My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 213 - The Warning

"What...What did you...say?" Reversing an unsteady step back from her, Zeus quivered his lips surging his eyes wider at her in disbelief. He had a gravely concerned look on his grimace fading in angst. 

Selena crossed her slender soft arms behind her back and straightened her posture keeping her anticipated silence for a while. Taking a small sigh out, she responded to him mildly, "sometimes...acceptance of some truths are bitter than our entire existence... You heard it right my child. She was fated to die on that dark night along with her parents. dared to commit something even horrible! How could you...challenge your destiny by sealing that poor child in the lines of your fate?" 

"Th...That means...she...wasn't fated to live this life anymore? Wh...What the hell is that? Ho-How you could decide such a cruel fate for her? How could you bless her with such a short life? What...What would have happened if I didn't save her that night!? How could you!" He reciprocated aloud at her in his dominant furious tone, swirling his dark pupils. 

For a moment she kept looking at his wrath-filled eyes and a small sad smile etched on her lips. "Fate is cruel to everyone. Everyone has to bear their own part of their misery written in the destiny they are born with. Similarly...Not everyone gets to live a long life either. Millions of people lose their loved ones every day but they accept the pain and live with it forever. It's the law of this universe you all reside one is ever allowed to defy their fate..." She whispered in a calm and composed manner, walking a step closer.

"Aren't...deities supposed to be protecting us?" A scornful sad smile widened on his grimace as he scrunched his brows resembling quite offended at his own deity. "We...Romanos...have served you as our guardian for so long...and...this is what we deserve in return? Alphas...are known as the blessed child of the Moon Goddess... So...I want to ask the divine Moon Goddesses standing right before me...

Why? Just why did you decide such a cruel destiny for the person who means the world to me? What kind of blessing is this? Aren't you supposed to be kind towards your children!?" He grumbled out aloud in a reverberated noise that echoed the entire desolated shore. 

She exhaled a heavy sigh out, gawking at him with her sad gaze before rustling to him. "I can feel your sadness, pain, and anger that is stirring you from inside. You...can resent me all you want... But...I indeed wanted to protect you from walking over such a miserable choice of fate, my child. I had granted you another chance to rectify your decision once again." 


"She had chosen to end her life on her own on that night. But...once intervened between her destiny and tangled yourself with her. Was it a wise choice to let go of your chance again?" Frowning her eyebrows, she inquired him first. 

A sharp piercing pain stabbed his heart hearing out her cold words. Swooned in shock, his eyes swelled up with tears and his jowls trembled a little as he reciprocated, "th-that were the one...who made her feel so damn sick of her own life that...she was about to jump before a car?" 

"It was her choice. I just...stayed silent and wanted to let it happen so that...I could save you from this painful fate, Zeus. But once again--"

"Do you even deserve to be called a savior?" Before she could finish her remark, Zeus screamed at her aloud, intrigued with immense angst fuming inside him. Warm droplets of tears were rolling down his cheeks depicting the bitter agony breaking him apart. "You...You wanted to give me a taking away the person who is my everything? How...Just how can you be so cruel to her?" 

"I was afraid...that you will end up saving her life and choosing the path you can never escape from. And all occurred. Zeus, you may be resenting me now...but you know it yourself too. Though she carries the sacred wolf bloodline...but...she exists as a human! Humans are meant to be with humans and the same goes for werewolves too..." The white luminescent glow illuminating from her seemed to be brightened a little as if she was quite restless. Her words were cold and appeared much provocative to him.

He clenched his fist and ardently shook his head in declination, fixing his glare at her. "I don't care! Even if...the world...the universe turns their back against us...I will still keep on holding to Eva and seek our happy ending! my eternal mate and an alpha can't turn back on his words!" He snapped hard. 

A stiff small smirk carved on her lips as she crossed her arms over her chest, responding back to him abruptly, "how can a pitiful mortal and an eminent alpha dream seek a happy ending? Don't you know...what kind of tragic ending awaited for her parents...who earnestly sought a happy life for themselves?" 

"It was a murder!!" Squinting his narrowed fiery gaze at her, he yelled in a dark, hoarse voice intensely. "They...They were intentionally killed! And...on that stormy night, standing amidst the heavy rainfall I had sworn on their grave...that...I am not going to forgive those who...snatched those innocent loved ones from my Eva. I have lived till now with the rage for avenging my granny's death and now...I will find those beasts who did this them and...butcher them with my own claws! I won't let Uncle Stevan's death go in vain--" 

"Will you be really able to do it?" Before he could finish narrating his heartfelt words of vengeance, she interrupted in between holding an ambiguous dark gaze towards him. 

He could evidently notice the mystic expression engraved on her face and curiously pointed it though, "wh..what do you...mean?"

"What if the truth about the monster you will be hunting for will be too painful for you to bear, my child?" Her timid voice sounded a bit morose including the smile on her face fading away slowly. 

"Wh...What do you...intend to mean?" Gasping out a heavy puff of breath, impertinently he walked a step closer to her impatiently rolling his dilated pupils. he understood her indication pointing towards a big secret which in return made him restless further. "What kind of truth do you mean? Please...Please tell me distinctly!" 

"I can't." She smiled slowly shaking her head in declination with a pair of sad, dark eyes gawking at him. "Everything...will be happening with its own scheduled time and all we can do is accept it sooner or later. But...I am here today by myself to warn you today for the last time, Zeus. You are walking towards a fiery pit which will in the end ignite you thoroughly.

Everything you have cherished...will be...taken away from you and you will be left with nothing but regrets... Sometimes, the deities are helpless when it comes to the fates of true love. I admit...both you and Eva have become each other's sealed fate but the path you will walk together will be filled with pyres. Even after knowing how things will turn out to be... to stick to your choice?" Her cold, low pitch voice sounded quite gloomy along with her expression. 

A wide, dismal smirk lingered on his lips hearing her query as he stared invincibly at her for a moment. Taking a deep sigh out after an anticipated silence, he rustled in a timid note, "just now you said...even deities are helpless when it comes to true love... Then perhaps, you were already aware of my answer before even asking me." 

She stayed still momentarily with his answer, looking at him silently with a pained look in her wide shimmering eyes. 

"Even if you ask me a million times... I will stick with Eva till my very end... Even if my efforts turn out to be regrets one day...I will nevertheless sincerely, truly, and always love her. That's my vow to myself. are really concerned about my happiness...then...just...just let me stay with her. Don't ever take her away from me...that's all I want to ask for myself from you... Mother." His deep voice trembled a bit with his enlarged eyes glistening in tears as he kept looking at her. 

This time hearing his sincere plea, her eyes were saturated with tears and slowly she walked closer to him. Placing one of her arms over his head, she patted him softly holding a teary smile on her face, "I could...really become happy someday, my child." 

As soon as she reverberated her polite words, in the blink of an eye, she dissipated into thousands of fireflies scattering all around him. The dark ambiance he was standing all alone was lit up with those luminous flashes from the fireflies which evoked a divine, enchanting aura around him. Bearing with a sad smile, he lowered his eyes over the cold sand as tears streamed down involuntarily.

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