My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 126 - Feeling Content

"Hey, why are you raising your voice at me?" Scrunching his eyebrow ridge, Czar murmured his voice sounding much displeased at her sudden loud reaction. With each passing moment, Clara was further losing her temperament and tried to inhale a deep breath calming herself down.

"I...I am not yelling at you, master. It's just...your suggestion seemed much uncomfortable and embarrassing to me right now..."

"But it doesn't give you the audacity to yell at me. Besides, we are in a master-slave relation right now. So, it's your job to follow my orders around." He cleared his throat sounding much hoarse. 

"Ughh, this man can really piss me off! He is damn stubborn like a kid! Ahh, why am I suddenly stressed so much at darn 3 am? My head...It's hurting so badly right now," twitching her eyebrows she flipped her hairs on the other side of her neck wondering on her own. After a moment of silence between them, she chose to mumble in a gentle tone, "okay. You can head to the shower. I will look for something for you to wear..."

"Good." Tossing a sly chuckle, he immediately headed straight inside the washroom leaving her outside standing in the hallway frowning her eyebrows.


While he was taking up a warm shower, Clara was sitting up on her bed with an irked expression written all over her face. She was still drowsy, with her head aching a bit. Soon enough, the doorknob of the washroom clutched open, and wearing a warm long white bathrobe Czar headed straight into her bedroom rubbing his wet hairs with a small towel. Through the division of the bathrobe near his chest area, his firm, tough muscles were visible. Czar always had an elegant appearance behold, but in that wet look, he seemed much hotter than usual.

"I had told you to prepare some spare clothes for me. Why did you get me a bathrobe?" Tossing away the towel, he took a small glimpse at her who was sitting up on the bed glaring at him.

"Well I don't have any men's clothing with me and due to our physique differences, my clothes won't fit you. So, it's better if you keep wearing the bathrobe for now. At least, it's better than roaming naked." Squirming her arms, she snapped at him.

Czar scrunched his eyebrows and took a deep sigh out after hearing her remark. "Alright, then wrap up the laundry of my clothes within tomorrow. It's a quite authentic suit of mine." In a gallant voice, he proclaimed at her and straight-headed towards her bed. Watching him coming all of a sudden towards her, she was startled and quickly jolted up from the bed.

"Wh-Why are you heading towards my bed?" Gulping her saliva down, she probed him bluntly.

"What kind of pathetic question is this? Look at the time, of course, I want to sleep."

"You...You will be sleeping here? In my room?" 


"On my bed?" Rolling her eyeballs wider, she reciprocated her answer looking all perplexed.

"Why are you bothering me with so many questions? Yes, I will sleep here on your bed. Now please would you move aside? I am too tired right now." Shoving her a bit away from the bed with his arm, Czar quickly climbed up on the bed stretching out his wide arms on the soft mattress.

Clara stood like a mute statue looking at the grown handsome man rolling and nuzzling on her soft bed. She was spellbound at his shameless behavior and taking a deep breath out she tried to hold her temperament back, "master, if you will rest on my bed, where the heck will I sleep? I have to go back to work tomorrow. My whole day will be ruined if I won't get proper rest." 

"You can sleep on the floor in this room or in the couch outside. So, please go away and don't bother me anymore." Wrapping himself in her warm blanket, within a few seconds he fell asleep snoring out aloud. 

"Huh? Look at this crazy jerk sleeping so peacefully on my bed and commanding me to sleep on the floor in my own house! Damn, this punk!" Clara clenched her fist in anger intending to throw out a punch towards him in the air. But as soon as she took a glance at his innocent sleeping face on her pillow, her motion halted, and somehow her heart was feeling a bit of compassion for him.

"Maybe...he really wanted to run away from somewhere and didn't have any place to go...Probably, that's why he came here to seek a little solace. Ahh, anyway, just for today...I can sleep on the couch outside. I should let him rest peacefully for the time being." Wondering inside while glancing at his sleepy face, she blinked her eyelashes nonchalantly. Though he was sleeping like a small child, his porcelain white skin along with those big eyes beautifully crafted with long eyelashes, his pointed nose, and charming roseate lips...everything about him looked ethereally attractive at that moment in her eyes. Unknowingly she raised her arm to caress his soft black hair threads wavering on his forehead but suddenly, she stopped halfway. 

"Damn, what was I even thinking to do right now? I must be out of my mind!" Flinching at her own self, quickly she walked out of the room a bit nervously.



The mild chirping noise of birds flocking outside the window of the room was enough to wake Zeus up from his deep slumber. It was morning already and radiant sunshine was entering the room providing a mild warmth. Slowly, he peeped his eyes a few times and stared all around him. 

On a chair near his bedside, Eva was sleeping resting her face on her elbow placed over the bed, looking a bit pale and exhausted. Just next to her, a big bowl of water with a linen cloth was placed over. Zeus promptly understood she had been taking care of his fever silently for the whole night which made him much guilt-stricken from inside. Besides, her grimace appeared much tired to even look at with those puffy eye bags being much evident.

Watching her silently for a few seconds with a sad deep gaze, Zeus raised his arm softly to caress those fine hairs nuzzling over her face so that she can sleep without any interruption. But as soon as he touched her hair with his fingertip to tuck them behind her ears, flinching with a heavy jolt she quickly woke up from her snooze and raised her chin up looking at him.

"Zeus? You are awake? How...How are you feeling now? Is the fever down?" Immediately she placed her warm hand on his neck, his forehead, and his cheeks to monitor his body temperature.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. Don't worry, I am feeling much better now." He murmured in a polite voice, looking sharply at her perplexed grimace.

"But your body temperature still feels a bit feverish... I think some proper medications and rest will heal you quickly, Zeus." Making a worried face, she asserted.

A small smile appeared on his face watching her worrying about him so impatiently. Tenderly he held her arm in his grip while caressing her knuckle. "Did you stay all night awake looking after me?"

Staring intensively at him after hearing his query, she lowered her gaze down and nodded her head in response. "You...You were behaving quite weirdly yesterday... It seemed to were traumatized over something and that's what led you to this fever. Am I right?" 

Zeus took a deep breath in and laid all still on the bed without giving her an answer. His face seemed to be anticipating something and he was frowning his eyebrows. Smartly enough, Eva understood from his gestures that he was being a bit reluctant about sharing what he had encountered last night.

"Alright, let's not talk about yesterday. First, I will prepare you my super delicious porridge and give you some medicines after that. Trust me, you will feel better than now." Trying to divert the topic otherwise, she softly patted his head and stood up from the chair before heading towards the kitchen.

"But Eva...human medicines aren't necessary for me... Don't worry, I will be fine on my own--"

"No more objections! Just stay still and be patient like a small obedient kid. Don't think about anything and just trust me, okay?" Leaning her head closer to his face and putting a small kiss on his forehead, she whispered her words gently towards him. 

For the first time, his heart was feeling content with the warmth she was showering on him. The dark scar which was embedded in his heart last night was still throbbing hard whenever he was looking at her, but for the time being, he didn't want their good times to fleet away.


(Doorbell sound)

Eva walked out of the room and tying up her hair in a knot, she was heading straight towards the kitchen. But with the sudden doorbell noise, her motion halted, and quickly she opened the door. 

A tall, young delivery boy was standing at the door holding a bunch of fresh white orchids in his arm. Holding an impertinent gaze at him, she inquired him, "yes?"

"Are you Miss Eva Ricci?" 


"This orchids has been delivered for you, ma'am." Politely he stretched out his arm to hand her the flower bouquet with a smile.

"For me?" Surprised at his answer, she rolled her eyes in anxiety. "Who gave me these flowers?"


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