My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 420 Between heaven and earth, the eight extremes of Kyushu!

Chapter 421 Between heaven and earth, the eight extremes of Kyushu!

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

When Shuo Yue seriously injured Kenniang and was sniping with Chiron at the middle gate, Arturia also took advantage of her strength to lead Achilles backwards and hit the red Archer-Attaran. On the tree trunk where Ini is.

"Tsk!" The cat girl in beautiful emerald green clothes said in displeasure. She jumped to the ground before the tree collapsed, followed by a flash of silver light. The black Saber Siegfried hit him with his sword, and even the treetops were shattered. It was shaken to the point of rustling.

Facing the overwhelming power of Silver, the red Archer, the girl whose real name is Atalanta, the supreme huntress in Greek mythology, showed no fear at all. The cat's tail behind her swayed lightly, and her slender feet wearing black over-the-knee boots led her owner across the dense forest as if they were riding on the wind.

Beyond Arcadia: B

Atalanta is able to move across all obstacles on the field, including enemies.

The aesthetics of the chase: C

Let the enemy take the initiative, and then you can take the lead after confirming the enemy's actions. Even in a race, she would definitely let her opponent run first.

"Go first, I will turn into a strong wind behind you, and I will catch up from behind..."

With the hero's pride in his mouth, the emerald-green archers turned into the breeze sweeping through the forest. In the blink of an eye, they distanced themselves from the silver swordsman, turned around gracefully, and fired a series of arrows at Siegfried's chest.

The black Saber raised the sword blade just right and cut the arrow. Looking at the red Archer who was gradually moving away, he pondered for a moment, then suddenly swung the sword and touched the blue gem on the hilt.

This is the cursed holy sword that achieved the great feat of slaying the dragon. The gem on the hilt stores and preserves the magic power of the Gods (true ether). When Siegfried activated the power of the gem, the forest that was supposed to be plunged into deep darkness switched to dusk. landscape.

It's not that the true name is liberated, but even if only a small part of the power is liberated, the dusk wrapped around the magic sword still carries a heavy pressure.

Without hesitation, Siegfried aimed at the red Archer who had distanced himself, horizontally and vertically, and threw out a super-large sword energy that was higher than trees!


Atalanta looked at the super-large cross slash attacking her in shock. She had to admit that she had underestimated the heroes of the world. Although the huntress named 'Atalanta' was galloping around the Aegean Sea, she was absolutely If you have never witnessed the great feat of slaying a dragon, you will naturally not understand how powerful the swordsman who slayed the dragon is.

Escape has lost its meaning. All she can do is to reduce the damage as much as possible before the sword energy attacks——

"Polestar, go!"

The blow from the peak female hunter of Greece turned into a bright star, but it shattered instantly in front of the dusk-filled sword energy. Atalanta only had time to set up the divine bow, and felt like she was being hit by a speeding heavy truck. It was like a head-on hit, and his mind went blank, and his whole body flew backwards!

Disturbed by the alien magic (true ether), she could not turn into a spiritual body to avoid damage. Atalanta was not as immortal as Red Rider Achilles. If she hit a hard mountain wall or the earth, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Just as Ta Miao closed her eyes, waiting for the imminent serious injury, she suddenly ran into someone's arms. A dull collision sounded. Atalanta's cat ears moved slightly, and she clearly heard the sound of broken bones. .

The feeling of impact was undoubtedly that of a man.

Due to the extreme distrust of men caused by certain past events, Ta Miao's expression suddenly turned cold. She raised her head and saw a white-haired young man.

Judging from the breath, it was Assassin who the priest had mentioned and joined the red camp.


Faced with Shuo Yue's behavior of calling her real name on the battlefield, Ta Miao expressed great dissatisfaction, and even the gratitude for protecting her disappeared.

"You, let go!"


Facing Red Archer's scolding, the young man withdrew his arm simply. As a result, Ta Miao fell to the ground with a thud.

Atalanta: "...?!"

Lying on the ground, Ta Miao forgot about it for a moment, and just stared angrily at Shuo Yue, who had an innocent look on her face.

Is letting go... such a bad idea?

Simply more brutal than the Greek warriors!

"Sister, are you okay?"

In comparison, Red Rider, who did not forget to take care of her while fighting the enemy, was not too gentlemanly. After hearing the call of her teammates, Atalanta put her unhappiness behind, she turned over and jumped up, holding the Sky Vault again. Gong, talk to Shuo Yue.

