My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 411 The Strongest Sword and the Strongest Spear

Chapter 412 The Strongest Sword and the Strongest Spear

The gun tore through the atmosphere, roaring and roaring.

The sword was broken, the wind and clouds were flying, and the sound was screaming.

Fierce fighting is like withering life. The sparks dissipated, and the two huge forces were evenly matched.

In terms of distance, the spearmen naturally have an advantage. After all, the tip of the spear held by Red Lancer is more than one meter long.

However, increasing the distance will inevitably cause the attack speed to become slower. After a thrust, retracting the spear will cause a slight loss of time.

Of course, Red Lancer's spear skills did not disgrace the world-famous hero Karna. Gold, who was purely a Master, probably couldn't even see Lancer's movements clearly. There was no doubt about that.

However, the one who accepted this barrage of shots, which was as hard as a stone wall - was the 'Dragon Slayer Siegfried' of the Netherlands. His swordsmanship has reached the inhuman realm, and he uses the slight loss of time to gradually close the distance.

However, a swordsman (Saber) cannot defend himself against spear thrusts just because of his excellence. It is absolutely impossible to withstand the spear attacks that enter the divine realm based solely on skills.

Despite this, Black Saber calmly gradually shortened the distance. That was an extremely unintended act that even Ruler, who was supposed to know his legend, wanted to stop.

Dare to sacrifice in order to succeed... It is too simple to put it in words. However, it is accompanied by great difficulties in practice, and most people fall deeply into the quagmire called death.

Black Saber took a step forward. He manipulated the sword with minimal movement and deflected the spear's combo attacks without missing a beat. But since they were moving forward, they couldn't keep up with the speed of the spear. Several thrusts hit the vital point, the artery was cut, and the eyebrow was penetrated————This is how it should be.


After witnessing what could be described as a strange scene, Red Lancer immediately backed away. She pulled away and glanced at him with eyes that seemed to freeze Saber Black.

"The wound is so shallow."

Not just one shot, but seventy-eight shots struck Black Saber. No matter which blow is struck, it is the key to impartiality. Unexpectedly, Saber took her stance calmly.

He was not without injuries. But the wound was ridiculously shallow. With the power of Karna's spear, it would not be surprising if his arms were shattered and his eyes were gouged out. But Gold's healing magic immediately blocked Black Saber's wound. This fact showed that Siegfried's wound was so shallow that it could even regenerate immediately.

How can it be. It would be unbelievable to say that all those combos were blocked, but it still made sense in theory. However, despite receiving a direct hit, it is really impossible to only sustain this level of damage...

This is both an impossible event and a phenomenon that actually happened. Well, there must be a reason. Either he is favored by God like Rider from his own camp, or he has gone through many hardships, or else——

"——Ah, I see, I understand."

The long-lost feeling of exaltation rolled in Lancer's chest. This black Saber is indeed very similar to 'him'.

...Undoubtedly, Black Saber was no exception to the surprise. The illegal-level ability he possesses, "Armor of Fafnir," reproduces the legend of Siegfried, the heroic spirit bathed in dragon blood, and can nullify attacks below B level.

In other words, if the Noble Phantasm is not fully activated and the gun is used as a simple weapon, it is impossible to hurt Saber.

However, all the seventy-eight consecutive attacks released by Lancer left him injured. Although the injuries were minor and could only be recovered immediately with the Master's healing magic, this fact was enough to make the Heroic Spirit Siegfried shudder.

In other words, Red Lancer's spear contains physical attack power equivalent to A-level. Needless to say, the gun itself must be quite a treasure. But it was impossible to unleash a blow that could penetrate the dragon's armor with these alone. This is a destructive power that can only be produced with amazing physical strength and excellent skills.


Saber is calm on the outside, but feels joy on the inside. During his lifetime, he had never even had the experience of fighting against such a heroic figure. Since defeating the evil dragon that destroyed thousands of villages, he has created countless legends with his immortality - but the feeling of passing through the death line that seemed to consume his soul is no longer there.

No attack can be effective against him, Siegfried just slaughters the enemies easily - this is not a battle, it feels closer to a job.

But this battle awakened Siegfried's long-lost passion.

Even when they were thinking, their battle did not stop. The achievements of both sides were entangled like a spiral and fleeting like sparks. The two men, who are at the pinnacle of sword and spear skills, compete for supremacy.

In terms of superior skills, Red Lancer has the upper hand. In terms of physical toughness, Black Saber is even better. Having said that, in terms of overall strength, the two sides are almost equal. Even if they relax for just a moment, they will be pierced through the heart and beheaded.

The demon sword Balmonger kept chasing the white-haired spearman, and the Immortal Blade of the Divine Spear destroyed Siegfried's blood armor again and again. The two fought on the plain, and the fire waves and demonic energy destroyed the place into pieces. The two of them fought in the mountains, using their bodies to fight against the enemy's weapons. Countless mountains along the way whined and turned into dust.

