My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 199 - Your Name?


With a sudden hard flinch, Eric tried to sit upon the bed but his head was throbbing too hard making it unable to move. Watching him jolting all of a sudden with excitement, Ivory quickly groped his forearm forbidding him from doing so. 

"Hey! Don't move! Your physique is still in a weak state!" Frowning her brows, she sounded quite grumpy looking at him narrowing her eyes.

"Wh-What just happened to me? Wh-Why am I here in a hospital?" Seeming quite perplexed, he stared at her widening his gaze, muttering fretfully. 

"Gosh! You don't even remember it now?" She fussed, resembling a bit irked while gawking at him. 


"Why did you had to shield me heroically from that chandelier falling down with such a weak physique? You...You could have died back fool!" Her deep, low sonorous grumpy voice reverberated inside the whole room loud. Though she resounded quite irked with him...but somehow her dark, wider, restless eyes seemed a bit concerned for him. 

" not have a weak physique...I actually workout...regularly..." Mumbling in a gibberish way, he tried to defend himself from her acting quite nervous.

"Workout? I can't believe your ignorance... You shielded me with your body and tripped down hard! Your head would have cracked open! You might have died on the spot! Why did you do it--"

"To...protect you." Before she could wrap her charges, he interrupted in between her remark sounding pretty tranquil and bold. 


"All that was going in my mind at that moment was to protect you from getting hurt... So...I...kind of recklessly did whatever I could just to save you...And I really don't regret it..." Holding a small simper on his face, while proclaiming his sincere response, staring straight into her eyes. 

"Hahh? A mere human like him wanted to protect an alpha like me? What a fucking joke!" A spoofy smirk faltered on the edges of her rosy lips as she crossed her arms over her chest before alleging him further. "Look...death isn't easy for everyone to attain. Even if the chandelier would have tripped over me, I wouldn't die.  But, that's not your case. Why the heck you put your life on the edge for my sake?" 

"Because...I am in love with you..." A wide smile spread out on his face as his eyes gleamed with infinite joy while peering at her softly. His bold answer somehow made her speechless for a moment as she stood still, squinting her eyes at him. 

"What the heck--"

"Loving someone also gotta protect that person with all your might. I...I might be weaker than your strength, but even if I had to give up on my life today...I wouldn't regret it for you." His soft whisper mended with the whirling night breeze that was flowing through the giant window beside his bed. 

Rolling her eyes wider in surprise, for a moment, she gazed at him in wonder unable to utter a word in response. She could evidently understand his sincere emotions towards her which even throbbed her heart with an unknown palpitation. As the unanticipated silence persisted between them as they lost in each other's eyes for a few seconds. 

"You don't even know anything about me... How could you be so naive toss away your precious life just for anyone?" Fretting her grimace, she inquired him bluntly. 

"You are not just anyone for me...I fell for you first...Even though there's no reciprocation from your side, I must...bear my consequences." He answered sounding much resolute. 

The more she was hearing his bold declamation, the more she was running out of her words. It was the first time in her long, tiring life that a human was showing his sincere emotions towards her despite how harshly she treated him. Eric didn't even think twice before risking his life which was troubling her bad.

"Look...I would be honest with you... We both belong to two different worlds that can never co-exist along with each other. I can be pretty more brutal towards you from next time to make you give up on me because...that's better for you. You have a pretty good life before you, find someone who can reciprocate your love honestly.  Besides, I already have someone else in my heart for a long time. 

Also...Don't risk your life stupidly just for anyone. Humans...really have a short lifespan so spend it wisely. Stop wasting your time on me." Taking a deep huff of breath out, she muttered her words in a condensed manner. 

Resting his head still over the pillow, Eric flickered his eyelashes for a few seconds scrunching his eyebrows looking a bit displeased at her remark. "Are you rejecting me again? I...I don't know....why are you referring both of us to a different world and I really don't care about it's the very first time I have felt like this for a woman... The person you love so dearly doesn't even care about must I do more to deserve a chance from you?"

"That can never happen." She snapped out aloud seeming quite sour from her expression. "Stop living in illusion matter how much you chase me, I won't be able to trust you. Humans...aren't worth of faith..." Her lips quivered a bit as she murmured those words in a low pitch. 

"Why does she speak in such a manner as if...she isn't a human herself?" Frowning his grimace, he seemed quite baffled at her remark wondering inside.

"I brought you here and stayed next to you till you regained your consciousness. I have repaid your kindness so do me a favor...forget about me like a nightmare. The hospital authority will inform your family and they will get you back home. I am leaving now." Proclaiming her words aloud, she was about to turn away from him to head outside the room leaving him behind stuck with several questions. 

"Wa-Wait!" As she was about to leave, he groped one of her arms from behind intending to stop her for a moment. With his sudden touch, Ivory quickly turned around with a hard flinch.

"Hey why are--"

"At least tell me your name!" Before she could snap at him, he mumbled his earnest plea sounding quite desperate. Rolling his eyes wider, he looked quite impertinent. 

"What?" She was surprised at his sudden response.

"I am lying in this hospital bed sick and pale... You even rejected me twice... My heart is already hurt from my sad at least...let me know your name before you leave... That's all, I can ask for..." He was sulking his face trying to put up a sad act sounding quite morose while mumbling his appeal towards her, peering at her with his puppy eyes. 

"What a nuisance! He is making me more irked..." Thinking while annoyed at his sudden request, she shoved her arm away from his grip and uttered in a dark, sonorous voice, "Ivory." 


"I don't like to repeat my words. Stay away from me now onwards..." Tapping her heels loudly, he walked out of the room like a fiery storm waving her curled hair down the shoulder. Eric raised his head a bit up from the pillow to gaze at her from behind earnestly as she walked away out. 

As he rested his head down, a wide jovial smile spread out on his face as he stared straight at the ceiling with his glimmering eyes. "I have never seen such a fierce woman like can I walk away when my heart is stuck on you so bad?

Looks like my puppy eyes did the wonder...I at least...I got what I wanted to hear...

Ivory...what a strange...yet beautiful name..." He mumbled sneering with a red hue of shyness spreading on his cheeks. 


Walking barefoot on the cold sand holding in arms with each other after a warm dinner date, both Zeus and Eva were staring at the moon that was shining ecstatically on the up above. Her untied, wavy hair curling down her shoulder was whirling with the night breeze softly while the mild sound of the calm waves was making the ambiance even more romantic to breathe in, staying next to him. As she sneaked a glimpse at him once, he looked no less than a majestic night prince carrying a special magical aura around himself.

"The moon looks so pretty today..." She uttered with her gleaming eyes, filled with delight. 

"You are way prettier than the moon." Immediately he responded.

"Pfftt!" A sly smirk escaped her plump lips as she shifted her gaze towards him. " never miss a chance to be cheeky with me...don't you?" 

"I am not being cheeky... For me, you are indeed the prettiest one in the entire universe." He smiled innocently, staring at her brightly.

"Gosh...your words like that can't help but make my heart flutter...any more compliments you wanna give me?" She seemed a bit modest at his honest response, trying to avert her gaze.

"I do have something to give you." All of a sudden, his motion halted as he replied abruptly which even startled her for a second.

"What? You already gave me so many things today Zeus...What more you wanna give me?" She frowned her grimace, sounding a bit curious.

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