My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 476 Sun Wheel, New Moon that obeys death and action

Compared with Black who was extremely happy, Red in the courtyard seemed gloomy.

Especially Amakusa, who was in charge. Although he looked calm, the empress could feel the anxiety conveyed by his clenched fists.

Liberating the power of the red Berserker on this battlefield and letting Black reap the consequences - this plan was formulated by Amakusa. He carefully analyzed Black's lineup, Heroic Spirits and Noble Phantasms, and only chose this seemingly safe option. Risky action.

And his decision was almost a great success - Spartacus could not touch the courtyard of the sky, and could only rage incompetently on the battlefield, being restrained by several heroic spirits in succession, constantly losing his life, and was given the final blow by the Empress. After setting the fire, he has no choice but to self-destruct, and his self-destruction will cause an unimaginable blow to Black's defense line. Red can also use this to break into Black's hinterland and win the Great Holy Grail, which symbolizes victory...

But all of this was reversed by Black's Assassin.

Even if he couldn't see through Black Assassin's true name like Sakatsuki, how could Amakusa not recognize the Noble Phantasm she released?

"The independent Utopia (Avalon), King Arthur..."

The replica of the cloak projected by Shuoyue was lifted up in the shock wave, and Artoria's beautiful face was reflected in the image. While the red servants were marveling at King Arthur's identity and gender, they couldn't help but cast their eyes on those present. Another person, a girl whose real name was revealed in Sighisoara.

Red Saber, Mordred.

The rebellious knight, the culprit responsible for the destruction of Britain.

So how did such a beautiful beauty like King Arthur give birth to a son...a daughter? Could it be that Guinevere is a male? But in this case, Lancelot is...

Wow, I'm inexplicably excited.

Everyone is fond of gossip, especially the well-known legend of King Arthur. Even Karna raised his eyes slightly, curious about what kind of chaos the British noble circle could become in addition to the complicated relationships in his own family.


Lion Jie called in a low voice. Since he was also on the battlefield, he was also brought here by the Empress's indiscriminate teleportation. However, he did not feel at ease. The Empress' eyes that occasionally glanced at him were like sizing up a piece of bread, which made it clear that something was wrong. Have good intentions.

Not to mention that big bomb from Spartacus is approaching here.

Mordred did not respond to the Master's call. She silently stared at the familiar father in the picture, lost in thought for a long time.

Have you brought the holy spear, the holy sword, and the scabbard with you now?

If Artoria still held the scabbard, Mordred would not have launched a rebellion under any circumstances, and there must be a limit to seeking death.

So...she is destined to be unable to defeat her father in this Holy Grail War.

After realizing this, the girl's figure collapsed for a moment, but she quickly straightened her back and stared at Artoria's serious face with unyielding flames burning in her lion-like green eyes. .

When the holy sword was pressed against her throat, she was considered dead - it was just death, there was nothing to be afraid of! In comparison, she wanted to know why Artoria let her go!

The intuition seemed to have feedback. Although it was hazy, it inexplicably cheered up Mordred, as if there was some extremely precious answer hidden in her father's act of letting her go.

I must see my father again and ask her clearly!

"Ahem, I think now is not the time for small talk." The empress was speechless to these big-hearted heroes. The typical bastard Tian Tian didn't feel any pain. He relied on his ability to transform into a spiritual body to evade attacks. He didn't bother Spartan at all. Take X's self-destruction seriously.

She worked overtime day and night to build such a big thing. If it was gone on the day it was completed, she might as well jump off the courtyard first!

"Anyway, can anyone stop Spartacus' attack?"

After all, he was the leader of the red side, so he still had to give face, so the heroes of the red side looked at each other and were finally willing to communicate.

"Can't be saved." By Shakespeare.

"It's hopeless." By Atalanta.

"Wait to die." By Mordred.

"Hey, you guys!"

The three sets of qualities almost made the empress angry to death. She stared at these three guys with hatred, while Sabita and Xiao Mo also looked back with innocent eyes.

What, what kind of defense do you expect from a writer who is powerless/an archer who only knows how to tell stories/a swordsman whose precious phantom was stolen from his father’s treasury?

It’s better to believe that Mao eats three meals a day!

Before Semiramis was angry, Amakusa finally gathered his mood and looked at the other three servants: "What about you, what can you do?"

Shuo Yue shook her head decisively. Achilles hesitated for a moment and also expressed his helplessness: "Although I have a shield... it is more than enough to protect myself, but there is nothing I can do to protect such a large courtyard."

