard. Zeng Tianhan was also taken aback, shaking the donkey drum, and babbling.

These snakes and rats have not yet gained the Tao, and can't utter words. Only by asking the upper body of Jiaxian can they understand what they are saying.

Zeng Tianhan's body trembled without warning, rolled his eyes a few times, and an old female voice rang out: "Sangyu girl, do you remember Grandma?"

"Are you... Granny Grey?"

The author has something to say: tomorrow is also a double watch~

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