My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 215 - The Third Woman

"Yes... Lady Madonna became an innocent scapegoat of a bitter conspiracy that those bastard Lupos plotted against us..." A deep, sad voice escaped his lips as he slowly shifted his dark gaze towards Eva who seemed terribly shocked by his unexpected revelation at that moment. 

"Wh...Why?" Her heart was throbbing hard in palpitation as she murmured. 

"They knew it well... she was my dad's biggest weakness and perhaps the only woman...he ever loved in his long life..." Making a sour face, he slowly whispered lowering down his grimace. 

She scrunched her brows looking very impertinent from her expression. Drifting her hand from his arm, she gulped her saliva while ogling at him anxiously with a thousand queries rising in her mind. 

"My mom and dad are both alphas paired by our celestial alpha so that...a strong, true-blood alpha could be born who will lead the pack after my father, My grandpa was true blood like me but my father wasn't granny was a beta. By the law of nature, true blood alphas are considered to be strongest among all. At that moment, the elders of our pack were worried for the future of Romanos after the cruel invasions by our rivals. 

To give birth to me, they had to obey the command of our elders and chose each other as their mates. But...their hearts...weren't meant for one another..." Taking a heavy glum sigh of despair, he was squirming his fingers over the cold sand, narrating his heartfelt story. 

"That means...they had to sacrifice their hearts for the...sake of their pack? If it's so then do you mean...they really...never loved each other?" Keeping her anticipated silence for a while, she murmured in a low, curious tone. 

He nodded his head tenderly, approving her query after a small pause. Everything he had to go through since his childhood was a harsh experience of his life and she could understand it evidently, through his silence. 


"But the troubles sparked in their marriage when Lady Madonna came into my dad's life. She...was a beautiful woman but a weak omega in our hierarchy...who used to serve in our Romano Castle as a lowly maid." A deep sigh of grief rustled out of his mouth as he spoke. Eva sat absolutely still for a moment, rolling her enlarged eyes in awe while apprehending him. 

"How...did they find...each other?" She whispered. 

"That's called...destiny." He smirked but somehow that smile depicted the sadness buried in. "My dad used to be fond of gardening and my mother never considered his likings as her own. Back there in our castle in the UK, we had a large garden with every seasonal flower blooming with an enchanted beauty. And, she was the one who was in the care of the garden because she liked to cherish that floral beauty by herself. Just like they comprehended each other's hobbies and fondness towards nature...without even realizing the consequences...they fell into the trap of forbidden love." His grimace grew a bit darker as he reciprocated. 

"Goodness..." She gulped anxiously with the whirling sound of waves turning the dark and silent ambiance a bit dense. 

"Neither it was possible to accept the budding affection between the powerful alpha and a lowly omega nor my father couldn't abandon his pack. Though I was a young child back then, I could see the yearned happiness in my father's eyes when he used to be with her. But on the other hand...I could see the immense hatred in my mom's eyes towards them. It used to make me curious...why the woman he is smiling with isn't my mother? But...I was too naive to realize that she was his long-awaited bliss." He sighed holding a gloomy expression in his pale grimace. 

Her heart was stinging with a pitiful sensation towards him. Softly tapping his shoulder, he tried to console his grievous soul. "I...can must have felt at that moment."

"The time soon arrived when the resentment towards them building inside my mom's heart had crossed every limit. Everyone was already aware of the forbidden love that had been budding within them and was deeply offended by their alpha. Somehow dad helped her to escape out of the castle providing a small shelter for her up in the mountains to keep her safe from evil eyes and that's where...Czar was born as my beta half-brother.

She had to become the third woman in his life accepting the bitter truth that their love would never be approved by the Romanos, especially when my dad already had a family of his own. For the rest of her life, she had to live as a sinister, alone up in the mountains but she admitted it all for his sake. But my dad never wanted to turn away from his responsibilities from Czar. Sometimes...he used to take me along with him to see her so that...I could play with my own brother. I was happy to watch him growing up slowly. 