The hero disdained to lie, so everyone crossed out Shuo Yue and Achilles, and the last hope fell on the charity hero, Karna, the TOP 1 combat power on the red side.

Gala Ameng, save us!

Little Sun lived up to expectations and made a decision after pondering for a moment.

"As long as you can withstand Spartacus's attack, it's okay even if you don't have to defend yourself, right?"

"What you mean is—" Amakusa certainly knew what Karna meant, and he said in a deep voice, "Have you made up your mind?"

"This is the only way to protect this place."

Although everyone could not understand the riddle between the two, they also understood that Karna had taken over the problem, so they all breathed a sigh of relief and went to prepare according to Amakusa's instructions.

Only the empress and Shakespeare still stayed in the royal palace.

"Caster, while you and I are the only two people left now, I want to ask a question first."

"Ah, I also want to ask something clearly. So please ask me first, Your Majesty the Empress."

"What on earth are you planning?"

The empress maintained a coquettish smile, but stared at Shakespeare with cold emotion in her eyes, very much like a snake that had spotted its prey.

Then, Caster, who didn't even break out in a cold sweat when faced with such a look and just responded with an incomprehensible expression, also possessed extraordinary courage. Although he had no weapons or even magic, he still encouraged the three of them. An impeccable tongue.

"It's nothing. As I said before, I just want to watch over Master...Shirou Kotomine's illusory and powerful dream."

Get the Holy Grail and save the world.

The best writers in history looked at the saints who tried to take on the evil in this world with eyes sharper than guns.

"Humph, you are indeed such a person, a storyteller. His dream is indeed as fragile and far away as glass crafts. There are countless hardships and obstacles on the road, and even whether he can overcome these hardships is unknown. But - —Suppose our Master overcomes all the hardships and finally reaches his goal..."

That can only be called a miracle. The dream Amakusa told them was a topic that ordinary people would laugh at as funny, and only abnormal people would discuss it seriously.

"The role you played will no longer exist in this world."

"This is not just me, but you, no, all the heroic spirits are the same!"

However, the empress shook her head and rejected Shakespeare's words.

"I'm different. I have my own role. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to agree with his plan."

"I see, that's what happened! Well, yes, once the Master's dream comes true, there will be no need to write stories in this world. But - the process of developing to that situation is an outstanding story. That is simply It is an unprecedented and unprecedented masterpiece that cannot be achieved even if countless typewriters are assigned to countless monkeys! If I can write such a work, I will naturally have no regrets.”

"…Sounds reasonable."

Perhaps because Shakespeare's expressiveness was too strong, Semiramis suddenly raised her slender brows, but still did not change her puzzled expression. In fact, her suspicions stem from the incident when Shakespeare let Berserker Spartacus go.

If Amakusa's plan goes smoothly, this man might deliberately create some suffering... No, or he has already started to prepare.

"Assassin, how are the conditions of those masters?"

The Master's words were transmitted along the line of cause and effect, and Semiramis immediately gave a reply: "If nothing unexpected happens, we can regain control of them tonight."

Although for unknown reasons, a master suddenly broke free from the poison's control, Semiramis was the empress after all, and it only took more than a day to take control of the situation - from the accident to the present, the red side's servants But they were all kept in the dark.

However, is everything really as the empress wants?

The creeping least lurks among the kings. Certain entities in the realm of absolute control of the empress do not think so. After Semiramis responded, she seemed to have received the same instructions and headed towards a certain Wandering away in the direction.

"Are you here, Shuo Yue? I can feel your presence."

The empress suddenly spoke. After a moment of silence in the huge king room, the light and shadow in the corner flowed. The assassin took off Hades' cloak and calmly looked at Semiramis who was at the top:

"What's up?"

"I know you hide a lot of secrets, but the current situation does not allow you to pretend." The empress knocked on the back of the chair and said thoughtfully, "When the impact of Spartacus is over, I need you to do one thing... …”

While Shuo Yue and the Empress were conspiring among the kings, Karna had already reached the front of the courtyard - as if he was close to the sun. The heat of destruction dried up the streams in the courtyard, and even the flowers and plants were visible to the naked eye. Speed ​​is withering.

The sun disk armor offset most of the impact, but it still blew up Karna's white hair. He looked at the deformed flesh coming towards them bit by bit, almost on the verge of breaking out. His eyes were dull, without sadness or sadness. happiness.

Even the great hero Karna did not hold a gun from the beginning.

