My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 28 - Closer To You

Eva was snuggled within Zeus's broad arms just like a small baby seeking comfort, while he was patting her soft hairs to calm her down. Both of them were immersed to feel each other's warmth being trapped inside the small dark elevator.

"I have something to ask you..." She broke the silence first.​​

He didn't answer anything and unknowingly inclined his head towards her.

"Why do I feel so safe and sound whenever I am with you? What is this feeling of being secured? Do you have any magical protective aura around you?" She evoked an absurd question with a low voice.

Zeus seemed a bit happy to get the unexpected compliment from her and scraped his neck. His facial gestures depicted as if a small puppy was complimented by his sear master.

"I don't think I have such magical powers." He shrugged.

"But...whenever I am in any grave danger, you always come to me, just like my guardian angel... See, even if I had stuck alone here, probably I would have died here in panic within now... But being with you, I don't feel much scared now." She slowly leaned her head on his broad muscular shoulders and smiled with a wistful gaze.

Zeus was gazing at the blue dim light which was providing minimal brightness to them in that dark enclosed elevator. His eyes looked glum while he was immersed in his dubious thoughts, "if you ever come to know about my real existence... you...yourself will define me as a monster... And it's not hurtful, because, I am indeed a vicious beast." His heart ached a bit when his reality hit him hard.

Eva scrunched her eyebrows and slightly raised her chin up to look at him and witnessed him being lost in the vague notions. "Is something bothering you?" She inquired softly.

He flinched with her sudden question and lowered his gaze to look at her. She was tucked inside his embrace like a small child with her curious eyes gawked on him.

There wasn't much distance between their faces and while looking at her, unknowingly Zeus smirked on his own. "You...look like a small kitten." He blurted out.

Eva's face was flushed red in embarrassment with his cute compliment and she immediately lowered her face to hide her shy face from him. "Hey... what's with this weird comparison!" She shrugged.

He sneered with a mischievous grin as he was successful in teasing her. Slowly he laid back his head against the metallic walls and sighed deeply. "I wish I could stop the time right here now. It's so peaceful... just being with her like this..." He was wondering with a sad smile while gazing at the faint bluish light.

Suddenly, Eva could sense a unique, sweet scent being scattered from Zeus. In that small space, the smell felt extremely soothing as if it comforted her grievous heart. Unknowingly she sniffed for some time and leaned her head on his shoulder again. "You know, you smell like a peach... It's my favorite scent..." Without even thinking, she blurted out.

Zeus jolted with surprise with her strange confession and gazed at her with his cryptic eyes. "What?" He reciprocated.

She slightly tilted her head and fidgeted anxiously before answering. "I don't know why, but... I can sense a sweet smell from you... It's not even a perfume fragrance... But it smells like peach, my favorite fruit."

He rolled his eyes in awe and unknowingly his heart started throbbing hard. The heart beating was so fast that even she could feel it and immediately she winced a bit far and stared at him. "Your heart is beating too fast!" She proclaimed.

"What the f*ck is wrong with me? Why does my heart pound like crazy whenever I am with her? And... can she sense my dominant alpha smell? But how is that possible... no human can sense it ever!" Zeus was pondering hard with a frown face and he scrunched his eyebrows.

She stared at him for a while with countless questions in her gaze and lowered her face down. "I know...we have a professional relationship, sir. And neither I wanted to make you uncomfortable around me... It's just, I shared my thoughts with you... But it's quite easy to sense, that you always try to put walls in between us... I don't know why... heart feels strangely warm around you." She continued to reassure him.

Zeus quietly took out the magical hematite pendant and grabbed her hands to hand it over. "It is necessary for us to maintain our professionalism. And, I don't have any protective aura but I am the exact opposite of what you think about me. And most importantly, it would be better for you if you wear this from now on and consider it as your superior's order." He concluded his statement while putting the pendant inside her grasp.

Eva smirked with a sad face at his statement and looked at the black shining hematite. "Why are you trying so hard to build a false image of yours in front of me? But you know...eyes can't lie. Even though you try hard to push me away from you but how can you omit the silent care in your gaze?"

"You are mistaken, Miss Eva. I never cared for you and neither--"

"Then why are you handing me this pendant?" She stubbornly interrupted his words with a fierce stare. "I am sure it must have something to do with my safety." She continued her blunt interrogations.

Unable to convince her, Zeus firmly snatched the pendant from her hands and pulled her closer to him. With the sudden jolt, Eva's heart started pounding loudly while gawking at his intense eyes.

He put his hands around her neck and tied the pendant with a fretted face. Her eyes were glued on him while he was attaching it and she was spellbound with their unexpected closeness.

"Don't take it off ever again. Keep it with you, forever." He finished tying up the pendant and averted his bold gaze towards her intensified eyes.

With a minute distance separating them, unknowingly Zeus placed his right arm to cup her face with the utmost tenderness. He could sense the strange alluring scent emitting out from her but due to the hematite stone, the intensity of the scent was lowered. But still, it was alluring enough to make an alpha lose his calm lingering so near to her.

Eva's eyes were gleaming with intense passion and without even knowing she brought her face extremely closer to him that the tip of their noses touched each other. Her lips quivered a bit as if they were desperate enough to taste red attractive lips. With a strong urge drawing towards each other, it was unbearable for them to laid back the emotions.

Zeus couldn't hold it anymore and slowly placed his lips over her reddened soft, trembling lips. But before they could kiss each other, all of a sudden a huge jerking shook the whole elevator and they flinched hard in surprise.

Immediately the bright light switched on and the elevator started moving again for a second and stopped at a floor. Baffled with the situation both of them moved their faces a bit far from each other while ogling among themselves while sitting on the floor.

Abruptly the elevator door opened and to their surprise, Czar was standing at the door. He smirked with a wicked expression to witness Eva snuggled in between Zeus's arms being seated on the floor.

"Woah! What a romantic sight! What's going on here?" He chuckled.

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