My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 202 - Rising Concern

Warm, homey sunrays were gleaming inside their room with the rustling mild ocean breeze filling up their love nest with a romantic ambiance. It was already morning. Birds were meekly chirping outside. The aura of happiness was evident around them while both Zeus and Eva were wrapped in a cozy chiffon blanket were deep asleep, holding each other in their arms. 

Slowly and steadily, Eva was the first one to wake up from her long-spun snooze after such a magical night. As she peeped her eyes open, blinking nonchalantly to sneak a glance around her, she noticed that one of his broad arms was acting as a pillow beneath her head. She was resting all this time hugging him tighter in her sleep, while his other arm was wrapped around her waist assuring to make her feel safe in his arms. 

As she peered her gaze wider, she observed Zeus was still asleep facing towards her, breathing softly. He had a blissful appearance on his grimace even in his slumber. His fresh morning look seemed ethereally innocent as well as charming with those soft hair bangs covering his forehead. Their bare bodies were closely embracing each other's warmth as if they were keenly waiting for this day for so long.

Unknowingly, she raised one of her arms up above his chest and gently caressed his sleepy face with her frail, small fingertips. She was stroking his cheeks, his nose, his jowls as well as his plump red lips being mesmerized with his divine irresistible charm.

"Last wasn't a dream... It was all real! I...I really did it with Zeus...Gosh...I still can't believe it even now... It was such a beautiful night..." Lost in her thoughts, she was admiring his handsome artistic grimace, brushing with her fingertips. 

"Are you falling in love with me all over again?" 


Suddenly, she flinched a little as his lips moved on their own mumbling his soft words towards her while she was lost in the daze. As she quickly drew her fingers back, holding a warm broad smile on his face, Zeus opened his eyes blinking his lids nonchalantly for a few times while gazing at his ladylove. 

"You...You were awake?" Nervously, she uttered out. 

"Well...I had been awake for a long time already...but...I was pretending to be asleep to savor your soft morning touch. Am I that handsome that you can't stop admiring me?" He chuckled. 

"Ahh...such a sly man..." Pouting her lips with a sulky expression, she immediately turned around on her other side facing her back towards him. Watching her turn around on the other side, he became a little impatient moving further closer towards her while hugging her soft body from behind. 

"Why are you looking away from me...honey?" Leaning his chin on her small shoulder groove, he whined in a sonorous deep pitch. 

"Why did you fool me with your sleepy face?" She sulked.

"Because I was immersed in your soft touch...I want you to caress me like this...every morning when I will be wake up next to you." Placing a gentle peck on her blushing left cheek, he whispered to her.

Hearing his soothing confession, a blissful simper widened on her lips as she tried to hide her bashful smile from him. He could evidently notice that she was flustered red in embarrassment and further intended to tease her even more. 

"Is your body alright, Eva? Was I...a bit rough...last night? Is your lower abdomen still hurting?" He casually asked many queries at once, tightening his grip around her tummy. 

She turned into a flustered red ball of shyness hearing his brazen queries at once. Her ears, nose ridge as well as her puffy cheeks were turning roseate while she whimpered at him, "hey...what are you...talking? You shouldn't ask a lady about all these so directly..." 

"What's wrong in asking about that? It was our first-time last night...I am concerned if I was being a bit out of my control overpowered with my emotions..." 

"Ahh...stop it...I am getting shyer with your questions...I am alright...Don't fret too much..." She tapped on his arm over her tummy once indicating to stop him from rustling, grinning with a modest expression. 

[Phone Ringing]

Their blissful giggles got interrupted with the phone call that rang out aloud placed on the table beside him. Getting a bit irritated with the disturbance caused, he further clenched his grip around her intending to avoid the call.

"Aren't you...going to pick up your phone?" She whispered getting a bit curious. 

"Nope. I want to sleep with you like this without any interruption. I want to enjoy our cozy moments." He firmly replied. 

Hearing his bold answer, Eva frowned her rows a little as she turned her face towards him. The phone was ringing continuously a few times which even piqued her curiosity. 

