My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 119 - Flying Higher

It was almost past the evening of their first date day. Time was flying ahead quite fast. After spending an ample amount of time before her parents inside the crematorium, both Eva and Zeus walked up to the Melville River bank holding hands on hands. After a quality amount of time in each other's solace, both of them decided to grab something along with a drink as their heart was feeling much heavier, stuffed with different shades of grief tugged inside.


But it was a bad idea, to begin with. Eva was quite a lightweight drinker compared to him. Just after gulping down two bottles of freshly brewed beer, she already started to feel tipsy with her oval porcelain bright face turning to flushed red.


"Eva, you are quite drunk. I think we must head back home now." Softly caressing her arm, Zeus tried to retrieve her senses while she was sitting opposite to him looking all drowsy.

"Nope... I will... continue drinking today...till I pass out... very sad from the inside, today... We just came back...from the crematorium..." She blabbered out quickly.

"But your face is turning red...I don't think Eva you should drink anymore---"

"Zeus... do you" A quick question flew away from her straight at him before he could even wrap up his sentence.


"Do you find Am I captivating... enough for you?" Her voice sounded a little irked and loud which immediately grabbed the attention of a few people residing near them in the restaurant.

"Ye-Yes." He quickly nodded his head, appearing a bit shy.

"Then why haven't you slept with me yet? I want to...have...sleep with you... Right here..." Slamming her hand hard on the table, she startled almost every other person who was peeking at them, including him.

"Eva, you are really drunk. C'mon, let's head home." Trying hard to control his bashfulness, Zeus stood up from his seat and abruptly walked ahead to grab her within his arms.

"No, I will sleep here first...before heading home. Why? Don't you attractive? Am I not seductive?" She was consistently objecting to his arm while he was trying to hold her close, blabbering nonchalantly.

"I had heard some humans turn out to be aroused after having a few rounds of drink, but I didn't expect Eva to be one of them... Damn, her scent is growing's too hard for me to resist. I must take her out of here before she invites other troubles." Gulping his saliva, he intended to make her stand up and tug in his arms, a bit forcefully. 

"Then...give me a piggyback ride..."


"Give me a piggyback ride or sleep here with me! If you agree...we can also go to a motel!" This time her drunk voice resonated much sharply inside the restaurant, making all the people awe-struck with the ongoing scenario.

"Ok-Okay! I will give you a piggyback ride. But please stay quiet. Okay?" Carefully obeying her command, he groped her small body up in his back shoulder before heading out of the place with an embarrassing grimace. On the other hand, happily, she clasped her arms around his neck, holding him tighter.


The sky was heavier and dusky with countless dark clouds grumbling on their own. It was about to start raining any time soon. Zeus seemed to be in a hurry of getting her back home safely before the rain starts pouring. Gripping her tightly in his back, he was walking by the subway attracting the attention of countless people walking past by them.

"Zeus?" She mumbled his name in a delicate note.


"Don't ever leave me...okay?" 

"I won't." Chuckling at her tipsy responses, he continued walking ahead with his giant bold steps. This drunk Eva was drastically different from the one he had always known and he found it quite amazing.

"Then...can you take me to a flight in the clouds?"

"Eva...I can't fly... We can jump higher but we don't have wings to fly--"

"But I want to fly... in the air with you...Take me there!" She sounded much like a small kid, nagging persistently. 

"Sigh..." Tossing a deep huff of breath out, Zeus came up with a quick idea. He wrapped himself along with Eva in his invisible power and quickly glanced around them. At that very moment, he was standing just in front of a tall, skyscraper building.

Without wasting a further second, he attempted to use his alpha strength by climbing vertically with the help of his robust powerful legs up on the building, gripping his lady love tighter in his embrace.

Running faster to the top end of the building, the entire Rione Monti seemed beautiful in the majestic night view from the top. Clutching her waist on his back, he whispered tenderly, "hold me tighter, my love."


Before she could finish her sentence, he jumped higher from the top of the building to another one. With each high jump, he flew up much higher in the air grasping her in his back trying to fulfill her wish of flying up higher.

"WHEEEE! I AM FLYING!! HAHAHA!" She was grinning, chuckling aloud in glee clenching her grip strongly around his neck while he continued fleeting from one building to another.

"Are you happy? Did I make you a bit happy right now?" Tenderly glancing at her wide smile, he whispered in a soft breath.

"I feel like...the happiest alive on the earth...You are the best gift I ever had, Zeus... I won't stop loving you...till my last breath." Putting a warm, affectionate kiss on his puffy soft cheek, she snuggled her head in his broad shoulder.

Glancing at her amicably, Zeus kissed her back on her flustered red cheek holding a small sad simper on his face. "And you will be my first and last mate ever... I promise." 


*A big twist is coming into the plot which will evolve their love story.

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