My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 144 - Reason



Stuttering anxiously while breathing hard, Clara quickly responded to Eva as she walked into the kitchen holding a curious gesture. In the jolt of a second, Czar had opted his invisibility power and quietly stood next to her, gawking at Eva impertinently. While she could envision him right next to her in his camouflage state, but she was terribly anxious about getting caught in the act by Eva.

"Clara...did you just scream a moment ago? I think...I heard some commotion going on here...Has anything happened?" She furrowed her eyebrows glancing around the kitchen.

"H-Huh? Sc-Scream? Hahaha...No...It...It was a spider! I just happened to see a spider! That's all." Hysterically she laughed out aloud. 


"Yes! A big black spider was just here! Th-That's why I screamed out... But now it's go-gone! Haha...I-I am sorry for startling you, Eva." She was constantly peering her glances at Czar who was standing just next to her, snarling his grimace at her absurd response.

" were never afraid of bugs, Clara. Are you really alright?" She reciprocated dubiously.

"Errr... I am fine, Eva! I am really fine! You can go back and have a rest till I prepare your soup. Go now," she was trying to shove her away towards her bedroom afraid of Czar that he might react imprudently in front of her.

A bit skeptical of her irrational behavior, she unwillingly headed back to her room where Clara was literally straining her away out of the door. As soon as she left, Czar reappeared again from his invisibility and frowned his face at her.

"Hey, did you just call me a spider?" He tried to grumble aloud but she immediately indicated to him to lower his tone by putting her finger over her lips.

"Shhhhh! Keep it low, please master! Her ears are really sharp!" She whisper-shouted at him.

"But why are you so scared to see me here? What worse can happen if she finds me? I am not at least a stranger to her!" He was sulking his face, looking a bit vexed at her.

"And that's the reason I am scared of, master! least she mustn't find you here! You should really stay away from her now!" Peeking her gaze in concern at the room, she mumbled in a low pitch.

"And why must I accept your silly request? What's the reason?"

"She...She knows..."


"She knows that...your a werewolf..." Her voice crooked a little as she mumbled quickly, seeming much concerned about her.

"What!?" Surging his dark brown pupils wider, he blurted out in a hoarse pitch, looking stunned with her revelation. For a few seconds, he didn't utter a single word and kept gawking at her.

"Things have probably ended between them in a rough patch. I mean...I knew it from the beginning...she won't ever accept a werewolf since she despises them from the core. Wolves snatched away from her everything, there was no way she would overcome the trauma. That's the sole reason...I agreed to be your slave to keep my identity a secret." She continued, lowering her eyes down from him.

"Things...ended between them?" Gasping a deep huff of breath, he reciprocated her answer looking baffled.

"Well, it does seem so. But since the moment she arrived here, she hasn't stopped crying. She looks wrecked from inside. I haven't seen her mourning this hard for anyone after the funeral day of her parents. She had cherished your brother with all her heart and looked very happy to have him by her side. I believe, her love for him will never fade away and that's what breaks my heart. I knew this day would come but I didn't expect it to come so soon..." Her voice sounded remorseful as she lowered her eyes down, taking a deep huff of breath out.

Momentarily, Czar was spellbound with the revelation and stood numb, intensely frowning his eloquence. He was squirming in aghast while so many emotions were running wild inside his mind. 

After a minute of awkward silence persisting between them, she raised her chin up and gazed at him with a sad gaze. "Master... I beg of you, her deep scars are ripped open once again. Till the day she finally musters up the strength to face you again like before, please...give her some time to heal. Please." She pleaded.

He didn't utter a single word and directed his fretful face towards the ground. Taking a heavy sigh out, before she could hinder him any further, quietly he walked out of the kitchen and stood at the door of the room where she was staying in.

Holding a blank glum look in her deep brown eyes, she was leaning her head on the windowpane, gazing at the endless sky. Drops of warm tears bearing her weight of emotions were dripping down the corner of her eyes. He didn't make a single noise anymore and silently continued to observe her from behind. Somehow, he felt a sharp stinging pain arising inside his heart watching her in such a state of despair. He clutched his fist and stood absolutely numb.

"So that's the reason why did Zeus look like a corpse. Though I had always wanted to be amused by the situation he is doomed right now but...why can't I feel any happiness? Watching her suffering in wrecking my heart too... Is that what it feels to get emotionally entangled to someone?" He wondered, staring at her with a sad gaze.

Clara didn't bother to stop or interrupt him from his gawking and quietly stood at the door of the kitchen. Crossing her arms, her eyes were fixed on Czar from behind. Unknowingly, a small gloomy smirk appeared on her lips as she murmured inside, "watching him sad doesn't make me happy either...Ah, how troublesome..."


**Every scenario I am putting in depicts the emotions of my characters. Either their emotional turbulence or their helplessness.

It's up to you all for imaginations :)

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