My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 466 Crossed swords, confused heart

The spear pierced the atmosphere, the sword rolled up thunder, storms intertwined, red thunder bloomed, and dazzling light splashed on the battlefield.

Not far away, the bloody dusk and the burning sun replaced the night. It was Siegfried and Karna who were displaying their martial arts to their heart's content. The clouds in the sky gathered and dispersed, and the stars dimmed and fell, leaving only the night sky like the earth. Devastated and desolate.

But now, wind and thunder appeared on the battlefield. Guns and swords clashed under the dusk and sunset. The fires that collided not only illuminated the prince of the Netherlands and the hero who gave alms, but also the king who also raised a gun came on horseback, wearing a horn helmet and the sword blade. The rebellious knights who hated the red color collided.


The frantic shouts spanned thousands of years and areas thousands of miles away, but the emotions contained in them easily pulled people back to the Kamlan Hills back then.

The colors of blood and dusk are just as they were then, brighter than any color a painter could create on his palette. The battlefield, corpses, and broken flags have not changed for thousands of years. Even the two warring parties reunited according to their destiny and once again entered into a life-and-death fight.

Mordred had imagined the moment when she would reunite with King Arthur countless times, but when she actually faced her father, her mind went blank due to overly strong emotions.

It was not in Sighisoara, because the scene of mother-daughter recognition touched Mordred's scar, causing her to stage a ridiculous scene. This time, it was the Black Assassin who took the initiative to ride his horse, took off his cloak, and told this rebellious knight who was longing and escaping from himself——

Yes, I am King Arthur and here I come.

So getting to know her, walking together on the streets of the ancient town, choosing clothes, chatting about the past... all these beautiful memories faded away, and the short-term joy could not offset the hatred that the knight had been brewing to this day. Mordred and Artoria seemed to be mortal enemies who hated each other, but also seemed to be close relatives with a perfect understanding. After knowing each other's identities, they stopped talking.

All he has to do is draw his sword!

Roaring, with the same fierce emotion that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, Mordred waved the "Sword of the Shining King (Clarente)" and launched a violent storm in front of him. Arturia, who had liberated her form and was taller in stature, held the holy spear in her hand and calmly resisted Xiao Mo's impact.

Mordred had been trained by Morgan as a crown prince since she was a child. Her riding skills, her martial arts, her military strategy (and even her food intake) were all based on the example of the King of Knights back then.

But the sword cannot deceive, and Mordred's sword is how she stepped out of King Arthur's shadow and was able to leave her unique mark of 'Mordred' in the legend of the King of Knights, even if it was a stigma.

——Morgan taught her everything, but he did not devote the most important love to children. So this grass grew freely in the excessive sunshine and rain, and finally created an unruly and rebellious soul.

This trait is also reflected in Mordred's swordsmanship. The way she wields the sword is so chic and heroic, without Artoria's rigor and discipline at all, but it is such a swordsmanship that she can't even distinguish her moves. , but in the decisive battle, he knocked away King Arthur's sword and personally cut off the red silk that marked the end of the legend.

It is as if it is announcing that even if the king is correct, there is still a possibility of failure.

However, this is a story carved on the hill of sword fence.

The stage, characters, props, scenes - all of these are the same as they were thousands of years ago, but it is the plot - the battle between Mordred and Artoria, that is completely different from what it was back then.

Perhaps Artoria has made some changes during this time, but unfortunately, both father and son (mother and daughter) are quite competitive, especially when the ending of the intersection between the two stopped at Kamran's side. Jianqiu ended up almost dying together - even if they had a tacit understanding and never mentioned it, they would still be trying to compete with each other, right?

Therefore, there was no temptation or dialogue. The two of them gave their all in the moment of confrontation and never stopped until they won.

The red thunder dispersed the violent wind, the storm extinguished the thunder light, the corpses on the ground trembled, the rebels marched forward in the bloody dusk, and the king held the holy spear to break through this disaster.

The first round was evenly matched.

In the third round, Wang Jian roared.

In the fifth round, the holy spear was fierce.

