My Death God Roommate

Chapter 122: Huang Jia Tianba

Sang Yu said the matter immediately, Zeng Tianhan looked disdainful: "Old ancestor? I think it is an old monster. In a place with such a turbid aura, can you raise Renrui? The old monster is almost the same!"

That night, everyone had fallen asleep and was suddenly awakened by the cry of a baby.

Mu Rong was the first to wake up and raised his hand to block Sang Yu's ears. Sang Tong bounced off the bed, "What sound!?"

Not only did Liu Erjie's room not have electricity, Liu's family didn't even give them a candle, and the only light source was a bright moon in the sky, pale and pale.

Mu Rong was familiar with this voice. Seeing Sang Yu also woke up, he hugged her and said with relief: "Don't be afraid, it's the wild cat calling Chun."

But it is already autumn now.

Several people sat on the kang vigilantly and looked out the window.

The second sister Liu’s room is over a mountain, and not far from the window is a side wall covered with moss, more than one meter high.

There was a cat squatting on the wall whose fur color could not be seen clearly. Its eyes were green and the sound was made by it.

The cat awakened them and stopped barking, squatted down and confronted the people in the room.

Zeng Tianhan touched the ground in the dark, picked up the leftover canned luncheon meat on the table, and threw it out.

With a "bang", the tin can hit the partial wall, and the cat gracefully jumped off the partial wall and disappeared into the night.

"It's okay, the wild cat is called Yangzi, which is often the case in rural areas. Go to sleep."

Just a few minutes after lying down, I heard a small sound from the roof, like the sound of tiles hitting, and more than one place.

None of them fell asleep, and sat up again after hearing this sound.

Mu Rong handed the body to Sang Yu, and the soul came out through the wall: "I will go and see."

Sang Yu knelt down on the kang and leaned out of the kang, and said to the window: "Be careful."

Mu Rong's voice floated in: "Don't worry."

A few minutes later, Mu Rong returned, turned on the flashlight, turned on his body, and closed the window: "Dozens of wild cats came outside and surrounded us!"

As soon as the voice fell, the cry of a baby cried one after another.

The voice is scratching and harsh, especially in the night when I can't see my fingers.

Through the blurry glass, a few people saw that the cat was back again, and it jumped to the side wall facing the window again, still sitting in the same position, staring at them through the window, provocative Full.

Sang Yu retracted into Mu Rong's arms and asked softly, "Brother Han, are the wild cats in the countryside called together like this?"

With a sound of "Bang!", not only did a cat pounce on it from somewhere, it hit the window, and the glass was shaken.

The wild cats showed offensive intent. They could not sit and wait for death. Once the wild cats rushed in, someone would inevitably be injured.

Zeng Tianhan took out the donkey skin drum from his bag, thinking about which clan should be moved to help out. The nearest neighbors are the Hui family and the Liu family. Unfortunately, his body is not complete. The Liu family does not listen to his deployment. The cat is the Hui family. Nemesis...

The Bai family is good at treating diseases and saving people, but their fighting power is not strong, leaving only the Hu family and the Huang family.

Sang Tong grabbed Zeng Tianhan's drumming wrist: "Let me come."

Zeng Tianhan shook his head: "No, once you are in the Taoist school, if the energy fluctuations are too great, you may be disturbed by Yuexiang. During your stay in Yuexiang Village, you don't want to do anything but leave it to me."

With a sound, a fat cat smashed a piece of glass. The window of Liu Hongde's house was an old-fashioned checkered wooden frame.

One of them was smashed by the wild cat, and it was not lost.

Mu Rong wrapped Sang Yu in a quilt: "Stay in bed and don't move, I'll go down and help, you know?"


Mu Rong and Sang Tong guarded the windows from left to right, Mu Rong held a folding stool in his hand, and Sang Tong went to the kitchen to get a rolling pin.

The wild cats gathered under the windows, some of them had already stood on the narrow window sills outside, eagerly trying to get in from the small square where the glass had been lost.

Mu Rong blocked the gap with a folding stool, and Sang Tong waved his rolling pin to terrorize the wild cats outside. These wild cats were not afraid at all and made angry "ha" sounds from time to time.

The strange thing is that there was such a big movement in the yard, but it did not disturb the Liu family, and even the big wolf dog in the front yard did not bark.

Zeng Tianhan shook his donkey drum and danced a special dance step, babbling and singing.

This time I sang the tactics of moving soldiers. The Ma family has two sets of lyrics, namely, the tune of the gods and the tactics of moving soldiers.

Both have the function of inviting the upper body of the Jiaxian to help, but the tune is to invite the nearest Jiaxian. The move of soldiers is a bit similar to the point of soldiers, and one or several Jiaxians can be specially assigned to help.

In Zeng Tianhan’s weird lyrics, some names can be heard occasionally...

Twelve glass grids were broken in half, and Mu Rong and Sang Tong fought hard against the wild cat, both arms were sore.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Zeng Tianhan's body trembled violently. With a "pop", the donkey skin drum fell to the ground.

