My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 123 - Grudge


With every passing minute, the night was growing heavier while the rain was intensely pouring down the sky, with terrifying thunderbolts crushing the entire horizon. 

Amidst the turbulent weather, being totally drenched wet in rain, Zeus was standing before the grave of Eva's parents inside the dark, desolated crematorium. The whole area seemed much scary in the dark but being absolutely numb like a statue he was gawking at the tombstone of Mr. Stevan Ricci. His heartwrenching tears were mixed with the raindrops, fanning quite deeply.

His gaze was dark and absorbed with a profound emptiness while he was ogling at the name imprinted on the tombstone. After a moment of absolute silence, he clenched his fist hard and took a deep puff of breath out. His feet gave upon the strength and all of a sudden he knelt down on the ground along with his heart throbbing with an unspeakable agony churning him down from inside. 

"Why? Why did you do this to me, Uncle? You...had promised to stay my side... I was still desperately hoping for the challenge you again for the swordfight too... abandoned me like this? Why?" Murmuring in a broken voice, he raised his chin up from the ground glaring at the tombstone with his tear-soaked eyes.


A strong, frightening thunder again thrilled the entire area lightening up the whole crematorium. The weather was growing more wretched to bear with. It seemed as if heaven beyond was mourning helplessly along with Zeus, expressing their way of grief.

"Why did you leave me before keeping your promise? Why? Why couldn't you stay alive? Why...Why did you leave me behind with this unbeatable regret? How am I going to live my life with this burden of pain? How am I gonna ever become happy? If...If you had to disappear forever like this...why did you ever come in front of me? Why the heck I had to see your smile again? Why? Fuck!" Wailing out his pain in the form of loud screams, he punched on the tombstone several times, crying out aloud.

Helplessly with his other arm, he was hitting his own chest which was throbbing in immense pain. Swallowed up in tears and drool, he was wrecked down like a small child mumbling all alone, "it's all because of me... It's all because of me!! I...I have failed to protect you as the alpha... I have failed to save you and your loved ones!

You...You always wanted to see me as the wisest alpha and yet I am the one who disappointed you in the end! I...I am dying inside with regret...It's wrecking down my soul... If...If I had come a bit earlier that night...I would have never let something bad happening to you...If only I didn't suggest taking the other route that night...Fuck! Fucking hell!" 

Wailing out his vent, he raised his gaze of emptiness towards the sour dark horizon, lamenting aloud out bitterly clenching his arms. "I...I am the one who should die! Why the fuck I am still alive with all this pain! How long...How long am I going to live with this misery? Why did it have to be you...Why did it have to be my loved one again? Why!?"


"I am glad...though it's least you have realized...that you should die, Zeus Romano!"

All of a sudden hearing a hoarse, deep voice behind his back, Zeus paused out for a moment and slowly turned his neck behind towards the direction. His grimace was tear-soaked, his inner core was wrecked down in despair and painfully he raised his dark gaze towards the familiar person.

The person was no one other than Czar, glaring at Zeus by standing at a measurable distance from him in the dark, desolated crematorium. Czar had a mystic, atrocious smirk lingering on his face while his murky eyes were fixated on him. Slowly after a moment of pause between them, he chose to walk closer to him in gentle footsteps.

"Czar?" Quivering in a broken voice, he stared intensely at him while he was approaching closer to him. 

"You must be surprised to see me here, aren't you, big brother?" On a sour note, he tantalized his words at him.

"Why...Why you are here?"

"To be honest, I came here to watch you howling like a crazy dog in grief. But instead, it's fun to watch you grieving so hard on his grave. I am glad I decided to follow you here," the dark smirk widened on his lips as he reached closer to him, just a few inches apart.

"Czar... I...I want to be alone right now... Get lost and leave me alone here." Slowly, he declaimed his dark command, shifting his gaze at the tombstone away from him. Hearing out his word, he further chuckled and invincibly gazed at the grave in front of him.

"Destiny knows it quite well to play its trump card whenever we start to live with a frail hope that life would get any better. Or else, who knew, that little duckling will turn out to be the daughter of the most worthy sword fighter of our pack... As far I know, he was remembered to be the strongest yet the traitor beta among our clan who abandoned us to stay with his human love...

But fuck! Who knew...his blood will run through Eva's veins? Damn! This is such an interesting turn of events! Your lady love is a hybrid human! Doesn't her specialty make you happy, big brother? After all, she carries our sacred wolf blood in her nerves!" He was prattling on his own, intensely glaring at him from behind. His dark eyes were shimmering in gleam to watch him helplessly doomed in despair, all alone.

"Czar... I am not in the right mental state to converse with you... I...I beg of you, please go away---"

"But shouldn't as the alpha, it was your responsibility to protect your pack member?" Before he could wrap his words, he fiercely interrupted his words trying hard to manipulate his already wounded heart. "Don't you think, you have already failed us as our alpha? You couldn't even protect your grandmother as a child even as an adult, you still couldn't protect the life of your beloved uncle whom you valued in your heart... That silver sword in your room whom you cherish so preciously till now was gifted by him, isn't it? You were still hoping inside to meet him someday but alas...who knew...the mighty alpha of Romano will turn out to be a loser in the end. I pity you, big brother." 

"You are right," whispering in a teary broken voice, Zeus clenched his fist placed over his lap sobbing in despair. "I am the one who should be blamed... I am the one who failed him to be the wisest alpha... I...don't am I going to live with this pain?" 

A vile wide smile appeared on his face as he continued to monitor his distressed look victoriously. Leaning his face a bit closer to him, he whispered in an ardent tone, " should just die, brother. You must compensate the loss with your own life, shouldn't you?" 

A wave of immense despair twirled inside his heart hearing out his harsh words loud and clear. A sad smile appeared on his face as gently, he tried to stand up straight from the ground turning behind, looking at him.

"Czar... I know... probably you hate me the most among anyone in this world...but still, hurts my heart...hearing out your harsh wishes about me." 

"Harsh wish? Huh! Do you ever fucking realize what it feels like to lead a harsh life?" Viciously grumbling at him, his face turned out intensely dark while his terrifying gaze was ogling at him. "The pain...The regret...The helplessness of being unable to save your loved one is evident in your eyes today... The emptiness that I have been bearing in my eyes...I can fucking see it in you today! I...I am so happy! I am so darn happy to watch you suffering like crazy!" His voice crooked a little while his intense screams reverberated the entire area.

Zeus stood still like a statue, rolling his eyes at him taking a deep sigh out. The rain was pouring down intensely and both of them were soaked wet battling their inner turmoil. 

"Now...Now every time you look at her eyes...your heart will be swelled up with the regret of your incapability! The same pain...I am bearing inside my heart every time I look at you and your family... Every fucking day, I cursed myself for my mother's death and will curse yourself too... Every fucking day!" 

"Have you...always wished to see me badly?" He asserted in a husky tone, holding a deep cold smirk with his heart throbbing in agony.

Holding a vicious glare scowling his face, he mumbled in a dark note, "I have always wished to see you suffering in the agony worse than death... And...right now, the best possible avenge for me will be if I kill your lady love today or possibly... right now?"

"CZARRRR!" Fiercely like a wild storm, he dashed towards him and gripped up his collar hard, swirling his red dominant pupils, growling out aloud.


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