My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 41 - Fierceness

Covered with blood-sogged patches all over her clothes, Eva was walking towards her home in a staggering motion. Her cheeks were all puffed as she had been crying too hard while strolling alone. Looking at the blood patches which were Zeus's thick dark flesh blood that stained her clothing, was causing her to sob bitterly as she was continually reprimanded of the horrifying event that she had faced just a while ago. The worriment about Zeus's pathetic severe injury was causing her heart to tear apart in agony and regret.

As she reached near her residence, below her house, she saw a mystic dark figure standing on the ecliptic portion of the street light, on the roadside. From a distance, it seemed a lady-like figure.

Being continuously hit with miseries from the past few days, watching an unknown figure standing below her apartment, she gulped her saliva in anxiety. Fearing of a new horrific encounter, she started to retreat backward, desperate to escape from that cryptic figure.


As she turned back to leave the area silently as a retreat, all of a sudden, the cryptic figure called her aloud from behind, as if the person had noticed her arrival.

But this time, the voice note didn't seem unfamiliar or dubious to her. Abruptly, in a jolt, she turned behind, and indeed it was a lady's voice.

The person was no one other than Clara, her one and only best friend whom she has always considered as her family. She was hurriedly almost running towards her from that shadowy area, holding a bright smile on her face. She seemed extremely glad to see her best friend after such a long wait.

Eva was startled and surprised to watch her all of a sudden before her. The horrific event that she had to encounter had engraved a huge void of emptiness in her heart. But watching a beloved one in such a severe state of mind, elicited the emotional turmoil inside her widely.

As Clara rushed closer to her, suddenly, her motion halted and she stood all numb with a petrified expression on her face. Her toes were quivering in fear.

Clara was intensively gazing at the blood-smeared clothes of Eva and rolled her eyes in dread. Standing all frigid for a while, she almost jolted towards Eva and clenched her grip holding both of her forearms.

"Eva! Wh-What's wrong with you? Why are you bleeding so much? Look at your dress, it's wholly stained in blood! Goddamit, what on the earth has happened to you? Are you hurt? Where are you injured?" Blabbering her words in immense panic, she started gawking all over her to notice the injured portion from where she was bleeding on. 

"I...I am not injured, Clara..." Her teary voice sounded much crooked and grievous.

"Then? Why are you covered in blood? Gosh, it's so horrifying to look at--"

Before she could even complete her words, Eva almost jumped in her arms, breaking down helplessly. She was befalling to hold back her emotions inside which were causing an extreme urge of pain inside her heart.

With her sudden embrace, Clara seemed a bit startled as she witnessed her behaviors were quite strange. After a moment of anticipation, she softly caressed her back shoulder with her tender touch, trying to calm her down. Eva was shivering in her arms, and sobbing bitterly all silent.

"E-Eva? What...What is going on with you? Why are you shivering? Why...Why are you crying so hard? Can we talk first?" She inquired in a fretful pitch.

"I...I missed you...hic...hic..." Her voice sounded quite unclear as she murmured while grieving hard, resting on her shoulders. She clenched her grip around Clara as if such a loving embrace her soul had been seeking for long.

"I am sorry for being a bit late in coming back to you, Eva... That stupid office trip had completely drained out my energy. I just arrived today morning and I wanted to give a surprise to you with this sudden visit...But...instead...I was surprised and shocked in horror, watching you like this...blood-smeared."

"I am so worried... My heart...My heart is aching in pain...I can't bear the weight of my grief...I feel so fucking useless!" She raised her voice aloud, venting out her entire frustration she had been weighing down in her heart, all alone.

Clara was still spellbound with her absurd lamenting behavior and tugged her in her embrace. Patting her head softly, she sighed out a deep breath.

"I wonder...what the heck has been happening with her? She seems so heartbroken..." She wondered.


"Czar, narrate each and everything to us clearly." Antonio scrunched his eyebrows, frowning his face with a stiffened eloquence towards him. He looked highly anticipated with the severe condition of Zeus, which had already disturbed his peaceful state of mind.

As soon as he concluded his command, Aelia rushed towards Czar fiercely, swirling her eyeballs wider as she seemed immensely frustrated.

As she approached him, immediately, her pupil's color transformed into dominant red as she was fuming in rage. "Don't you dare to lie anything about my son... And... if all these have been caused by such an evil beta like you... I will slit out your throat right here and right now! No one can save you here from my wrath!" She shrieked out at him, venting out her anger vigorously.

"Aelia, hold back your emotions!" Antonio grabbed her forearm as she was losing her calm state of mind. She going hysteric in pain and grief. "I have already asked him, you don't have to interrupt between us."

"Calm down? How can I calm down when my son is already on his death-bed?" She yelled at him louder, with tear-swelled eyes, whimpering in agony. "Antonio...if something happens to him... I swear... I won't be sane anymore--"

"Nothing will happen to our strongest alpha." To reassure her grieved heart, his voice resonated as an echo in the entire room. Czar, Ivory, and the Witch Lady were speechless with the intense atmosphere between them.

He glanced at Czar back and inquired him again, "will you answer my question now?"

Czar took a slight to peek at motionless, frigid Zeus on the bed and sighed out deeply. He raised his chin up and gazed at him straight before answering, "He impaired his own life... to save that human maiden..."


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