But...fate is...indeed cruel to everyone.

My dad still had a feeble hope buried inside his heart that someday she would be allowed again inside the Romano Castle but...his dreams were painfully crushed on the hands of Lupos when they murdered my granny..." 

Fretting her jowls with a terrified expression on her faded face she continued gasping out in awe, with her still gaze fixed at him. She was scrunching her brows and clinching her grip on his arm, unable to suppress her curiosity. 

"How...did it happen?" Her husky voice quavered a little. 

"On that fateful granny suddenly wished to meet Czar after visiting our divine Mountain God temple. I was a powerless, small kid who obediently followed her command. But..." His words halted for a moment. 


Taking a deep sigh of despair out, he slowly continued, "on our way towards Lady Madonna's cottage, we were attacked all of a sudden by a herd of brutal goons sent by the heinous alpha of Lupos back then... They started approaching towards a minor like me and to protect my life, my granny jumped before me." His dark enlarged eyes were clouded with immense glum. 

"Gosh!" Goosebumps started to appear all around her shivering body as she clenched her grip tighter on his arm. Zeus too seemed devasted while depicting his story as if for him, it all happened just yesterday.

"And those bastards were exactly waiting for that moment! Mercilessly, they started stabbing my granny with their chisel-shaped claws leaving her smeared and ripped with blood. I was crying and begging before them to stop because...I was absolutely fragile before them... But...they didn't stop. 

When they...finally killed my...beloved granny right before my eyes, I was my turn next... I shivered and helplessly hugged her blood bathed body with my trembling small arms. 

But...surprisingly, those bastards spared me and retreated from the spot! I was traumatized... I was too ignorant to realize that it...was all their plan plotted against my granny. They...just succeeded with their heinous crime..." His eyes were swelled up in tears as he continued gawking towards the waves, clenching his trembling right fist with the feeling of regret throbbing his insides. 

"Terrible... It was...absolutely terrible! How...Just how could they do that to you? How could they be so wicked!?" Frustrated from her core, she shrieked out involuntarily, impatiently rolling her dark pupils. 

"But it was just the beginning of the terrible incidents that followed after me..." His husky voice sounded very intense as he slowly averted his gaze up at the starry night sky. "At that time...even as a child, I was blamed to be a weak alpha who couldn't do a single thing to protect the only beloved support I had in my life. 

A few days later... one of those goons involved in that incident was captured by our pack from the mountains."

"Really? That's brilliant! Then...did you all give him the death penalty he deserved?" Frivolously, she queried him. 

Suddenly, a dark sad smile appeared on his lips as he exhaled a heavy sigh out before answering. "Perhaps...if he wasn't caught...then...things...would have been a bit different today..." 


"That jerk...alleged Lady Madonna's name to be involved in the conspiracy claiming...that she was the one who joined hands with the Lupos to...get her killed... She was framed for the...heinous treason..." He whispered. 

His unexpected answer left her absolutely aphonic, deadpanned in shock for a while. Anxiously she blinked her lashes for a few seconds and quivered out, "th-that's...rubbish! That makes no sense! It was such a ridiculous allegation! How could she kill the mother of the person she loved with her all might? She...even agreed to be the third woman of his life...Th-That's so cruel!"

"We all was a false accusation... But...everyone from our pack...turned their blind eyes on the truth because...they all wanted to get rid of a homewrecker like her... She cried, objected, and...begged before us to get her out of the prosecution. My dad...was unable to proclaim any verdict at that moment as...he was devastated in shock.

But then... my mother... stepped in the incident as the former Luna of our pack." His dubious low pitch reverberated like an echo in the desolated beach. 

"P-Pardon?" She seemed a bit baffled. 

"She...together along with the remaining elders of Romanos...decided the death penalty for her..." He murmured, taking out a deep huff of despair.

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