My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 156 - 17 Years Ago

The next morning...

It was around 7 am. Birds were chirping tenderly outside with the mild sunrays warming the entire atmosphere. But Clara's morning sleep was intruded with the crackling sound of utensils as if someone was already up in the early morning. 

Making a frowning face, she blinked her eyes slowly gazing beside her. Indeed, her hunch was absolutely correct. Eva was missing from the side bed and she was the one who was already working since the morning.

Rubbing her eyes nonchalantly, she put on her slippers and walked out of the room heading towards the kitchen. Eva was quite focused on doing the dishes and that was which making the chaotic sounds in that early morning. 

"Eva? Why are you up so early?" She called her name, in a bit loud tone.

With the sudden summoning behind, she flinched in surprise and took a glance behind. Clara had a displeased expression on her face, rubbing her eyes nonchalantly. 

"Oh? Clara? I...I am sorry...But did I wake you up? I just wanted to help you in cleaning the dishes from last night." 

"Yeah, the crackling sound of the platters was enough loud to wake me from my slumber. But my question is why are you up so early doing..." Suddenly, her sonorous voice trailed off when glanced at the side of the kitchen sink where several pieces of broken platters of her favorite dish set were accumulated together in a corner. 

"Wh-Why are there so many broken platters?" She squealed out in awe.

" sorry Clara, but...those platters broke when I tried to wash them...I am sorr--"


Before she could jumble her words, a newly washed plate slipped down from her hand and immediately crumbled into pieces making a loud sound. Both of them were surprised at the ongoing ruckus, but it took Clara a few seconds to get a hold of herself. Quickly she moved forward and gripped her arm tight.

"Eva...leave those dishes right now! You come with me."

"I am sorry... L-Let me clean the crumbled pieces from the ground first or you may injure--"

"I will do it later, you come with me first!" Sounding a bit stern, she almost dragged Eva to her living room against her will. Leaving her inside the kitchen would cause more ruckus than ever and the thought was already perplexing her.

Making her seat on the couch, she handed her a glass of water and knelt down before her on the ground. Taking a deep huff of breath out, she softly gripped her cold hands and mumbled, "Eva... what's wrong?" 

"No...I am fine... I just wanted to help--"

"Eva, I know you better than yourself. You have been always perfect in doing the chores and committing this kind of ruckus is unlike you. Something...must be causing a storm inside you which is evident from your clumsy actions. Besides, these big dark circles are proof that you couldn't get a wink of sleep last night. So...What is bothering you from inside?" She reciprocated, fixing her deep gaze on her.

Eva sat quietly for a few seconds, lowering her head down like a sinful person. Her eyes were shut for a moment and her hands were trembling a little. Clara's concerns were growing intensely for her as she gripped her arm tightly.

"Everything... Everything is slipping from my hand, Clara. My life...My hopes...My dreams... My world is crumbling apart before my own eyes and all I do is sit still and watch like a powerless creature... I... I feel so fucking helpless, Clara. The regret that has been tormenting me for the last 10 years is too aggravated now... Why did I have to be left alive on that accident night? Why did the wolves didn't kill me?" Her dense voice crooked a little as if she was trying to choke her tears in.

"Eva, stuck in the past trauma would cause you no good... Maybe...Maybe a divine miracle protected your life that night... Maybe you were left alive for a definite reason decided by your destiny..." 

"Fuck destiny..." A sad smirk escaped her lips while she murmured those words in a tantalized voice. 

She could clearly read the agony on her face that she was trying hard to conceal within. Fanning herself, she softly tapped her shoulder trying to console her wounded core, "Eva, everything happens for a definite reason. Maybe the separation was necessary to protect you from certain misfortunes in the inevitable future. I know, it's hard for you...but don't push yourself hard to constrain your inner turmoil. Whatever happens, you still have me." 

She slowly raised her chin up and gazed deep into her eyes while she was already looking at her. Her eyes seemed sunk in sadness and somehow she felt sorry for imposing her troubles on her. "Clara, I must be so stressful for you... Those platters were your favorite ones yet... I broke them... You even set up Mr. Eric who seemed like a good man...yet I ruined everything--" 

"Ah, who cares about the platters? I can buy them again. And don't worry about Mr. Eric, he is a sensible man and I comprehended it earlier that it won't gonna work between you two. Above everything and everyone, you matter for me the most, Eva.