In the seventh round, the spear suppressed the sword. The swordsman was pushed back by the huge force and fell backward, while the spearman stepped forward and pressed forward step by step.

Yes, in just a few minutes, Mordred was completely at a disadvantage. Even though she had a "B+" strength panel, Artoria could still survive the short burst. , replaced by a spear that became more majestic and more unstoppable.

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

The king's sword fell, but the holy spear didn't even need to defend. Arturia saw through Mordred's flaw at a glance. With a wave of her hand, the strong gauntlet hit the sword body and slapped it away. Then there was a sound of wind. Whistling, the holy spear has broken through the dangerous distance and stabbed Mordred's helmet!


The Noble Phantasm given to Mordred by his mother was broken again, and the beautiful face similar to Arturia was exposed to the air. The look of horror could not be faded - for any knight, the sword was carelessly taken away by others. Blocking it would be a huge insult!

What makes Mordred even more unbelievable is that her intuition has not changed from beginning to end. It is not that she does not react, but that she has remained high after reaching the limit of 'death'!

No matter how hard she tried and how hard she searched for her father's flaw, her intuition was still unable to move, as if she was under Artoria's holy spear, like a trapped animal in a cage!

"Why are you so strong? Why? Why! I've obviously caught up with you! I've obviously been able to surpass you!"

How could Mordred, who was summoned to the present world and whose consciousness was revived again, not review the decisive battle that cost his life in the dead of night?

How could she, who had learned from her failures and grown again, be defeated by her father so easily? !

Doesn't this mean that she has not surpassed her father at all? Everything she has done in the past and now is a huge joke!

His mind was ups and downs like an angry wave. Mordred's sword skills were completely messed up. He just used brute force to attack without hesitation. In front of Artoria, who had adapted to the 'monkey style', it only made her situation worse. To add insult to injury.

Maybe it's because I don't want to see Mordred continue to be crazy, or maybe it's because I have untied the knot in my heart and gained a different understanding after getting along with Mordred. Arturia, who had been silent since the beginning of the battle, finally spoke. Her voice was not emotionless, but calm, with some comfort:

"Because I have stepped off the sword fence, and you...have been left there forever."

Mordred did not notice the problem with Artoria's tone. She was breathing heavily, staring at the blurred figure in front of her with red eyes. Blood dripped from her forehead that was scratched by the gun wind, gradually soaking her vision. , but she didn't bother to wipe it, she just stared at the extremely dangerous holy spear that turned into a ball of light.

There seemed to be a sound coming from the distance. It was too far away to be heard clearly, but what happened at the same time was the slight pause of the light, but it was like the wrong note in a sonata or the damaged horseshoe during the charge. Dredd's intuition is acutely captured.


The moment he noticed this, the rebellious knight roared and took action, swiping his sword at an angle. Arturia did not expect Mordred to burst out at this time, and hurriedly raised his gun to resist, but in the close combat, the sword's The advantage was far superior to that of the spear. With the cold light flashing, the tail of the holy spear was hit by the tip of the sword. The violent tremor forced Artoria to let go. The strength she could not vent sent the holy spear flying high into the sky, crossing a perfect circle. After the parabola, it plunges straight into the ground not far away!

Although she didn't know why her father hesitated and there was a flaw, Mordred obviously would not let go of this only opportunity. She withdrew the king's sword and after a short period of charging, the girl poured her own strength and everything into it, and she Cutting down towards Artoria:

"Go to hell, King Arthur!"

The premonition of victory poured into Mordred's throat like poisonous wine, wandering in her internal organs, and a passionate joy sprouted - but the golden light of glory lit up from the hands of the Lion King, holding it firmly Mordred's powerful blow also shattered her unrealistic dreams.

"Ah, ah ah..."

Staring at the Sword of Victory that appeared in Artoria's hand, branded with undefeated glory, Mordred's eyes widened helplessly, and he could only squeeze out an empty moan from his throat, and he missed the victory. The sense of emptiness made her no longer able to hold the weapon in her hand. As Arturia shook her sword, the royal sword, stained with hatred and blood, fell to the ground with a clang, just like Mordred's broken faith.

