My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 188 - The Last Chance

Hearing the sudden shrilling feminine voice that mysterious person seated upon the cushiony cathedra straightened up his posture looking at the direction from where the voice interrupted in. 

Frantically running inside, a beautiful young woman in her late twenties dashed in. gasping out of breath. She was dressed up in a charcoal black denim jacket and jeans with her shoulder-length shimmering straight hair wavering down. Her radiant porcelain white skin seemed pretty pale as if she was intensely distressed from the core regarding something.

As soon as she crashed inside the room, she headed straight towards Beck who was lying down on the floor with his side face touching the ground. He was bleeding severely and judging from the heavy breathing, it seemed as if he was counting his last moments. 

One of the tall giant bodyguards who was about to approach Beck, standing behind that mysterious guy was holding a long, pierce silver sword on his right arm. The lady who rushed inside the room firstly peeked a glance at the sword then shifting her gaze to the person sitting on the throne-like chair. 

"Meghan? What a beautiful surprise to see you here." A witty, deep sonorous voice escaped from the lips of that guy sitting amidst the darkish platform as he folded one of his legs over the other.

The woman seemed to be extremely petrified, trembling in palpitation as she was gawking at the person with a narrow gaze. All of a sudden, she knelt down on the blood-smeared ground next to Beck who was almost on the verge of death.

"Please...Please master! Please let my brother live! Please don't kill him!! I have no one in this world apart from him... Have mercy...Master..." She whimpered out aloud, lowering down her head with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Do you think...I am a sage?" A devious chuckle reciprocated from him immediately watching her kneeling down on the floor beside her dying brother. He leaned his back slackly against the cushiony seat mumbling out further, "if we were some charitable organization, then I guess, I would have accepted your pleading. But for me, failure has only one penalty...death." 

"Master...I know...I know my brother has failed on his mission... I...I have no right to complain about the torments he had to face here...But, please...please let him live..." She cried out, folding her arms.

"I have already given your brother enough chances to prove his worth! I had put my trust in his hellhound spirit but...I guess I was proved wrong!" He asserted quite coldly, gawking sharply at her sobbing grimace. 


"Your brother was assigned to kill a human! Just a human! He even had enough chances to finish her off when she was alone...but his foolish boasting attitude ruined my entire plan. can I let live someone who beat my trust? I am...not that know--"

"What if I kill that human?" All of a sudden, a loud grumble stirred out from her quivering lips as she lifted her chin up, ogling at him. Her sudden proposal was quite unexpected which even quelled that supercilious guy. 


"What if I kill that human, master? Then...Then will you let my brother live?" She sobbed, folding her arms helplessly.

"Hahahaha! Oh my gosh... Do you think it's that easy?" He burst out with a squeal of arrogant laughter glancing at her grievous face. Straightening his back against the chair, he tilted his neck. His white glossy teeth were shimmering in the dark while he was grinning. 

"I...I don't think it's easy to master, but---"

"Though she is a human, she has a nasty alpha always hovering around her. Ahh, that jerk is the root cause of ruining my plans." He tossed out a deep sigh while muttering his words.

"Then...should I...go for that alpha?" 

"Nope!" His high-pitched shrilling noise quelled her mumbling as he sounded very intense inside the giant room. "I will kill him with my own hands...but...I want to watch him suffering first... And that his only weakness right now. What a fool!" He clenched his fist rattling his ardent words.

Meghan sat still for a few seconds and sneaked a quick glance at Beck who had already lost his consciousness at that moment. His condition was going severe with every passing moment and she could realize it evidently. 

"Then...I...I will take down the human, master! I will do every possible thing to finish her off... Just...Just please have mercy and let him live... Please..." She bowed her head on the ground, whimpering in a crooked voice.

"How can I trust a small girl like you?" Leaning his posture a bit closer towards her on the chair, he smirked wittily.

"I don't have a choice, master! I...will do every possible thing finish her off... But... if I do so, will you let my brother live?" 

" are such a worthy sister of your worthless brother." Calmly, he stood up from the seat and walked beside the glass fenestration that was covered with a blackish-green curtain. Heftily, he shoved off the curtains, and the bright radiant sun rays through the glass walls illuminated the entire room. 

The man had a porcelain white bright skin, pointy nose, almond-shaped big eyes, and roseate plump lips. His jawline was extraordinarily sharp giving him an elegant masculine appearance. He was wearing an ocean blue luxurious suit with his dark black wavy hair curling over his forehead. A small cut scar was evident on the side of his right eyebrow that shimmered in the bright radiance. 

He opened those giant windows and breathed a huff of fresh air flowing inside with a mild breeze. Putting both of his broad palms inside his suit pocket, he further continued, "well, to be frank, I don't wanna waste my time further by trusting a frail girl like you... kind of remind me of my own sister, Meghan. She stubborn, just like you... However, I have never granted a second chance to anyone who failed prior but...this time...I will make an exception." 

In the jolt of a second, she elevated her chin up from the ground gawking at his firm broad posture from behind. Gulping anxiously, she muttered out, "ma-master, are you me a chance?" 

"You can consider this as your final chance, Meghan. Can you really finish her off?"

"Yes, master!!" Declaiming out in a bold loud voice, she sprang up from the ground with her jowls trembling in angst. "I will...I will do everything possible to kill that woman! I swear on our Lord!" 

"Then you will be given the time of a week. I won't touch your brother for the time period but..." Whispering in a mysterious note, he firmly turned around to face her from upfront. Immediately, his brownish-grey eyes transformed into illuminant red in color with a devious smile spreading on his grimace before he grumbled. "The moment your time is over, your brother will breathe his last. And not only him... but you also will face my wrath. As I am kind of a cruel beast you know." 

She was fidgeting in angst looking extremely fretted as she took a quick glance at her brother lying down motionless on the floor. "I...I understand. I won't disappoint you, master. I will find her and make sure to do my duty. Till...Till then...please let him live..." She folded her shivering arms, pleading before him. 

The guy didn't utter a single word anymore and smiled viciously turning his face towards the fenestration again. As soon as he turned around, the girl quickly took the last glimpse at Beck, and sobbing heavily, she rushed out of the vast room. 

While she dashed away, the person who was carrying the silver giant sword in his arm shifted his glance towards him tossing a heavy sigh out. Lowering his eyes down, he mumbled, " you really think...that small girl will be a worthy opponent of that bastard alpha? Why..Why did you grant her a second chance?" 

"Have you heard the phrase, Griff? Pain...makes you desperate!" He whispered to him fixing his eyes on a tall building right in front of his view. "Though she may be a young girl...but...watching her brother on the brink of death will provoke the beast residing inside her. By anyhow, she will try to save her only remaining family and that's what I am looking ahead for! So...let's see how it goes." 

That guy stood silently for a few seconds averting his eyes down anxiously. Taking a small huff of breath out, he took out his phone from his pocket, turned the screen on, and stretched his arm to hand it over to her. "Master Calix, here's the picture of the individual you wanted me to explore." 

Calix firmly grabbed the phone from his hand and glanced at the picture with a vile sneer on his face. His dark brownish eyes swirled out wider dubiously as he mumbled on his own, "long time no dear sister... We will meet soon, hopefully."

That was the picture of Clara, wearing a white formal shirt with an innocent smile spread on her face.

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