My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 151 - Hunch

"Stop it."

All of a sudden, in an irked cold voice, Zeus dropped the anchor on her consistent charges on Eva, which pretty much surprised Ivory to a greater extent. She flinched, shifted her gaze towards him, and grumbled out, "what?"

"I said stop your nonsense! Stop talking shit about her!" Roaring in a deep voice, he glared back at her.

"You are telling me to stop? Woah I can't believe it, Zeus! That sly fox found herself a new man throwing you away and are grumbling at me to stop?" Looking exasperated from the core, she hissed at him.

"She didn't found herself a new man. Stop blaming her so cluelessly!" He snapped aloud.


"I can see it in her eyes!" This time had a bit of quiver which evidently pointed out his hidden agony deep down in his heart. His eyes were gleaming with a sad gaze, but he had a strong impactful expression on his face while sounding intense. "The glow...the happiness...the serenity she used to bear in her eyes every time she looked at me, can you see it in her anymore? She...She looks all hollow inside! She didn't even smile at the guy for once but with me...she used to had a broad smile on her face! How can you conclude about her so easily when I can look straight into her heart?"

Hearing his loud, bold proclamation, Ivory swirled her eyeballs in awe and tossed a canny smirk at him. "Woah! It's so vivid right now that you are indeed a naive non-human beast from your behavior, Zeus. Unlike humans, who would never even bother to trust someone so blindly even if they were in love with the person!"

"The epitome of love is always built on trust, Ivory. Though...after finding out about me, Eva may not believe in me anymore but...I...still do trust and love her." Choking his sharp aching arising in his heart, he sounded very firm averting his eyes from her out of the window to have a peek at Eva, painfully.

Sitting numb looking extremely irked at his declarations, she took a heavy sigh out and diverted her eyes away from him. "So what you are gonna do, Mr. Romeo? Will you forever keep defending her right like this when she will move ahead with her life kicking you out forever?" Her tone seemed a bit tantalizing.

For a few seconds, he held back his silence and continued looking at his beloved one from the other side of the path. "I won't budge in her life even if she finds happiness with some another man... All I want her is to be happy... But, I won't hold it back whenever anyone talks shit out of her, not even you, Ivory!" 

"Enough, Zeus!" She scowled her voice in a fury, which reverberated sharply inside the deluxe car they were sitting in. Her dark brown pupils were transformed into illuminant red in color, her jowls were quivering and she looked almost ready to throw a fit of anger at him.

"We have known each other since our childhood! I know each and every little thing about you, Zeus! Our friendship has crossed even a period of 100 years which isn't even comparable to a human's age! And yet...for this mere woman whom you barely met a month ago, you are on the edge of ruining our friendship? How could you change all of a sudden? What spell that wench has cast on you that you can't think anything rationally anymore!" She shrieked.

"Exactly, you are right, Ivory." His tone sounded cold as ice yet very intense while he looked straight into her eyes. From his gesticulation, it seemed as if he was fuming in a hidden rage inside. "All these fights and turmoils are doing nothing well and ruining the pure friendship we cherished once... That's why I think I can't cope up with all this shit anymore.

Let's confess every single thing before mom and dad tonight and end the agitations growing between us. No matter what, I can't portray this fake act of engagement anymore. I will tell them everything about my and Eva's relationship will be free from all this trouble." His sonorous tone sounded stern and quite rigid.

"What if I don't want that?" Her eyes returned to their usual human form and were shimmering in tears, gazing at him painfully. "You may not care about your life! But do you even know what can happen if the truth comes out? You may be imprisoned in the realm of hellfire by our ancestors for the sin of scoring our pious hematite and ruby for a mere human! I...I am doing all these fucking things just for the sake of your life! I even killed Mr. Tylor to keep it a secret forever that the human had stepped in our mansion for you--"

"What?" With the surprising revelation, he swirled his pupils gawking at her in awe. "You...killed Mr. Tylor?"

"Yes! I had to kill someone of our own pack just for your sake! He was the only witness and...without my will I had to terminate him just to keep you safe from any dreadful inquisition! None...None of our alpha has ever committed the sin of falling in love with a human except you! Why do you never realize the road you are opting to walk on will bring you nothing but destruction! And...all these I am doing because I fucking love you, damnit! I have always loved you with my whole heart! I can't see you ruining your life for that human! I just can't--" Her voice choked while warm tears weighing her emotional upheaval rolled down her eyes.

He stayed calm without uttering a single word in reciprocated, looking at her glum eyes silently. Keeping his anticipated silence for a while, he took a deep breath out and lowered his eyes down. "Ivory, I know you are doing all these for the sake of protecting me before the pack, but you mustn't be doing all these! You can't wrap it over for your whole life. Someday, this truth will be exposed before the world. I have committed a beautiful sin and I am bold enough to accept whatever the outcome will be...

Ivory, you can't expect the same kind of effort you are putting on from that person when it comes to love. I have always treasured you as my friend and the one I have solely in my heart is Eva. So...before our relation turns more bitter, let's confess everything today before them." He mumbled.

"No." She wiped her eyes, glowering her eloquence and sounding frigid as ice. "I will never commit a single thing which can put you in any danger. I will never admit it on my own and leave you all alone!" 

"Then if we can't confess it today, I am not going to the dinner party." Crossing his arms over his chest, he sat straightening his back against the seat and staring in the forward direction.

"So is that all you want?"


"Fine. I am getting off your car. Goodnight." Clutched opening the knob, she hoarsely stepped out of the car, holding her immense trepidation inside. Moreover, she slammed the door back quite aloud indicating the grudge she was fuming with and started walking in the opposite direction from him.

Zeus sat still inside, crossing his arms and for the final time looked at Eva from afar. Taking a deep sigh out, he pulled over the window glass and firmly ordered the driver, "drive me to the mansion." 



All of a sudden, Eva's heart throbbed real hard with an intense palpitation arising in her body. In the blink of a second, she turned her face and looked outside the glass wall towards the giant street scrunching her eyebrows. Suddenly, her chin was quivering a little as she looked quite restless.

She saw a big magnificent black car drove away from her sight as she looked outside. Fidgeting anxiously, she tried to take a glance of the car till it disappeared from her gaze but it was tough to view staying within the walls. 

"What's wrong with me? Why did I have the sudden hunch that...Zeus was here? can he possibly come here? Am I going really crazy?" She wondered.

"Miss Ricci?" Eric called her out in a deep intense voice while she was desperately gazing out on the street. Retrieved back into her reality with his call, she chose to be calm.


"I have asked you several questions already, but you didn't answer any of them. It...really seems that you didn't have any willing from the beginning to come here as my date." He murmured with a sad smirk.

"No...It's not like that, Mr. Eric...I...I can explain..."

"To be honest, Miss Clara had described a lot of things about you which I admired to hear, Miss Ricci. She told me that you are a strong-willed, joyous lady but...I am finding you the exact opposite of what I have heard about you. Right now, in front of are a woman who is numb, completely empty from inside, dubious about your own emotions, and trying hard to put on a fake mask of serenity. Aren't you?" 

She was listening to his declamations which evidently pointed out the inner turmoil she was enduring. 

"Just a few moments ago I asked you about the man you have in your wallpaper. You chose to stay silent, but your eyes screamed out aloud. You really love that guy the most in the world...don't you?" He whispered to her, tossing a kind smile.

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