My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 398 Night battle, Mordred and Lion Tribulation

The 3rd Virtue and the Lion Tribulation

Faced with Berserker's defection, Amakusa and the Empress pretended to be talkative men on the red side and began to discuss intensely.

"Let Archer catch up first. Whether we can stop him is still unknown. The success rate is about 50-50 - no, maybe it will end in failure."

"This is no joke."

assassin complained with great displeasure. It's no wonder that although the red team has arrived, it does not mean that they are ready to fight. What's more, Black is entrenched in the impregnable Milenian Fortress and is fully prepared. No matter how outstanding Berserker is, it will not help.

It's just one more Servant who died in vain.

"What should I do, Master? My Noble Phantasm is not ready yet. It would be too futile to attack him in this situation, so I can only abandon him."

Hearing this, Shuo Yue was drawn away and looked at the beauty in black dress with a beautiful face and a pair of elf-like ears.

Servant Assassin, Semiramis.

A legendary queen in BC history.

Although she was born between the Syrian fish goddess Derketo and a human male, she failed to receive maternal love and was placed by the water. Later, she warmed her body under the wings of doves and was nourished by the milk brought by doves. Because of her beauty, she was taken away by the Assyrian king Ninus at first sight and adopted as his princess.

A few days after her wedding, she poisoned King Ninus, which is regarded as the oldest surviving poisoning incident in legend. Therefore, he is also known as the oldest poisoner in the world.

And one of her most powerful treasures is called the 'Sky Garden of Vanities', because it was not Semiramis who built the Hanging Garden in history. Therefore, it was named "Vanity", but using the faith of a large number of misunderstandings, Semiramis was still able to establish it as a Noble Phantasm.

After sixty years of searching, Amakusa finally chose Semiramis as his Servant. A large part of the reason was because of this anti-realm treasure.

Because of its hypocrisy, the activation conditions for this Noble Phantasm are quite strict. A certain amount of wood, stone, minerals, plants and water from the place where Semiramis lived must first be collected and combined, and then Semiramis will perform a long ceremony to turn the fantasy into reality in order to complete this Noble Phantasm. .

The ceremony takes about three days, which is why Amakusa and the Empress looked troubled after learning that Berserker had left.

Before the 'Sky Garden' is built, it is the most appropriate choice for the red side to stick to their stronghold.

Faced with the troubles of the person in charge, Shakespeare not only did not empathize with him, but laughed as if he had a bad taste:

"'Mischief, thou art afoot, take thou what course thou wilt!', haha, that's it."

"——Huh, so it was you, Caster, who instigated him?"

Under Amakusa's half-smiling gaze, Caster remained motionless with his head raised to the sky, looking away a little embarrassedly.

"Did you actually tell him the location of Tulifas? You guy is really——!"

"Oh, the sad mad knight who is struggling to pursue the person who should betray him. I, Shakespeare, really can't bear to see his full of distress!"

Hearing the words full of fun-loving attributes, Shuo Yue turned his attention to Shakespeare, and his information came to mind.

For Caster Shakespeare, this world is simply an earth-shattering legend. No, it has to be this way. He loves those extraordinary beings from the bottom of his heart and constantly pursues the stories and legends woven by them.

For this reason, a little deception and instigation are all "possible" in his opinion, all for the sake of the story.

Therefore, you are the servant I have designated as the most likely to join our ‘blue’ side...

After all, whose story could be stranger than his? Whose sacrifice could satisfy the gluttonous appetite of this great writer better than his?

Shuo Yue believes that the quality of the literary giant will not let Shakespeare let go of Lan Fang's story!

"This guy is really a headache, you..."

Ha, Assassin let out a big sigh. Caster said to her nonchalantly:

"Men like me are called 'troublemakers' or 'pranksters'."

At this moment, Amakusa waved his hand to stop the quarrel between the empress and Sabi.

"There is no other way. Ask Archer to provide Berserker's rear support. However, give him strict orders to retreat immediately if the situation goes bad. There is absolutely no way to stop that Berserker. Even if he consumes his Master's command spell, he will still be there after a while. The same thing will happen again.”

"I know, let's use the familiar to send a message to Archer." The empress nodded in agreement like a helpful wife. Amakusa responded with a grateful smile and turned to look at the idle Sakuzuki.

"As for Mr. Shuo Yue, who just joined recently..."

"Ah, I understand, I understand." Shuo Yue skillfully intercepted his words, "Is it my turn to prove my worth to the red side? Don't worry, I will help at the critical moment!"

"...Please, please." Looking at Sakuyue who was speaking in an incoherent manner, Amakusa couldn't help but miss the calm and cold killer in battle.

Mr. Shuoyue's character... is truly wonderful.


On one side is Yggdomirenia, a family of magicians who are trying to get rid of the Clock Tower. On the other side is a group of magicians hired by the Clock Tower who cannot tolerate this and aim to regain the Great Holy Grail.