Sparks illuminated the cold eyes of the two men, and the dawn sun jumped above the horizon. Under the morning light, the two tiny figures shrouded the earth, and even the world trembled because of their fierce battle.

The darkness was dispelled, and Karna, who was white-faced and wearing golden armor, was kicked high into the sky. Looking at the top dragon slayer who came with his sword drawn, he opened his mouth slightly, as if he was amazed, but also seemed to be taking a deep breath.

The next moment, red sun flames descended from the sky!

That is the ultimate heat and color, the wrath of the sun, the power of the sun! The light bullets poured down like a waterfall, and Siegfried only had time to cross his sword before he was knocked to the ground, shrouded in the destruction of a violent explosion!

The earth was shaking, spreading destruction that was nothing short of an earthquake, but the Dutch dragon slayer was still standing upright, but the place he was standing on had sunk a full inch. If you look at it from top to bottom, Lancer Karna's blow left a sun-shaped mark with a radius of 100 meters in this wilderness!

Such a terrifying son of the sun, such a majestic dragon slayer!

The 'red' Lancer who released this attack landed lightly, his red cloak burning like an unquenchable flame.

What stood in front of him was the 'black' Saber with silver hair, silver armor, and azure demonic energy wrapped around her body.

"The magic spear that can penetrate my dragon armor, your skills, your legend, your suffering..."

The excitement of the fight made Siegfried forget his master's prohibition. He wiped the blood on his face and made a voice as calm as his appearance.

"I have deep respect for all of them."

In the eternal flames, the man with red shadows at the corners of his eyes raised his eyes and snorted sharply, as if with a smile.


Gold gritted his teeth and watched the fight to the death between the black Saber and the red Lancer. He couldn't find an opportunity to use magic. Speaking of which, the other party's Master doesn't seem to be here either.

But what he was most dissatisfied with was the fact that Black Saber could not win. The dragon-slaying hero Siegfried was undoubtedly the strongest Saber. He is a great hero who is not afraid of attacks below B level.

Who knew that Saber like that would still be unable to completely defend against Red Lancer's attack. Sure enough, he still had to accept her help for now.

"Please help us! That Karna is also your enemy!"

"Ah..." The judge who heard the voice withdrew his gaze from somewhere outside the battlefield. After being stunned for a moment, he returned to his solemn posture.

"As I said just now, I can't interfere in their battle."

The suggestion was rejected again, and Gold became more and more anxious, because he knew that not only the few people present, but Danik and the others were also watching this scene.

It was clear that the two Servants were fighting, but he neither gave any orders nor used magic to protect him - in the eyes of others, did this mean that Der Mujik Yogdomirenia was extremely unqualified as a Master? Woolen cloth?

What's even more annoying is that he didn't find the red master, which means he couldn't even prove himself!

The feeling of being put aside evoked the long-lost shame and shame in Gold's heart, and this feeling was guiding him in an unknown direction.

——I have to do something.

- I must have the power to do something.

——Yes, that kind of power is in your hands.

Gold looked at the back of his right hand. There, there is indeed proof that he is a master. The bond between the Master and the Servant that is engraved with huge magical power...Command Seal.

correct. Just using this command spell can easily put that servant under his control. That Black Saber is not a hero, he is just a puppet in the final analysis, this must not be forgotten.

So, taking advantage of the gap between Karna and Siegfried's communication, Gold gritted his teeth and raised the Command Seal.

Now, take advantage of the brief moment when the enemy Lancer relaxes his vigilance, release Saber's Noble Phantasm, defeat him in one fell swoop, and win his first victory——

"Wait a minute, Mr. Gold, that's not allowed!"

The screams rang in his ears, and Gold trembled all over. He broke away from his dazed state, stumbled back a few steps, and broke into a cold sweat.

"Sir, are you okay?"

Beside him, Lingxia, the sixth director who came over, cast a concerned look at him. But this time, Gold did not respond to her. Instead, he covered his chest and regained his rationality.

A little bit, a little bit...he was going to waste a Command Seal here!

Siegfried's Noble Phantasm has no armor-breaking effect. In other words, if Karna focuses on defense, even if he releases the Noble Phantasm instantly, it will not help!

"Thank you for the reminder."

"It's okay, but I think it's time to retreat."

Lingxia, the sixth director, turned her gaze and stared at the two black robes rising from the forest and falling towards them, and nodded her head lightly.

"After all, it's almost dawn."

That's right, several hours have passed since the battle began - not only the two sides who were fighting passionately, but also everyone watching the battle couldn't help but forget the time.

The morning light has filled the sky, and the night of fighting is about to end.

But it was not Karna and Siegfried who had stopped fighting that brought the battle to an end, but the two 'Assassins' who fell like meteors and became entangled again!

I strongly recommend everyone to watch the plot in the FA drama. In my opinion, it is the most comfortable fight besides the final battle between Sieg and Karna.

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