Don't think so lowly of yourself. If you didn't hold my hand at that moment 17 years back...I would have ended as a depressed shit. 

You didn't leave me alone even though I had such a nasty attitude towards you! So don't expect me to leave you alone in such a tough phase of your life, okay?" She pinched her cheeks replying in a meek voice deliberately trying to cheer up her sullen mood. 

Glancing at her with her teary eyes, she nodded her head tenderly as tears dripped down her pale cheeks. Clara tugged her in for a warm embrace holding each other tightly as she tapped her shoulder.

"I will never forget, what you did for me, Eva... We werewolves never forget the courtesy once done for us till the rest of our lives." She wondered, resting her chin over her shoulder.




Saint Lorella Junior High School, Trastevere; 

After moving to the new town Trastevere with her family, Eva was quite nervous for the first day of middle school. The town was based a bit far from the countryside and moving to a new place, she had no friends to communicate with. Though, being a merry, lively kid, she had abundant confidence to adjust to the new environment and making a ton of friends she had back in her elementary school.

But...soon her hope wrecked into pieces when she entered the classroom opening the door inside.


At the extreme last bench of the class, a bunch of kids was gathered around someone mumbling and giggling among themselves. A young tall kid around her age was holding his pitcher filled with water and somehow seemed like the leader of the kids gathered around. Other children were holding several crooked paper balls, pencil shavings, peels of fruits, and some small frozen food cans. The atmosphere seemed very shabby and intense to her at the very first glance. 

Hearing the door unlocking sound, the kid who was holding the pitcher took a small peek behind curiously. Eva was frozen in shock watching the murky atmosphere and couldn't even move from her place as their eyes met. Watching her trembling nervously before grabbing her seat, somewhat amused the kid as a wide vile chuckle appeared on his grimace.

"Are you a new transfer student?" He mumbled out in a loud tone.

Hearing his call, all the children gathered around him immediately turned their faces towards Eva mumbling among themselves. Somehow, the kids had an absurd look on their casts which caused a surge of intense fear in her heart.

"Are you deaf or mute?" The boy summoned her again, this time his voice sounded a bit rebuked.

"Ye-Yes, I am the new tr-transfer student, E-Eva Ricci." Stuttering anxiously she murmured her words in a quick spree, fidgeting her fingers. 

"Oh? So your name is Eva...Nice... Welcome to our class, Eva Ricci." The boy cheekily answered her suddenly starting to wave the pitcher in his hand, smiling atrociously. The other kids around him also started to smirk at her. 

"Am I overthinking or they really seem creepy to me? What's wrong with this class?" Frowning her eyebrows she was wondering, scrunching her brows deeper while looking at them.

"Since you are new here, let me introduce you to our plaything. Hey guys, move aside." The boy shoved his hand in the air indicating them to clear the gathering. The other children were making cryptic faces and slowly, they stepped a bit away clearing the passage. 

In the dead-end corner of the class, a young girl with black long hair waving down her shoulder, holding a devasted worn-down grimace, covered with fruit wastes, pencil shavings and dust was sitting like a statue lowering her face down.


As soon as they cleared the passage, the boy immediately took off the pitcher lid and splashed the entire bottle of water on that girl, drenching her from head to toe. The whole class started laughing devilishly watching the heinous sight.

Shocked in horror while dilating the pupils, Eva covered the mouth with her small palm, starting to breathe heavily. The whole class was echoing with the giggling noises whereas the girl sat still, numb and lowering her soaking grimace down. 

"They...They are bullying this girl!?" She murmured in her mind, frozen in fear.



Bullying is a serious social crime which many children have to go through that makes their lives more complicated than ever. It needs to be discussed more on social platforms but sadly, we neglect it quite badly.

Clara and Eva's story started painfully in this context, and I will take you all to the ride of the past.

This way, you can understand the depth of a character furthermore.

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