"As I just said, you have died in Kamlan, and your growth has been buried with the sunset of that day."

Having learned from the past, Artoria simply put the holy sword on Xiao Mo's neck this time to prevent her from suddenly snapping and biting: "But I am different. After the battle that year, I went to Avalon. I have spent thousands of years with Merlin... During these thousands of years, even if I move a little bit, I am surpassing my past self every day."

Seeing Mordred's defeated expression, Artoria pursed her lips and raised and lowered her left hand.

Perhaps during his lifetime, Mordred's abilities had reached the same level as hers, and even surpassed her as a prototype in some aspects (such as the continuation of the battle). However, the moment Mordred was pierced by the Holy Spear, lost her life, and sublimated into a heroic spirit, everything about her was fixed by the Hall of Valor.

No matter how many years have passed, no matter what era she exists in, her peak will be when she finally severely inflicts a heavy blow on King Arthur, and there will be no change - unless she can reverse human perception or have an opportunity to transcend the legend.

But Artoria is different. After letting go of her heart in the Fourth Holy Grail War, she did not choose to die. She is still alive, she is still growing, and she still has unlimited possibilities.

It had only been more than ten years since she was taught by Merlin and became king, but her swordsmanship was already invincible. King Arthur's posture galloping on the battlefield was hailed as 'a work of art carefully created by the god of war', and In the Court of Avalon, Arturia put aside government affairs and trivial matters, and concentrated on training herself - after spending a thousand times a hundred times, how terrible must her achievements be?

"The sense of oppression is far superior to all the enemies I have encountered before. It is on par with the feeling Karna gave me. No, it is even more dangerous."

This was Shuo Yue's evaluation after fighting against the current King of Dai Mao.

The wind and thunder stopped, and the sunset and dusk gradually faded away. Arturia, in her adult form, looked down at Mordred and suddenly fell silent.

I ran over here excitedly...what do you want to do?

They were chased, fought, and won. The next step is... to kill Mordred and send her back to the Throne of Heroes?

No, no, Shuo Yue said that he wanted to win over Mordred and let her join the blue camp...

"Just kill me."

"...Eh?" Artoria blinked, but her naivety did not make Mordred aware of the abnormality. At this time, the girl was in the midst of loss and sadness after the defeat.

With joy, he challenged his father again, but was defeated at an overwhelming disadvantage.

After all the words were said, she was not in her father's eyes, and her sword and gun never wavered because of her hatred.

Mordred couldn't help but think of Sighisoara's surprising glimpse. Now that he thought about it, the girl in the arms of the saint and calling her mother must be very happy, right?

Thinking about it now, she was really envious...envious of the child being held in the arms of someone with the same appearance as her father, and envious of Jeanne's gentle attitude towards her.

Although she knew it was impossible, she really wanted to be treated like this by her father. In that case, even death would be worth it.

But this is impossible. She and her father, Mordred and Artoria are destined to only fight and hate each other from now on.

Since we failed, let's end it all... And if, if we are still destined, let us appear in the future call and fight again, Father.

This is the closest I can get to you.

"Kill me coldly like you did at the sword fence. Father, this is my last prayer - go ahead, pick up the holy spear and pierce me. I promise not to leave, but to stand still." Stay where you are, waiting for your return."

Hatred, sorrow, despair...all kinds of emotions were withdrawn from Mordred. The beautiful rebellious knight closed his eyes and quietly waited for death to come.

Although I'm very sorry, Master, there's nothing we can do about it, right? What's more, we have only been together for a few days, so please forget me, forget me as a disloyal knight, my master...

In the dark silence, someone seemed to be caressing her cheek and awkwardly combing her unkempt blond hair. But when Mordred opened her eyes, she was shocked to find that there was no one in front of her, and even the holy spear that she shot away had disappeared along with its owner.

Only the wind, which has not changed for thousands of years, still brings her the same gentle feeling as before.


Although I wanted to make more changes, it was too late. My brain that had just finished the exam did not support me and continued to burn. It was almost smoking...

That's it, a single chapter of simple cooking, I hope you like it.

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