My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 176 - A Date With You?

"CZAR!! CZAR!!!"

Startled by the loud call, Czar flinched hard while buttoning up his shirt when Ivory dashed into his room in the flash of a second. She slammed the door hard before rushing in, huffing intensely and looking all petrified from her eloquence.

"Woah! Why are you screaming out so loud in my ears? Damn...I was panicked for a second." Frowning his face, he turned away from her focussing his glance back on the dressing mirror.

Ivory was gasping heavily glancing all around the room. It seemed she had arrived there running all the way and took a while fanning herself to calm down.

"Czar, do you even know what's happening here? Ze-Zeus isn't in his room! Everyone is freaked out downstairs! Aunty Aelia and Uncle Antonio are immensely frustrated! Our members have been trying hard to search for him in every possible way...but...we can't find anything--"

"Zeus has left." Before she could wrap up her words, he declared in a cold, sonorous voice fixing his hair while looking at the giant mirror. His voice sounded all calm, without showing any sign of palpitation.


"Zeus has left the mansion. Today is finally, the Red Lunar Eclipse." He mumbled.

"He left? What? Where did he go? Didn't he tell you anything before leaving?" Several fretful questions were fired from her while she was looking extremely tensed, swirling her large greyish-brown eyeballs.

"I didn't ask about that. It's his choice to leave or stay...or whatever he wants." Spraying his cologne over his collar, he was still focussed on grooming up himself.

But Ivory appeared to be on the edge of holding her patience. Gritting her jowls, she furiously grabbed by his arm and turned him around to glance face to face. She was clenching him tightly and grumbled in a hoarse voice, "why the fuck you seem so calm about it? Do you even realize the depth of the situation? Why don't you seem a bit worried for your own damn brother?"

"Half-brother! Don't misinterpret our relation." Declaring in a bold pitch, he unleashed his grip from her clasp and scrunched his jowls looking a bit displeased. "Why should I be worried for him? It was his choice to be stabbed by the wolfsbane. He brought everything on himself and now there is no option rather than bearing the consequences." He uttered while turning back again towards the mirror, to focus on grooming.

"Czar! Zeus has always cared about you honestly! How...How can you be so heartless towards him? You do know that what he is gonna face through today...still! Just how can you be so cruel--"

"If you are done venting your frustrations on me, then I would like to leave now. I have an important date fixed today." Grabbing his car keys, he turned behind facing her while fixing his black Armani shirt collar. He seemed very unbothered with the ruckus she was causing on which further provoked her agitation higher.

"Woah! Your brother might be suffering so hard for his life and all you worry about is your ridiculous date? How...How the fuck you can be so brazen, Czar?" She snapped, glaring furiously at him.

"The date is...very important for me today, Ivory. I am sorry, but I have to leave." Holding a witty small smirk on his face, he conversed his remark staring deep into her fiery eyes.

She continued glaring viciously at him for a few seconds and took a heavy sigh of agitation out. "It...It was absolutely worthless of me to hope for help from you... I feel pity for Zeus to have been blessed with such an awful brother like you! I...feel disgusting!" She turned around hoarsely and took gallant steps to walk through the door fuming in wrath. 

"If you really feel pity for him...shouldn't you have stepped behind until now?" 

As soon as she was about to step outside, his ice-cold sonorous voice halted her motion. She stood still for a while and sharply glanced back. "What do you mean?"

"You are smart enough to know what I mean, Ivory." He had a dark sneer evident on his grimace as he took a few steps closer towards her. "Or shall I elaborate?"

"Spit it clear." She swirled her eyes, gawking at him with an intense stare.

"Zeus loves another woman. You know it well, that, he will never look at you the way you want. But still, you are hopelessly chasing after him forgetting your boundaries. If you had really felt pity for him, shouldn't you have already stopped that?" Firmly straightening his tall posture, he inquired bluntly.