"Are you a reinforcement sent by Amakusa? In that case, come with me into battle!"

Faced with Ta Miao's concise and clear request, Shuo Yue gently touched her chest, used her remaining magic power to heal the hidden wounds, and then nodded calmly.

"As it should be, you should give full play to the strengths of the archers, and let me confront the Black Saber head-on."

"Well, it's very neat, not bad."

Ta Miao's impression of this young man had changed. She hummed softly, kicked off her feet and climbed up to the treetops. With her bow like the full moon, she aimed at the Black Saber, Siegfried, who was speeding towards him.

When on guard, a top servant will hardly be hurt by her arrows, so she needs a warrior in front of her to give full play to the power of the Archer.

She never doubted her ability, but her only worry was whether Shuoyue, as an assassin (Assassin), could contain the powerful dragon-slaying warrior on the frontal battlefield?

But soon, she was shocked by what Shuo Yue did.

Facing the top-level black Saber, who was holding a dragon-slaying demon sword, the young assassin did not dodge and went straight to meet him.

Although this does help the archer's performance, can this guy really survive the swordsman attack? !

Atalanta was shocked in her heart, but she still calmed down and did not draw the bow immediately. Instead, she judged Siegfried's movement trajectory and drew the bowstring bit by bit.

If she wants to break through the defense of the 'Evil Dragon Blood Armor', even she needs a certain amount of time to accumulate strength.

And this time is the key when she needs Shuo Yue to stop Siegfried!

Can it be blocked? Or will he be struck by a sword and run away, returning to the original situation?

Atalanta was worried about the next situation, but Shuo Yue didn't have so many random thoughts. Since he chose to face the enemy head-on, it was naturally not because of the beauty's request, but because he was sure of it.

Even though he is two levels lower than Siegfried on the panel, some martial arts skills can transcend the limitations of physical strength.

For example, the fierce fist known as 'Between heaven and earth, the eight extremes of Kyushu'!

The Bajiquan acquired from Kotomine Kirei has been sharpened day after day by Shuo Yue, and now it is used as a follower, and its power is even comparable to that of Li Shuwen.

Go forward, go forward. Every time the young man takes a step forward, the figure of the silver-haired swordsman shortens exponentially. At the same time, the earth gradually trembles, as if what is running is not a small human being, but the mighty and unstoppable one. of prehistoric mammoths!

The air was disturbed and turned into wind. The milky white air flow gathered in the young man's palm. It was not from magic or mystery, but from the purest skill and power, but it contained the air flow between heaven and earth in his palm. The world was extremely dull, except for the breathtaking storm condensed in the palms of Shuo Yue.

The clouds follow the dragon and the wind follows the tiger.

Faced with such momentum, Siegfried did not dare to neglect. He touched the blue jade again. The dusk-colored true ether covered the magic sword, burning unsteadily and igniting the glow in the forest.

And the demonic fist sweeping through the storm was already in front of us, and at some point, Shuo Yue's eyes had turned into bright rainbow blue!

The Demon Eye of Direct Death opened, and everything in the world was shattered in an instant. Even Siegfried, who had an immortal body, had an overly obvious 'line of death' in the young man's field of vision.

There is no doubt that it was Siegfried's back that was not bathed in dragon's blood in the legend.

"My eight poles don't need two strikes!"

The muscles of his arms were knotted, and he stomped his feet on the ground. A hundred meters in radius suddenly collapsed. As he frowned and pushed out with both palms, a storm that was not inferior to the 'Wind King's Barrier' suddenly exploded in the forest. The young man with one hand and dyed The dusk-colored magic swords collided, and the other hand bypassed Black Saber's arm and hit him in the chest with a bang.

"Bleeding from all seven orifices, burst into pieces and die!"

This is one of the ultimate secrets of Bajiquan - the tiger climbs the mountain hard!

There are three famous chapters about Ta Meow. The first was to be chosen as a member of the Argonauts led by Jason. The second is to defeat Calydon's magic pig. The third is marital turmoil. No matter which one, there is no satisfactory ending, especially the third one, which caused her extreme distrust of men. In the end, she was turned into a lion because of blasphemy.

So Atalanta’s ears and tail should actually be that of a lion... But since the artist painted a cat, it’s even better, Cat Girl Segao!

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