My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 130 - Perfect...

"I found a love for me

Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead

Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet

Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me...

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own

And in your eyes, you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight ..."


Amidst the mild breeze wavering around the atmosphere, dancing beautiful white cherry laurel petals were floating in the air when Zeus and Eva were immersed in each other's arms, dancing to the beautiful romantic melody the vocalist was singing, looking ethereally beautiful as a pair. Her body was held close to him, his one arm was softly holding her slim waist and the other one was tenderly taking her arm. Eva was putting one of her hands around his firm broad shoulder and the other one was tightly secured in his clutch. Both of them were rhythmically floating amidst the breeze looking at each other shimmering in gleam, smiling blissfully, and forgetting about the rest of the world as if the world entirely consisted of only both of them. 

As soon as he finished singing, a huge round of applause cheered for them loudly, as both of them looking flustered red stood next to each other, holding each other's hand tenderly. Eva politely bowed her head before the crowd for their cheering and Zeus lowering her gaze down continued glancing at her. As soon as she looked up at him, he softly cupped her face in his grip and marked a dreamy kiss on her forehead, embracing her closer to him. His unexpected kiss startled her, making her more bashful in front of all the people gathered around them. 

"Awwww! Such an adorable couple...You both are definitely a match made in heaven in this modern world where love and romance are considered fleeting emotions... It feels so good to see a pair, so deeply in love with each other." A middle-aged, kind-hearted woman who was watching them dancing standing amidst the crowd took a few steps closer to them and whispered in a gentle note.

"Th-Thank you, madam." Eva politely bowed her head first as she knew it quite well, Zeus would never express his gratitude towards any human. So on behalf of him, she chose to do show her grace towards her first.

"Thanks." Smiling meekly with a blissful expression on his face, Zeus shocked her furthermore by thanking the woman for complimenting them. For the first time, she watched him expressing his kind gesture to a human right in front of her. Such a  small gesture from his side further made her heart fulfilled with happiness as her eyes were shimmering in joy while they were fixed at him. 


"I felt so happy, when you thanked the woman earlier, Zeus. I would never be soft towards any human." 

While walking away from the park towards the giant street holding hands in hands, she whispered her converse in a meek tone, looking at him. Zeus was feeling jubilant enough to watch her getting impressed over such a small gesture which indeed meant a lot for her.

"Well, to be honest, it doesn't change the fact that I still dislike humans... But...if you want me to become more open towards them, for you...I can do anything, Eva." 

She smiled lowering her eyes down, seeming a bit flustered at his honest answer. "And...I...also...didn't expect you to kiss me in front of the whole crowd... You really surprised me a lot, showering so much love on me today..." She mumbled, clutching his hand tightly.

Hearing her proclamation, he took out a deep sigh, and somehow his face appeared a bit sullen as the wide smile on his eloquence faded a little. "I wish...I could claim you mine in front of the whole world without any obstacles in our path of love. Sometimes, I really wish if I was born as a normal human like you...things wouldn't have been much complicated for us today..." His voice sounded a bit crooked, swallowed in darkness.

Eva quickly understood the sadness that was filling up his heart and she tried to cheer him up. "Ah, if we both are faithful to each other, no obstacles will hinder in our way of love. Don't think too much, Zeus." 

He was feeling down with the anxious cloud growing over his heart thinking about the barrier of the twisted fate standing in between them. Slowly, he raised his chin up looking at her intensely, "Eva, won't abandon me...right?"

"What are you talking about, Zeus? Why would I ever abandon you? You are all I have in this world." Looking at his dark sad eyes stiffly, she murmured her bold words holding his arm tightly. "What are you so scared of being abandoned by me, Zeus? How much assurance do you still need to have faith in my love?" She conversed, tossing an impertinent gaze towards him.

He stood still momentarily for a few seconds without uttering a single word. Taking a deep huff of breath out, he wondered inside, "yes she is right. Why am I still scared of abandonment? If she can love me so much...she will definitely embrace my real self too!" He seemed a bit relieved and holding a wide smile on his face, he murmured to her. "I have complete faith in you, Eva. I know, you will... never leave me." 

"Exactly. So don't ever doubt on our love like that..." She nuzzled his head, reciprocating a warm smile back.

While walking back they didn't even realize they were already standing in front of her apartment. Zeus halted his motion before heading into the premises which baffled her a little.

"Zeus? What's wrong?"

"I...I will leave, for now, Eva. Go back inside and lock the door properly."

"Won't you stay over tonight? You were feverish since the whole morning, how can you just head back now?" She was looking a bit disappointed at his response, sulking her grimace.

"Well...I doubt...if I try to stay over...something might happen between us..." Scraping his neck looking a shy goofball, he mumbled his words smiling with a mischievous gaze towards her.

"What? Ahh, you are so naughty, Zeus! Always thinking of perverted stuff..." She tenderly punched his chest, flushed red in bashfulness and averting her eyes away from him.

"But, yesterday at the were the one who was acting much bolder than usual. You asked me to sleep with you, Eva." Playfully conversing with her, he tried to pull her waist closer to him, intensely looking at her.

"What? I did what?" She repeated in disbelief.

"You asked me to sleep with you last night...You were so irresistible that I was almost about to lose my mind... Since you weren't on your right senses, I had to hold myself back. both of us aren't drunk today...we can finish the business that we had left undone yesterday. I can agree to your proposal, honey." Teasing her in a sly voice, he softly caressed her arm while trying to tug her closer to him.

"Ahhh, okay okay, I understand. Go...Go back home, right now. Do-Don't need to stay over..." She tried to release herself from his grip, her face was completely reddened in embarrassment. She understood he was intentionally teasing her and to avoid further embarrassment, tried to shove him away.

"Why? We can continue yesterday's unfinished work---"

"Zeus, please don't tease me anymore. Go back already..." 

Chuckling hard to watch her getting all embarrassed in his strong embrace, he was amused from deep inside. He softly caressed those fleeting hair threads from her bright, ethereal face and leaned his face closer to her. The time around them seems to stop all of a sudden as she closed her eyes, surrendering herself to his intense approach. Tenderly, Zeus placed a deep tempestuous kiss on her puffy roseate lips which were quivering on their own. Lovingly, he targeted her luscious upper lips and continued engulfing them passionately like a sweet pulp. Eva stood still, succumbing to his warmth and passionately clenching his broad shoulder reciprocating the passionate kiss.

After a moment of intense temptation, both of them swayed their lips away from each other looking at each other with eyes filled with bliss. Zeus placed a small peck on her forehead before he was about to leave.

"Head back inside. the errands cautiously tomorrow. If you sense something dubious, don't forget to call me." He mumbled.

"Okay. I will. See you soon, Zeus." Kissing his puffy cheek with a gleam expression, she headed straight towards her apartment. As she was leaving, she looked behind a few times to look at him while he was watching her heading inside, holding a warm smile on his face. Wavering her hands at him, she continued heading forward. 


All of a sudden, she heard intense footsteps right behind her as if someone was walking closer to him. She thought perhaps Zeus was following her inside and quickly, she chose to turn around.

"Zeus, did you forget someth..." Her voice trailed off, she rolled her eyes in wonder as it was not him, but someone she didn't expect at that moment.

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