My Death God Roommate

Chapter 125: The death of Jiaxian

At the moment of the moment, Sang Tong burst out with astonishing power, dragging Granny Cat around in a circle, and the wild cats who were waiting for an attack to evade.

With a "click", Grandma Cat flew out and fell heavily to the ground. Sang Tong was able to pull out the Five Emperors Copper Coin Sword, but her hand was still connected to a half-shrinked arm.

Granny Cat's arm broke from the forearm, and there was no drop of blood on the neat cross section.

Only then did Sang Tong remember: No blood was spilled when he stabbed the cat demon's heart.

She laughed at herself, sweating profusely, manipulating the dislocated arm, breaking off Grandma Cat’s fingers one by one, and her heart was piercing every time she moved: "I didn’t expect that I would have lost my eyes. Fighting with a stubborn old corpse for so long, let you be a monster to see a joke."

Sang Tong had the Five Emperors Copper Coin Sword in his hand, and the wild cats dared not rush forward. The scorched corpses of the two companions on the ground were the best shock.

The white civet cat squatting on the roof licked its paws and said, "How can I perch in the muddy flesh of dying wood?"

Grandma Gray had no children and had died many years ago, and the body remained in the house and no one found.

When an old cat passed by, the body of the cat's grandmother became angry and existed in the world as a walking dead.

So far, Granny Cat has been simple, and there are always many wild cats in the yard.

The villagers in Yuexiang Village thought Grandma Gray was lonely in her old age and pined her feelings on the cat. They did not know that Rui, whom they took turns taking care of for so many years, was just a corpse who had been struck by anger.

The white cat didn't know what method it used, and in the next few decades he cultivated to become a spirit, and could spit out people's words, manipulate the cat's corpse, and control the faith of the villagers.

"Is the silly strong in the village already dead?"

"That fool lacks one soul and three souls. He is destined to be stupid for life and time. He can help my son become immortal. It is also his good fortune. If you kill my son, you will pay for it!"

Sang Tong posted a circle of purple thunder and lightning symbols on the ground, and then sat on the ground weakly.

An ignorant wild cat wanted to sneak attack from behind, and was immediately chopped into coke by lightning.

The clothes on Sang Tong's back were stained red with blood, and her dislocated arm was painful. She looked at the watch on her wrist, and the countdown still had an hour and fifty minutes.

Ignoring the wild cat that surrounded her, she took out a cigarette and smoked it leisurely.

Large beads of sweat fell along the tip of her nose and her chin. She was smoking a cigarette quietly, as if there were no wild cats all around.

After smoking a cigarette, Sang Tong rubbed the Five Emperors Copper Coin Sword lovingly, and took it back.

Opened the backpack and took out Zeng Tianhan's golden knife.

Although the Five Emperors Copper Coin Sword is a divine weapon for slashing demons and demons, it cannot be contaminated with too much animal blood, otherwise the aura of the copper coins will be contaminated and gradually lose mana.

This golden knife is different. The more livestock blood is stained, the stronger the spiritual power.

Sang Tong stood up slowly, held the golden knife and slapped her back, the golden knife was stained with a lot of her blood, his fingertips crossed the blade and spotted his own blood on the brow.

The golden sword was raised high, and Sang Tong said loudly: "Ren Gao protects me, Ding Chou protects me, benevolence saves me, Ding You protects me, Rencan manages the soul, Ding Si nourishes the soul, Taiyin canopy, Dihu Tianmen, Wu Xing Yubu, Xuan Nvzhen, sitting and lying in Mingtang, hiding in hiding, disciple Sang Tong, please invite Jiu Tian Xuan Nv Niang Niang in a hurry!"

With a "whoop", the waist bent by pain and tiredness stood up again, and the sluggishness was swept away, and the cat demon immediately ran away when he saw it.

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl is the strongest female war **** in Taoism, and Sang Tong is a pure Yin body. It would be inconvenient to ask a male god.

The loyal wild cats did not leave, but like a death squad, they rushed on Sang Tong frantically to gain time for the cat demon to escape.

Sang Tong didn't say a word, brandishing a golden knife in his hand, and striding with graceful steps like a dance, dozens of wild cats couldn't even touch a piece of fabric on Sang Tong's body.

And in the seemingly careless waving, the screams of the wild cats were endless, and the knife saw blood, killing each time, killing the wild cats in the courtyard in a moment.

Legend has it that when many of the Taoist ancestors ascended, they left a clone in the mortal world because they were concerned about the world. If the disciple of the discipline is in trouble or the world suffers catastrophe, the golden body will take care of it.

Respectfully requesting the golden body to help out is the supreme way of life-saving Taoism.

Who can be invited to and how long it can last depends on its own conditions.

Dao Fa's gentleness won't hurt the body like Ma's, but the loss of energy is also amazing.

In the process of asking God to help out, her own consciousness will fall into a deep sleep for a short time, and the golden body will be within the range of the disciple's physical body to help her fulfill the wish left in Chen's heart before going to bed.

Sang Tong's last thought was to kill the cat demon, so when all the wild cats in the courtyard died, the golden body of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl did not leave, but lightly stepped and chased in the direction where the cat demon disappeared.


On the other side, Mu Rong came to the small temple where Sister Liu was imprisoned, and suddenly discovered that the name of the temple was: Yuexiang Temple.

There is a camel stele over two meters high at the door, and the font on the stele has been eroded by wind and sand.

