My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 184 - Honest Emotion

Resting his chin on her frail warm shoulder groove, he took a deep sigh inside, swirling his pupils. From his facial expression, he seemed a bit perplexed while he clutched his grip tighter around her slender soft waist.

"It must have...hurt you a lot... I...I am sorry you had to go through all these sufferings for me..." He mumbled, making a guilt-stricken expression on his grimace.

"Zeus? What are you even saying?" Sulking her face, she hauled him a bit away from her and caressed his side-face. "At that moment, I was almost prepared to trade my life just for your sake. I know, I have hurt you way too much on that fateful night...but nothing in the world can compare to the boundless love I have for you! Even when I passed out, I kept holding onto your arm, Zeus." She whispered staring deep into his wide eyes.

"Passed out?" Frowning his face, he asked her abruptly.

"Yes. After I suffered from the sudden traumatizing attack inside, I passed out right next to you holding your hand. After that...I really have no idea what happened to both of us." 

"That's strange!" Lowering his grimace for a moment, he seemed quite anxious about her honest reciprocation. "When I revived my senses back in the morning, I found myself on your bed tugged with you while you were peacefully sleeping next to me. I was worried, how did you manage alone to bring me here but..."

"What? Of course, that's impossible! How was I able to bring you back here from that dark scary woods all alone?" Eva fretted her jaws, sounding quite perplexed about his assumptions.

"If both of us were knocked out, that means someone was still there who helped us to come back safe..." Mumbling under a deep sonorous pitch, his voice reverberated like an echo inside the living room. Shifting his firm gaze sharply towards her, he responded hoarsely, "Eva, how did you get to that dark woods last night? I am quite's impossible for you to find me alone! Someone must have taken you there." 

Gulping her saliva, she averted her eyes down looking a bit nervous wondering about whether to confess him about Czar's deal towards her or not... Fidgeting for a few seconds, she murmured with an uptight manner, " happened..."


"Gosh! You both are pathetic fools, to be honest!" 

Flinching hard with the sudden bold, resonant interrupting them from behind, both Zeus and Eva turned around to peek a glance at that person. It was Czar, sitting slackly over the couch dressed up in a white formal shirt with blue denim. His facial expression seemed a bit worn out with swollen eye bags beneath. It indicated as if he was unable to get a wink of sleep. Beside him on the couch, a bouquet of freshly bloomed yellow tulips was placed delicately. 

"Mr. Czar?" Gasping a deep huff of breath out, Eva swirled her eyes ogling at him intensely. Zeus seemed equally shocked judging from his facial expression, stood numb for a few seconds, gazing at him back.

"Looks like I have surprised you both with my impromptu visit. That's how I bear a mysterious aura around myself, isn't it amazing?" He tossed a witty smile towards them, resonating his words quite boastfully. 

"How did you get in here, Mr. Czar? What the heck? You didn't even knock on the door!" Her voice sounded still baffled.

"Well, we can use simple teleportations, you know, little duckling. Besides, I find it amazing to surprise others with my unexpected entrance." Standing up from the couch, he answered calmly holding the witty gaze towards them.

"Why are you here?" An ice-cold deep query reciprocated from Zeus as he took a step closer towards him, scrunching his eyebrows. "It's quite an uncivilized act to barge into someone's house without even knocking it, Czar."

"Ugghh, you and your never-ending lectures still irk me, big brother." Pouting his jowls, he sounded a bit grumpy staring at him invincibly. "I didn't intend to interrupt your sweet romantic moment. Rather than, I am surprised how you both didn't get the simple clue about how difficult it was for me to bring you both here! If I didn't use teleportation...probably, you would have been already eaten alive by those wild creatures." He grumbled, fretting his face.

"What? You brought us here?" Walking a step closer towards him, Eva swirled her eyeballs, blinking ardently at him. "That followed me inside the woods, Mr. Czar?"

Zeus seemed extremely shocked hearing the unexpected revelation right before him. Gulping anxiously, he shifted his gaze towards Eva asking him in an intense voice, "don't tell me, was he the one who took you there to find me?"

"Of course, you airhead brother. That was the last option I had to seek." Taking a deep sigh out, he calmly put both of his arms inside the pocket of his denim murmuring genially. "You had forbidden us with your stupid command even to go near you. So...I had no other choice rather than to bring little duckling to that shady woods. Though, I tried to concern her about the jeopardizing situation there but, you already know her persistence. And gladly, my plan worked."

"He is right, Zeus. He was the one who brought me there so...I can run towards you. Without him...I don't think we had been happier together right now." Tenderly nodding her head, she whispered after him looking at Zeus who was gawking at Czar with an emotion of disbelief in his dark eyes. 

Tossing a broad chuckle at her answer, Czar quickly picked up the bouquet of yellow tulips and firmly stretched his arm to hand it to Eva before responding back to her. "I know I am kind of a jerk guy, but I never seek to find my own happiness by trampling over the bliss that belonged to someone else from the very first.

I am glad, you both fools are back to each other. So...I brought these flowers as a token of my congratulation gift. Don't ever be such dumbheads again or try to separate from each other. Because...I won't be helping you next time. Understand?" 

Holding a wide peaceful smile on her grimace, Eva tenderly held the flowers in her arms nodding her head obediently. "Mr. Czar, I had already told you and I still stick to my words. Though you try hard to be a pretentious arrogant guy...but you are a good person from the inside. And...this sharp attitude of yours actually suits you way better than the sweeter side you showed me yesterday. Thank you...for...bringing us together again..." She mumbled softly glancing at those flowers in her arm with a bright simper.

For a moment, Czar continued staring at her intensively while she reciprocated her tender reply. But, his deep gaze towards her seemed to be profused with a void of immense sadness which he was trying hard to conceal from her. His heart was throbbing hard with a tinge of sharp pain piercing him inside. "Don't worry, I will never show that side of mine to anyone...not even you, Eva." He wondered inside.

Averting his gloomy gaze from her, he tossed a fake smile intending to hide his inner void. "You are exaggerating too much, little duckling. I...couldn't leave you both to die in the middle of the woods by the hands of any other vile creature.  Besides that, it wasn't...any big deal. I am man, you know?" His voice crooked a little while Zeus was looking intensely at him, monitoring his expression. 

Smirking at his haughty response she took a small glance at Zeus before answering. "I will find something to place these beautiful flowers. You both can sit and chit-chat on your own." Sounding quite impertinent, Eva almost rushed to the next room holding the bouquet tightly in her arms. 


As soon as she left inside, both Zeus and Czar stood still facing each other with an awkward silence persisting between them. Exhaling a gasp of air out, he chose to break the silence first while he was ardently gazing at him. 

"Anyway, I know you must be annoyed by my interference here today. I won't bother you both anymore since I had just come here to bring these flowers to little duckling---"

Before he could wrap up his words, Zeus boldly rushed forward and tugged him into a warm embrace, tapping his shoulder. Czar was shocked by this sudden unexpected hug from him since it's the very first time, he was bold enough to show his affection for his brother. 

Gasping heavily, he frowned his brows before quivering, "h-hey, Zeus? Wh-What are you ev-even doing--"

"Thank you, my brother." He tapped his shoulder once again, intending to show his true compassion for him without hiding it anymore. 

"Hey, it was not a big deal to bring you both back here...Why are you being so corny today!" Czar was flustered red in shyness, trying hard to resist his embrace while he was holding him tighter.

"You sacrificed your love for me... didn't you?" A sad smile lingered on his lips as he whispered those words to him.

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