My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 88 - Discover

"Sorry, Miss Eva Ricci, but we can't select you, as you lack work experiences which are mandatory for our corporation. We wish you all the best wishes ahead." 

That's the same answer she was reciprocated with from almost every organization she tried to apply in. Heartbroken and devasted with the harsh reality, she pushed the door walking out of the skyrise building with waffling footsteps, clenching a few more pamphlets tightly in her arm.

"Best wishes my ass! How am I going to gain work experience if every company keeps on rejecting me like this? Ahh, I guess I have to give up on my dream of working in a reputable corporate group... Based on my fucked up situation, I guess I gotta start for looking some survival jobs at least..." She was mumbling on her own making a frown expression on her face.

At a measurable distance behind her, a tall broad muscular guy was standing behind a large Eucalyptus tree, wearing a black hoodie and a black hat followed by black goggles, he was gazing at her intensely. From his gestures, it seemed he was monitoring her from a distance being a bit overly curious.

As she continued walking ahead, the mystic person slowly came out forward rather than hiding behind the tree. Taking a deep huff of breath inside, he removed his goggles and it was no one other than Czar, who was silently following her since the morning!

"Darn it, judging from her devasted facial expression she might have failed to score a job here too! Ahh, but why am I worried about her whereabouts? Why am I following her to every interview place like a damn fool? This is seriously pissing off my head, why am I feeling bad for her? I guess...I shouldn't have terminated her from our group...But I did just for her sake as I didn't want to catch up in our chaotic world! What should I do, c'mon man!" He was wondering on his own, scratching his head making a grimacing eloquence facing his internal turbulence. His eyes were staring at the ground but all of a sudden he sensed gentle footsteps of a lady stopping before him.

"Excuse me, but why are you following me everywhere since the morning?" 

The voice was unbelievably familiar to him! In a jolt, he raised his chin upward and saw Eva was standing before him holding an inquisitive expression towards him. She was impertinently staring at his dark brown eyes which made him flushed out all of a sudden.

"Li...Little duckling... Did you know about it?" He implied in a nervous tone.

"Of course, I had already found it out since the beginning of my schedule. But, I thought maybe you were playing around with me. But when I looked behind this time, you seemed a bit disturbed to me. So...umm, I couldn't hold back my curiosity any longer and came here to ask you sharply instead. Why are you following me? Or, were you stalking me?" She was probing several questions at him once with a straight face. 

"Gosh, you are such an airhead! Why would I bother to stalk you? I am a busy man, you know! I just came here because..." He trailed off suddenly, unable to express his mixed emotions right before her. Fidgeting in anxiety, he averted his gaze away.


"Because it's nothing! I was just messing with you, that's it." Trying to come up with an instant excuse, he declared in a grumpy tone avoiding direct eye contact with her.

Eva kept looking at his sulking face momentarily and unknowingly chuckled out. Watching her smiling all of a sudden even in her distressed state, he seemed more perplexed than before.

"What? Why are you laughing all of a sudden?" 

"It's nothing... I just found it funny to watch you getting all flustered out like a small kid. Haha." Covering her mouth with her palm, she responded quickly with a wide grin.

"Hey, are you looking down on me--"

"Anyways Mr. Czar, I am already tired from facing all the rejections since morning. There is a small public park nearby, do you wanna sit there with me for some time rather than strolling behind me?" Her deep black pupils sparkled in the illuminant sun rays as she asked him in a mild tone and a small smile.

He wasn't expecting such a response from her in the first place after getting discovered by her. Momentarily, he expected her to be angry with him but rather than that, she was inviting him to accompany her along rather than following her alone. Her actions seemed a bit unusual, but he couldn't decline and softly nodded his head in obeyance. 


"Do you want a coke?"

Handing a can towards him, she inquired in a tender voice, looking at him considerately. Sitting on a public bench inside the park, he raised his chin and politely took the can which she had brought for him from the vending machine.

"I would be angry with me... But, instead, you asked me to accompany you and also handed me a coke. You are really an airhead." Mumbling in a low tone, he slightly took a peek at her when she took her seat beside him holding a small smile on her grimace.

"You are right, but I couldn't be angry with you since you were the one who saved my life in the Romano Mansion." Sipping the coke, she uttered nonchalantly, staring at the endless sky.

He was unknowingly staring at her shimmering smooth hair threads, wavering in the mild spring breeze. Without even realizing it, he was admiring her big ethereal dark black eyes, her delicate bright white skin along her puffy red lips exquisitely crafted by the divine creation.

Lost in her beauty, he even forgot to blink for a while. Soon enough, when she turned her side-face towards him, quickly he averted his eyes elsewhere making sure not to get caught in the act.

"Well, Mr. Czar, I know you will sound cranky, but were you probably worried about me?" She tilted her head a bit, asking him in an impertinent note.

"Why would I be worried about you?" Immediately he jolted back on the seat, as she indeed caught him red-handed in the act.  "I have already told you, I was just messing with you--"

"I just wanted to tell you that you won't need to feel bad for me, Mr. Czar. You see, bad things often happen to us but tough times will pass if we have good people around us." She lowered her head down, with a sad smile lingering on the edge of her lips.

All of a sudden, he took a small peek at her wrist which seemed smooth and clean devoid of any bruised mark which he had left on her that day. Frowning his eyebrows, he glanced at her before probing, "did you happen to meet Zeus?"

Surprised at his question, he blinked her eyelashes a few times and tenderly nodded her head in response. "I guess the proverb is really true, people in love will always find a way back to be with each other, no matter what. " She whispered softly.

Somehow, her response made an unusual irked feeling inside his chest which caused him to be a bit more agitated. Leaning his back straight against the bench, he raised his chin to gaze at the clear bluish horizon with a tinge of sadness in his eyes.

"You know, little duckling, you should really stay away from us...especially from Zeus. Involving with him will cause you nothing good. The love you are talking about is probably just an illusion you are dreaming about. I know I may sound harsh, but we really belong to the separate worlds--"

"Mr. Czar," before he could wrap up his words, she intervened in a considerate voice and a pair of tender eyes gazing at him, "Zeus stood by my side when I was determined to abandon myself. He protected me, cared about me without expecting anything in return... I don't care if he isn't a human but my love for him would never drift away just because we belong to separate entities. He is my strength." 

"Then why are you living a life where you have to depend on others for your strength?" Unknowingly, he was getting irked with her responses and continued reciprocating in an impudent manner, "look at me. I never had to depend on anyone for any sake. I am just blissful to be on my own--"

"Because you were never able to be happy from your heart." All of a sudden, looking at him, she murmured in a low pitch.

Startled with her blunt response, he seemed to be in a daze. "Wh-What?"

"You were never happy in your life even if it's just for once, Mr. Czar. You pretend to be egoistic, rude on the outside to built a barrier around yourself so that no one can hurt you ever again. Even if you smile and laugh, but these are all fake. Your eyes seem cold and empty. Your heart is too broken to realize how lonely you are from inside. That's what I feel," holding a sad small smile, she whispered staring at his blank eyes. 

"How...How could she found my hidden scars? Who the heck is she?" Gulping his saliva, his heart throbbed in pain wondering inside.


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