There is no surrender, no peace, no room for negotiation. This is a veritable war of annihilation, a mutual fight with the consciousness of death.

However, most wars always begin peacefully.

In this way, after everyone from the black and red sides arrived, the night fell on time.

Flying over Tulifas, the bird-shaped familiar, which was rough as if made of soil, yet so precise that it could escape the gravity of the earth, rolled its penetrating forest-white eyes, as if it had discovered something, and turned around, sliding Under the dense clouds.

In Tulifas late at night, everything is quiet. Every house put out the lights. There is not even a single store open 24 hours a day.

Only the street lights on the roadside illuminated the night. However, the lights were extremely dim, and it was a weak fight against the night.

At this moment, a hearty female voice pierced the settled night and spread loudly in the darkness.

"Oh, this feels so good!"

It was a beautiful girl wearing a red sportswear and a blond ponytail. She was wearing short hot pants that were too short, and her underwear was no different from a tube top. A necklace with a black and gold "X" symbol fell on her. The fair skin swayed with the girl's jumping.

It's obviously a revealing outfit when you take off your coat, but when worn on a girl, it unexpectedly looks cool and energetic.

"I'm sorry, Master, I spent so much money on you!"

"You're welcome, this is also a necessary fund." Lion Jie looked away from the cheerful Mordred, lamenting once again how outrageous history is.

Who would have thought that after taking off the ferocious and heavy armor, what would appear in front of him would be a lively and smart little girl?

If Mordred is a clone of King Arthur and developed into this appearance in just a few years, does it mean that her mind is actually only a few years old...

There was a muffled sound of "bang", and Lion Jie was slapped hard on the back. His thoughts of 'rebellious' were also interrupted. He only heard Mordred mutter:

"However, it's rare that we broke into the enemy's territory and no one came to attack us."

Mordred and Lion Jie, as independent masters and slaves who broke away from the camp but still pursue the Holy Grail, have been looking for a place to use as a base point to attack the Milenian Fortress. In a normal Holy Grail War, theoretically it would be enough to look for the Master's workshop, but this time there was no need.

The reason is that it has long been determined that their base is that city. No more searching. Neither the Master nor the Servant can leave that extremely strong fortress. In other words, as long as the fortress is not captured, nothing can be done.

This was the reason why they visited Tulifas in the dead of night.

"Don't worry, this is a town under the management of Yggdomirenia." Lion Jie put his hands in his trouser pockets, seemingly defenseless, but in fact he had already grasped the magic items in his pockets.

"In other words... the security is very good?" Mordred's voice suddenly stopped, and he stopped together with Lion Jie.

"Do you see?" The master next to him chuckled, obviously very satisfied with the other party's compliments.

At some point, humanoid and non-humanoid golems appeared from all directions in the west. It seemed that they had been camouflaged on the roof of a nearby building.

Not only that - at some point, people holding battle axes gathered together and surrounded the two of them together with the demon statue.

No, for human beings, emotions are still too thin. The most important reason is that their faces not only make people mistake them for brothers, they are simply printed from the same mold.

", a homunculus?"


After hearing Shishi Jie's complaints, Xiao Mo moved uneasily.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing...Master, give me the instructions."

"My magic is not powerful enough to deal with golems...Leave the cyborgs to me, and leave the golems to you."


"Show me your power, Saber!"

With such a loud shout, Lion Jie rushed out first. At the same time, Mordred also turned around. The tall and burly demon statue had appeared behind her, waving a thick stone stick and hitting her!


With the red lightning as the center, the fierce impact shook up the air, making a strong sound of head-on collision.

"Understood - Master!"

The gauntlet blocked the demon's attack, and the blonde girl's smile gradually became ferocious. Before the demon's next attack, she retreated on the red thunderbolt, then quickly charged forward, stepping on the enemy's defense at the moment. On the stone stick, he took advantage of the situation to bounce up, and his feet equipped with red and white armor trampled on the wall of the building.

Accumulate strength - Crash!


As he exhaled loudly, fragments of the wall flew with pieces of the demon's broken body, and red thunder and lightning boiled, illuminating the girl's cruel smile!

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Level: EX

Type: Opposing Noble Phantasm

The garden floats because of the "upside-down" concept, in which plants grow downward and water flows from downstream to upstream.

As long as you stay inside the garden (fortress), all status of Semiramis will be strengthened. Notability will also be raised to the highest level.

It can float thousands of meters in the air, and there are 11 counterattacks (black plates with a total length of more than 20 meters) set up around the courtyard, called "Black Coffin of Ten and One (Tiamtum Umu)". It can continuously shoot out-of-specification light bombs from the plates, and its destructive power can be called "anti-military level" (Note: Tiamtum is the etymology of the ancient Babylonian mother goddess "Tiamat"; Umu is the 11 animals born by Tiamat. monster)

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