Sang Tong exhaled in relief, signaled Mu Rong to let go, pulled out the window latch and pushed the window open.

Zeng Tianhan straightened his chest and made a "quack" on his body. He stood with his hand and looked out the window. The strange thing was that the wild cats did not rush in, but all squatted outside the window, hunched back, and his fur exploded. Growling warnings at Zeng Tianhan.

A man's voice full of magnetism sounded: "Tell Zeng Xiaozi, the balance is not available, I am here to help him."

"Dare to ask Senior Gao's name."

"Huang Tianba!"

Hearing this name, Sang Tong threw away his rolling pin with confidence and sat on the bed.

Zeng Tianhan mentioned to her before: Huang Tianba is the leading general of the Huang family, the strongest existence of the Huang family, and even the Liu family, who is known for its combat effectiveness, could not find a few opponents.

Zeng Tianhan sprang out of the window with a "swish", and the small group of people crawling under the window went straight to the cat on the wall.

Feeling the danger, the cat leaped more than two meters high in the dry land, swiftly avoiding Huang Tianba's blow.

Huang Tianba didn't chase after him, and took advantage of the trend to hug the stars and Lanyue, pinching the other wild cat that hadn't had time to escape from the wall.

"Meow!" There was a miserable cat cry, and Murongti flashed it with a flashlight, and saw Zeng Tianhan squatting on the side wall with a cat in his mouth.

It was a pure white cat with shiny fur and looked a little plump.

The snow-white fur was dyed red with blood, and his limbs drooped softly. He had lost his vitality and was bitten by Zeng Tianhan's neck.

Mu Rong's heart tightened, and the light spot of the flashlight shook.

Dozens of cats in the yard yelled at Zeng Tianhan, but no cat dared to step forward.

Under the light of the flashlight, Zeng Tianhan's eyes reflected light. He ignored all the wild cats and actually squatted on the side wall and ate the cat.

Zeng Tianhan was eating with relish, the sound of tearing skin and flesh, the "gappa" sound of chewing bones, and the screams of wild cats penetrated.

Within three to five minutes, the adult fat cat was eaten with only a layer of skin, and Zeng Tianhan's face was bloody, and it was stained with a lot of mucosal tissue.

He threw away the wreckage and licked the back of his hand contentedly, like a full weasel!

There was a high-pitched meow from nowhere. The wild cats in the yard heard the retreat horn, split into several strands and fled around, swiftly crossed the courtyard wall and fled.

Huang Tianba held Zeng Tianhan's body and returned to the room: "This village is weird, so don't stay long."

"Senior said Yuexiang?"

"No, this small body can't bear me for too long. Tell Zeng Xiaozi to exercise and I'm leaving!"

Zeng Tianhan lay softly on the ground, and only woke up three minutes later. After waking up, he rolled over in pain for a while, shouting, "Which old fairy is here?"

"Huang Tianba."

"What? Hey, I didn't invite him to the old man either. My small body can't stand the toss of his old man."

"He said Huang Tianping couldn't come if he had something to do. Seeing that you are anxious, he will come and help himself."

Feeling sticky on his face, Zeng Tianhan stretched out his hand and took a look at it with the light of a flashlight. He immediately thought of something, resisting the pain all over his body, lying on the windowsill and vomiting!

After vomiting up the cat meat, vomiting up for dinner, vomiting up gastric juice after vomiting up for dinner, and finally vomiting up bitter water.

Regardless of the predecessors, Mu Rong patted Zeng Tianhan on the back, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, and handed it to him: "It will be better if you rinse your mouth and lie flat on the kang."

"……Thank you."

Zeng Tianhan insisted on taking a bath, and went to the yard with a bucket of cold water and a flashlight. Mu Rong and the others had no thought of sleeping anymore and simply chatted around on the kang.

Zeng Tianhan came back tiredly with his wet hair, sitting on the kang against the fire wall and lighting a cigarette.

After drawing three in a row, he took the initiative to participate.

"Sang Tong, have you seen our Ma family's greatness now?"

Sang Tong just wanted to tease a bit, but saw that Zeng Tianhan's expression was a little lost, and he changed his words and said: "Well, I have to say, you must be more comfortable with this kind of physical and supernatural incident."

Zeng Tianhan grinned: "It would be great if my master was still alive."

The room calmed down, and only heard Zeng Tianhan say to himself: "My master, his old man has four pillars and is a god-given body. Accommodating any one of the five major families, the longest can last for a few hours, afterwards, the most is to eat a few more bowls of rice, and rest for two days, it's all right, unlike me... It's a pity that his old man sacrificed, and I was the only one who was ineffective My apprentice, the golden sword and **** drum came to my hand, and the power is not as powerful as one-tenth of his old man.

Zeng Tianhan didn't say any more, he took out a cigarette and turned his face to look at the moon outside the window.

The author has something to say: There will be another chapter in a while, I have fixed the mistake of the name. After writing this chapter, I can hardly look at our cat TT, sorry for the duck. In a few days, I will send a chapter of a good cat story. Give you.

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