" are not only my fiancee...but also the alpha of your pack. of your pack members might be stuck with any trouble..that's why they are seeking for you." She tried to console his grumpy mood. 


"Zeus...not only me...but also it's your responsibility to look after your pack. Maybe...someone needs your think you must pick up the call." Softly caressing his side face, she mumbled in a tactful manner. 

For a moment he stayed still looking deep into her eyes with a displeased appearance on his face. Unwillingly, he squatted upon the bed followed by Eva seated next to him tugging the blanket to cover her bare body. Taking a deep huff of breath out, he glanced at the screen before picking up the call. 

"Hello?" He sounded a bit gruff. 

From the other side of the call, it seemed someone unknown was conveying something serious to him in an impatient behavior. Immediately his facial expression molded into an appalled look as he rolled his eyes before shrieking, "what?" 

She flinched hard hearing his sudden loud voice as he was indeed looking very disturbed. Gulping her saliva, she tried to inquire him first as he disconnected the call almost immediately. 

"Wh-What happened...Zeus?" 

He stayed absolute still for a moment, fretting her brows looking very tense. After a moment of anticipated silence, he murmured out, "Mr...Mr. Graham...committed suicide..." 

"Whaatt!?" Choking her breath, she screamed out in fear holding a fretful gaze towards him. For a while, she forgot to blink her eyelids exhaling a huff of air intensely. 

He couldn't utter a single word seeming quite offended with the unforeseen turn of the situation. Clenching his fist, he kept dropping his gaze down fretting his thick black pointed brows.

"How...How could this happen..." Her petulant voice trailed off.

"I... can't believe it myself too..." He whispered out, sounding much bewildered. "Mr. Graham has worked here over two decades... I have always known him as a wise and strong-willed man... He seemed to be fine just till could this happen?" He seemed a bit baffled.

"Did...Did he drown himself?" She peeked her gaze, scrunching her eyebrows.

"No...he was found this morning on the extreme west of the beach, smeared in blood. The other members of the resort who has found him have presumed that...he had slit his own throat with a knife he was clinching onto..." He expressed his words holding an intense, serious face.

Clenching the blanket tighter in her grip, Eva slowly lifted her chin up to gawk deep in his dark eyes before reciprocating ardently. "I...I can't accept it, Zeus."


"Something is terribly wrong here, Zeus! His eyes were filled with happiness when he greeted us tenderly... How...Just how can that person take away his own life the next day? This...This doesn't seem sane at all!" Scowling her petrified grimace, she fussed out aloud, holding onto his arm. 

"I can understand your anticipation...I didn't expect our misfortunes to follow us even here when we came here to seek solace...

But...Eva, I can't sit still anymore here...I need to go and see by myself--"

"Wait...what if something goes wrong? What if..." Her fearful voice trailed off for a moment before she could respond further.

"No...I am scared, Zeus... I...I don't want us to be apart anymore... I don't want something dreadful happening to you..." Grasping his arm impatiently she murmured staring deep into him with her teary gaze.

Looking at her, he softly cupped her side face to wipe her teary eyes holding a small simper before consoling her scared heart. "Don't fret...I swear... I will come back safely to you...before sunset. must stay inside here and wait for me. We will head back home once I settle things here..."

"But...what if..."

"Your love will protect me, Eva. Don't worry...we won't be apart anymore... Trust me...okay?" Placing a soft peck on her forehead, giving his word, he slowly headed towards the washroom. Though he tried hard to reassure her concerns but deep inside she could feel, he was equally perplexed about the unexpected incident.


As soon as he left, she grabbed her phone from the desk beside her bed. But... a text notification on the screen alarmed her.


"Happy birthday...little duckling...



She was surprised to see the message from Czar and gasped in awe for a moment lost in several thoughts.

"How did he know about my birthday?

Zeus was together with me, he possibly hasn't told him... means...

Clara is definitely close to him!! But...why did she lie to me about him?

Gosh... Just how much stuff I am still unaware of around me? It's... frustrating..." Exhaling a deep sigh of angst, she wondered with a blank gaze outside the window.

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