My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 92 - Mystic Approach

"Excuse me, young lady?"

All of a sudden with the unusual call from behind, Eva flinched hard as she was walking towards her home holding a frown expression. Though she tried hard to portray herself blissful and carefree in front of Clara, her insides were churned down in worries and concerns with the persistent failures blocking her way ahead.

But the unfamiliar voice behind startled her quite harder.

Quickly she glanced back and noticed, a tall, handsome, well-suited groomed gentleman in his late 30's was standing with a warm smile on his face. His eyes seemed a deep brown and dubious as he was staring back at her intensively.

"Ye-Yes? Did you summon me?"

"Yes, I did." Slightly his curious eyes rolled over on her surprised face and along with a small leer, he further interpreted. "Were you perhaps looking for a job?" 

Utterly surprised at his response, she scrunched her eyebrows in suspicion and tossed a sharp reply, "how did you know about that?

"Well, I just glanced a few minutes earlier, you were gazing at the paper pamphlets intensely. It seemed to me perhaps you were in urgent need of a job."

"Huh?" Baffled at his confident response, she glanced back at the pamphlets at which, she was indeed looking for some other vacancies a few moments ago. 

"Uh...Well...Ye-Yes..." She sounded a bit bashful, lowering her eyes down at the ground.

"Ahh thank goodness! Well, to be honest, I require an honest employee too. So I was guessing if you willing to work for me, young lady?" Folding his arms within the arm notch, he straightened his back while proposing his answer in a jubilant expression.

"Eva, you don't have the situation to show preference about the jobs. I need money and...I must do everything possible to make it sure that I can take care of all my circumstances..." Convincing her concerned heart inside, she desperately nodded her head and answered in a mellow tone, "yes sir, I...I am willing to do any possible job right now." 

"Alright, then you are standing just in front of your workplace." The man cheekily pointed his index finger towards the left and as she shifted her gaze, indeed she was standing beside a large, magnificent, sumptuously decorated, newly furnished cafeteria, named "Café Roselia". Blinking her eyes in confusion, she shifted her gaze towards the man again.

"S...Sir, are you talking about hiring me for this cafe place?"

"Yes, young lady." His eyes seemed to be glistening in bliss as he peeked at the sumptuous cafe via the large transparent glass walls guarding it around and making the cafe artistically beautiful in view. "I am the owner of this cafeteria and it's not long since I started this business. I was looking for an honest worker to help me with the business and somehow, you looked perfect for helping me around. Shall we go inside?" 

Her mind was filling up with perplexing thoughts and running out of choices, she slowly followed him inside the cafeteria a bit hesitantly. Although she agreed to any possible job battling her tough situation but even for a single second, she didn't expect it to be working in a mere cafeteria! The fact which was bothering her was that she had zero interest as well experience in this field!

As they walked in, the man directed her towards a table nearby. The whole cafeteria had a quite large space inside, but it was empty devoid of any customers, which was making her somehow more concerned.

"Ahh, you must be wondering, why the whole place is empty." Taking his seat opposite her on the table, he mumbled with a leer on his face.

"No...I...I was just--"

"That's fine, young lady. It's okay to be curious. Also, for some personal issues, I couldn't open my cafe for business hours. That's the reason I am looking for someone who can manage my cafe while I am away." 

"Ahh, I...I understand..." Fidgeting her fingers on her lap, she nodded her head.

"So if you are satisfied with the queries, let us move forward towards the next step." His smile widened on his eloquence and gently, he took a large file which was placed right on the table beside him and handed it straight to Eva. 

"Here, take a look at this file. All details regarding the works you need to do with the description are provided here. Also, your salary information is mentioned here too." 

Obediently picking the file right from his hand, she straightway glanced at the salary section in anticipation. Immediately her pupils dilated as they swirled in shock looking at the information mentioned there.

"6...6000 dollars?" Gulping her saliva, she murmured.

"Yes, it's the initial salary that you will be provided for the first two months. Why? Is it too little for you? Then I can negotiate it as you require--"

"No...No sir, I...I mean...This...This salary is too high for...for a mere cafeteria worker...I...I mean... It's kind of like an office job pay..."

"Haha! You are quite honest, young lady." Watching her stuttering in anticipation, he couldn't hold back his laughter anymore and stared at her intensely for a few seconds. "Well, young lady, did you perhaps look down on my capability to pay you a certain amount?"

"No...sir... I didn't mean it--"

"I cherish my cafe so much and I am hiring a person who will take care of the place I treasure so much. So...I should pay the person fair and healthy as a reward to work with me. That's what I intend." He mumbled on his own, looking at her straight in the eye trying to depict his intentions.

"Ahh...I...I understand sir--"

"It's fine, you don't have to be so dense. Let me introduce myself first, I am Mr. Beck Bojman and you can call me Mr. Beck too from now on and be at ease around me." He softly stretched out his arm towards her for a cordial handshake, muttering in a tender voice. 

"I...I am Eva can call me with my name too from now on. I...I am glad to be able to work with you." She instantly grabbed his arm reciprocating their formal greeting with a warm wide grin on her face.

"Alright Miss Eva, let's work together from now on. You can take the file away with you and make sure to look at it before you work tomorrow morning." 

"Ye...Yes sir, then...thank you for hiring me." She slowly stood up from her seat and bowed her head to offer her gratitude towards him. "I was really in need of money and... I didn't even expect the pay here would be so high... Also, I...I must have been a bit rude towards you when you asked me about looking for a job... many terrible things have been going around with me lately that...I am grown over suspicious about almost everything. I...I am sorry...Mr. Beck."

"That's fine, Miss Eva." Suddenly, his facial expression grew a bit intense and dark as he stared at her sharply. Holding a mystic smirk, he further concluded, "you must be cautious about everyone around her. Also...don't trust anyone too blindly... It's my advice to you." 

As his facial eloquence transformed quickly, a cold spine-chilling sensation ran down her nerves as she glanced at him back. Somehow his eyes seemed a bit fierce, concealing several mysteries in it which made her anxious.

"Is it only me or...his eyes...seems a bit strange... No... Eva, stop overthinking! You should be grateful to this person for offering you such a well-paid job! Stop your goddamn suspicions! He seems to be such a generous man. How can you suspect his intentions?" Firmly she shook her head horizontally a few times, scolding her inner self to clear off those perplexing thoughts concerning her mind.

"Well then, you can take your leave today. See you tomorrow, Miss Eva."

"Ye-Yes, Mr. Beck. Thank you, once again..."


Beck stayed still on the chair watching Eva from behind, leaving the cafeteria with a warm smile on her face. But, his facial expression wasn't the same as before! It was drastically changed into a sinister look, holding a cunning smirk on his grimace.

Calmly, he took out his cellphone from the long oversize black coat he was wearing and dialed someone with her eyes still fixed at her through the glass walls. 

As someone picked up the phone after ringing a few times, Beck murmured in a deep mystical voice,

"I had told you earlier, it will be a piece of cake for me. Though, you were right... She seemed a bit special one just like you had described. But it was too easy to allure her with money... I didn't expect it to be so easy to conduct but she easily fell into my trap...

Target successfully captured." 

Smiling with a victorious chuckle, he disconnected the call.


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