The temple enshrines a statue of Yuexiang, a woman with a benevolent eyebrow, but what Mu Rong saw was a soaring resentment.

The temple was banned, and the formation was in a six-diamond shape, which I thought came from the old director.

The front eye is exactly this fake look, no wonder it can suppress the soul of Sister Liu.

Mu Rong made a difficult situation: If one accidentally broke the eye, she was afraid that she would disturb Yuexiang, but she would not be reconciled if she left like this.

After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to give it a try. Mu Rong summoned a writing brush and added a wall of law outside the prohibition. The eyes were slightly modified and set on the plaque of Yuexiang Temple. After repeated inspections to confirm that there were no flaws, he put away the writing brush. Summoned the soul-locking chain, read the name of Second Sister Liu, and moved towards Bianqian.

The soul chain drilled into the ground, and Mu Rong felt the chain circle something. She took a deep breath, staring at the moon incense phase at the end of the small temple, slowly pulling out the chain.

A girl in ragged clothes was torn out, her eyes were not destroyed!

Mu Rong's expression relaxed, seeing Second Sister Liu's eyes closed tightly, before waking up, he took out a piece of talisman paper and stuck it on Second Sister Liu's head, leading the soul chain to leave here.


The east end of Yuexiang Village blazed into the sky, and Mu Rong rushed towards the source of the fire.


Sang Tongyou woke up and suddenly sat up, crying in pain.

She ignored the wound inspection, but looked at the time and breathed a sigh of relief: There are still fifteen minutes before the rescue helicopter arrived.

She squeezed a magic trick and ignited the fire talisman pasted in advance.

Many households in Yuexiang Village caught fire at the same time, and the villagers urged them many times. Luo Ruyan, who was poorly skilled, exclaimed: "It's on fire, see who is on fire, go and fight the fire!"

Most of the villagers swarmed away, leaving a few villagers who did not live in the fire.

"What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you go and fight the fire?"

"We will help you watch the catastrophe so that he won't mess up!"

"Hurry up and put out the fire, I'll just stay here."

"But the village chief..."


After a few villagers ran away, Zhao Dashuan lost the torch. Zeng Tianhan struck hard and was almost cut by the key. The rope tied to his wrist broke. Luo Ruyan went around to untie the rope for Zeng Tianhan: "Time is running out. , I will take you down the path!"

The helicopter arrived as scheduled, but neither Mu Rong Sangtong nor Zeng Tianhan came.

First, Sang Yu asked people to pull Mu Rong's body onto the plane, but he held onto the ladder and refused to go up.

The pilot urged several times, but Sang Yu begged, and the other party said that he could only wait two more minutes.

Finally, a pair of figures rushed into the yard, Zeng Tianhan and the village head of Yuexiang Village.

"Brother Han, get on the plane."

"You go first!"

"it is good."

Zeng Tianhan stepped on the ladder, but jumped off just two steps.

Luo Ruyan asked: "What's wrong?"

"My magic weapon is still in Liu Baotian's house, I can't go!"

"You will die if you go like this!"

"Let's go. It was passed on to me by my master. It was a precious property that the country took decades to find. It must not be lost in my hands."

The helicopter drove away, leaving Zeng Tianhan with a box of equipment, including two shuttle bullets, a pistol, a protective vest and a gas mask.

The pistol is specially made. The bullet is filled with highly concentrated anesthetic. After blasting, the anesthetic is mixed with air. The person who inhales it will become immobile within 30 seconds, and it can last for a few hours at most.

When Mu Rong came to the fire source, seeing that only the house was on fire and the Dingfeng pile was already empty, he pinched a magic trick to determine Sangtong's position.

She left the soul chaser on Sang Tong, and she could find it no matter whether Sang Tong was dead or alive.


Sang Tong looked around for a week and found the cat demon's body on a tree trunk, which was pierced by a golden knife and nailed to the tree.

Sang Tong rested for a while, then staggered over and took off the golden knife. After confirming that the cat demon was dead, he supported the tree trunk all the way out of the woods, and was surprised to find that he was actually on the Snake Mountain outside Yuexiang Village!

It was a blessing in disguise for her to think that it was Nine Heavens Profound Girl who chased the cat demon all the way.

The blood that had been temporarily stopped due to the golden body protection flowed out again. Sang Tong's face was pale as paper, and her eyes turned black. She saw the small wooden house on the top of the mountain and wanted to take a rest inside.

The next second, he fell straight to the ground.

Mu Rong raised his head when he heard the voice, and the helicopter flew away from the village, speeding up to search for Sang Tong.

She found Sangtong on Snake Mountain, just outside the cabin on the top of the mountain.

Sang Tong fell into a pool of blood like gossip, and not far from her was a big gray mouse.

She recognizes this mouse as the third grandmother Hui who appeared to meet that night!

A weapon was inserted in Granny Hui San's body, and Granny Hui San was nailed to the ground, leaving only one handle outside. Mu Rong recognized that handle was Zeng Tianhan's golden knife!

The author has something to say: today's first update is here, and there will be two more in a while. Due to the pain of the finger joints and the slowdown of the codeword speed, it may not be possible to update before 12 o'clock, but the second update must be there.

I hope everyone will leave a message enthusiastically, your support is my unlimited motivation.

I ask myself that my writing is not as beautiful as many female frequency writers. All I can give back to you is hard work.

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