My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 132 - Crying?

Clara's POV:

Ahhh...what a shitty day I am having today... It would have been much better if I had just gone to the office. I wasted my precious day off for spending my whole day playing video games and watching shitty movies... My life feels really awful!

Mumbling on my own, I was walking nonchalantly to the nearby shop from my house to grab some beer as I was running short on it. Taking a deep huff of breath out, I took a small peek at my phone which still had the smiley wallpaper of Eva and mine... I really miss her. I want to convey every truth to her but I am helpless... 

It's the first time in our 17 years of friendship, we fought this bad. She must have really disappointed with my absurd behavior...but I feel so darn helpless. I wish I could tell her why am I acting like this! I really want to call her and ask for an apology but I am scared...what if she no longer wants to be my friend? What am I gonna answer if she proclaims it?

And Mr. could he just hypnotize Henry like that? He wasted my precious day off without even thinking once! Why the hell he always mess with me? My life has been turning upside down from the day I met that man! Sometimes I really wish if my life would have gone well if we had never encountered... would have been the same as now? He is so strange...


"Mister! Hello, mister! You can't sleep here on the table! Hello? Hey!"

All of a sudden, I heard some kind of ruckus going in front of the convenience store I was heading to. A well-dapped man was asleep over the table putting his head down and the store manager lady was desperately trying to wake him up. Generally, I prefer to refrain from meddling in other people's business but the old lady was striving too hard dealing with that weird man. Curiously I walked closer to them.

"Madam, what's wrong?" I asked her politely, trying to glimpse at the man who was putting his head down, covering his face with his elbow. Several beer cans were existing on the table and indeed he looked quite drunk.

"Ahh, this man drank too much beer and has been sleeping here for an hour! I have been trying to wake him up but this punk is not even responding! What a nuisance!" She grumbled out her complaints, looking too irked.

"Is it so?" I tried to take a look over his face but it was tugged inside his elbow groove. From his groomed get-up, he seemed strangely familiar to me! Slowly, I grasped his muscular shoulder and tried to shake him up from the deep slumber.

"Hey man, wake up! You can't just lie here drunk and dead! Get up and go elsewhere!" I sounded much frigid while shaking him off. But he didn't even budge and continued his slumber as usual! It seemed to me, he had already passed out from getting too drunk!

The old lady quickly handed me a glass of water as I decided to sprinkle it on his face to revive his senses back. I forcefully tried to drag his face up from the table using my strong strength but something extremely unexpected was awaited for me!

I was shocked, startled to observe what's going ahead with me as soon as I dragged him up. The drunk man was no one other than Mr. Czar, turning out flustered red from excessive drinking and breathing quite heavily. He seemed much devasted as his clothes were crooked, drenched in sweat. Panicked to find him all of a sudden, I shrieked out aloud cupping his face, "Mr. Cz...Master? What are you doing here? Wake up!"

"You know this man?" She frowned her eyebrows glancing at me sharply. I was quite panicked to find him suddenly right there in such a state and nodded my head at her response.

The lady hurriedly spattered the water on his face and I tapped his jawbone a few times, trying to regain his senses. After our desperate attempt that lasted for a few minutes, he finally woke up and fidgeted quite hard.

"Master? You are awake? Are you alright?" I grasped his arms tightly, restlessly asking him. He slowly opened his eyes, blinked at me a few times. He was reeking of alcohol and resembled too drunk even to speak.

"Umm...Err..." He was muttering gibberish trying to look at me piercing his gaze wider. 

"Master, don't you recognize me? Why are you here in such an awful state? What happened to you?" 

"Ohhh...yes... I...remember... You are the nagging... slave of mine... Kek..." Asserting with a tipsy, unclear voice, he smiled at me widely blinking his beautiful eyelashes while looking at me. But unknowingly, his smile seemed too sad to me, to be precise, it seemed painful!

"Since when he has been here?" I firmly shifted my gaze towards the lady who was ogling at our weird interaction curiously. As soon as our eyes met, she lowered her gaze down.

"Well, he had been here for more than an hour, drinking all alone and looking at the night sky with a blank gaze in his eyes. Sometimes he was crying, sometimes he was chuckling...err, he acted too weird, to be honest..."

One of her sentences immediately caught my attention as I scrunched my eyebrows, staring at her intensely. "He was crying?" I sharply inquired.

"Yes. As far I saw, he was bawling his eyes out like a child and after some time, laughing on his own... I don't know how to describe it, young lady."

I shifted my eyes towards him, holding his arm tighter in my grip. I was shocked by the revelation and continued looking at his drowsy self. Such a tough man like him...was crying?

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