He originally drove a chariot, drew a bow and shot arrows - winning people's admiration as a warrior with characteristics of both Archer and Rider. Of course, this doesn't mean he doesn't know how to use guns and swords.

So, why was Karna summoned to the rank of Lancer?

... Before the final battle with the five Pandava brothers, that is, with Arjuna, a Brahmin monk visited Karna, who had become the commander-in-chief of the Duryodhana army at that time.

Then the monk asked Karna for the golden armor while he was bathing.

There is no need for monks to use gold armor. However, while taking a bath, Karna had already made a vow that whatever the monk wanted, he would definitely give it to him.

Knowing this oath, the great god Indra, who incarnated as a Brahmin monk, asked Karna for a golden armor. After all, the five Pandavas were essentially his sons. Indra, who was very aware of Karna's power, did not want to see Arjuna die by his hands.

As a result, the hero Karna, who also knew all this beforehand, immediately peeled off the golden armor fused to his body and gave it to Indra.

Indra witnessed his noble actions and couldn't help feeling deeply ashamed of his actions, so he dedicated a gun to him.

At the cost of the golden armor, Karna received the strongest spear that is said to be capable of killing even gods.

It is precisely because of his possession of this gun that Karna is considered the strongest spearman in this war.

And now, now that gun is finally going to reveal its true colors.


Achilles, who was watching out of curiosity, was horrified. Not far away, Atalanta and Mordred also had their hairs on their hair and raised their heads in disbelief.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, the 'Eternal Blade' disappeared. At the same time, Karna's immortal body - the armor like the golden sun wheel peeled off the emaciated man one by one.

Blood seeped out from inside, and the pain he suffered could be vaguely seen from Karna's expression. However, what attracted everyone's attention more than that was the gun in his hand that looked brand new.

The divine and gorgeous appearance makes people feel that the top-level Noble Phantasm "Blade of Immortality" he just used is like a toy.

I am afraid that only by forging it with roaring thunder and tempering it with thousands of divine powers can it be possible to create such a divine object - the majesty of that gun will naturally make people sigh like this.

"The god-killing spear obtained at the cost of the golden armor..." At some point, Shuo Yue was already standing next to Atalanta. He stared intently at Karna holding the divine spear, without concealing the emotion in his tone. Envy and fighting spirit, "This is the reason why Karna strives to reach the top, and it is his most powerful weapon."

Flames dancing like red lotuses lit up Shuo Yue's eyes. He looked at Karna, who was wrapped in flames and looked like a god. He couldn't help but lick his dry lips. The golden orb on his chest beat with electricity unwilling to be outdone. mango.

As a warrior, who wouldn't want to fight Karna, who has the strongest spear?

But as Assassin, he is first a strategist who does whatever it takes to win, and then a warrior who advocates struggle.

So - although it is regrettable, please use this meaningless shot, Karna.

Sacrifice for Lan Fang's righteousness, give up your immortality for my victory.

If there is a chance in the future, I will put down everything and enjoy your supreme blow——

Under Shuo Yue's gaze, Surya's son, the hero of alms, finally took a step forward and spoke the true name of the Noble Phantasm:

"Understand the mercy of the King of Gods."

"Destruction, stab here."

"Indra, watch carefully."

The supreme treasure that transcends the limits blooms with splendid brilliance here!

"Complete burning - O Sundisk, submit to death (Vasavishakti)!"

As Karna stepped forward and stabbed out the divine spear, two huge energies collided, and the space was like a crazy storm. It could be felt even from a distance. Facing the red Berserker's life-threatening blow, Karna But it has an overwhelming advantage. Even though the gladiator devoted his life to resistance, his light could not touch the noble red Lancer.

Feeling unwilling? But this is a natural right that a hero has. They are desperately trying to survive and etching their names in history. Whether it is the power granted by God or the power gained through practice, their trajectory cannot be imitated by anyone, and cannot be surpassed by anyone.

Therefore, at the cost of Karna giving up his golden armor, the crisis on the red side was resolved!

"That means it's my turn, right?"

Shuo Yue muttered, recalling the conversation between the empress and him, and also stepped forward, looking past Karna towards the distant Black base.

The Romanian Fortress is like a dormant beast, warily looking at the black robe above the courtyard.

Shuo Yue, on the other hand, closed her eyes under the doubtful gazes of others.

The electric bead on the chest absorbed the magic left behind after the counter-wave, and converted it into Shuo Yue's possession. The assassin closed his eyes and recalled the long-lost records obtained by connecting with the main body.

Then, a pixel-like light group appeared in his hand, and the projection unfolded——

Casting begins!

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