The question was quite unexpected for Ivory as she seemed startled by it. Crossing her arms over her chest, she tossed a tantalized irked smirk at him while reciprocating, "Woah...look who is talking? The person who is shamelessly going on a date while his brother might be suffering to questioning about my love for him!"

A vexed grin escaped his lips as he walked further closer to her, facing each other intensely. "This is not love, Ivory. The love you had for him is now rotten to dark obsession. You are...just badly obsessed with Zeus and before you realize it, this obsession will push him away from you. The beautiful friendship you cherished with him once will be turned to dust. It will become...all worthless..." 

"STOP IT!" All of a sudden, she viciously grasped him by the collar shrieking aloud in angst. Her greyish brown eyes were transformed into bright red. Her beastly instincts were provoked immensely by his remark which was quite evident from her fiery rage.

Czar stood all unbothered, gazed deep in her red swirling pupils holding his witty smile while answering, "truth always sounds bitter, Ivory. There is still some time left... Save your old relation with Zeus before it all falls apart. This obsession will bring you nothing good."

"I met him first before that darn wench! I knew him first! I liked him first! I have loved him for so long! I did everything for him!! Doesn't that matter?" Her illuminant eyes were glistening with a tinge of sadness evident, as she screamed out clenching her grip over his collar. 

"You are a fool, Ivory. Things like that never matter when it comes to love... It's all about whom your heart chooses in the end and...Zeus has already chosen Eva." Unleashing his collar from her tight clench, he pulled her away from himself mumbling in a sonorous tone. "You have been always a wise and brave woman of our pack who has been the ideal of other wolves. But you are ruining yourself all over by being a pushover. I know, it's painful to walk away from someone you love so much but, you can never force anyone to chose you... Stop living in the world of denial and accept the truth that's in front of you. That's all I can say for you." 

Tapping her shoulder once, he tried to walk past her leaving her gasping her vent. Her eyes returned to their normal form and seemed swelled with bitter tears. She stood silent for a few seconds and as soon as Czar was about to step out of the room, she turned behind growling intensely, "are you brave enough to do that? Can you let go of someone you loved with your whole heart?" 

Her snarl paused his motion for a few seconds. He stood numb but didn't turn behind to face her. Sternly lifting his chin up with a dark gaze in his eyes, he took a deep sigh out and walked away from her, leaving her behind all alone. 


It was around 12 pm. The sun was radiant enough emitting warm rays in the atmosphere. The leaves of the trees roadside were rustling with the mild breeze blowing softly. Standing at the public park where they met the last time, Eva was glancing at her wristwatch impatiently. She was wearing a long white, full sleeve silk slit gown clenching her handbag on her arm. Wearing minimal makeup with her plump lips painted into soft pink color, she seemed a bit anxious glancing all around frowning her face.

"Did you wait long?" 

A tender genial voice startled her from behind as she quickly turned behind. It was Czar, looking all handsomely groomed up wearing a long grey coat over his black shirt and white denim to match his elegant look. He had a warm smile on his face while approaching her in the most cordial way possible.

"No...I...just arrived here." She seemed a bit nervous, reciprocating in a timid note.

Czar invincibly observed her for a few seconds and a broad sneer appeared on his bright face. "Are you still dubious of me that I might harm you?" He mumbled.

"No...It's just...I have made up my mind, Mr. Czar. I finally came to a conclusion." She was clenching her handbag anxiously, mumbling in a crooked voice. 

"Wait, a minute!" All of a sudden, he scrunched his eyebrows a little looking a bit restless and stopped her from speaking further. His unexpected reaction startled her a little as she kept gawking deep into his eyes. 

"Before you respond to me with your answer, I would like to request something from you." He conversed in a deep bold voice.

Eva looked all surprised at his remark as she frowned her jowls, asking him back, "request from me?"

"Your time."


"I am asking you for a date with me, Eva. Please...Spend the rest of the day with me until...the sunset..." He was holding a wide sneer on his face but somehow, his dark eyes seemed sadder while asking her cordially.

"What? A date...with you?" Shocked at his remark, she mumbled aloud.

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